
Ascension or journey from world to world

The cover I used does not belong to me. I found it on the Internet, and it belongs to the corresponding person. Also, all the works that I use in this fanfiction do not belong to me, and in no case do I pretend to be. This is just fan-made literature written for fun. English is not my native language. This story is about a young man and his travels to different worlds. Dying in his native world, a young man meets a god who fulfilled 5 of his wishes. What will be next? This we will find out later. I can say that I have plot ideas. Let us begin this journey.

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87 Chs

Diary with a soul and Basilisk

Waking up the next morning, Daphne found Ray's face in front of her, which looked into her eyes.  She also felt Bella snuggle against her back.

Leaning a little forward, Ray kissed Daphne on the forehead and asked: "Are you feeling better?"

Daphne buried herself in his chest and said: "Yes, after I told you everything. I felt lightly, as if all the problems that pressed me disappeared."

"It's good that you feel better. Bella and I were worried about you," Ray said patting her head.

"Yes, Daphne. We are not used to your tears. Next time, let it be tears of happiness."  Bella said softly.

"Mmm," Daphne confirmed.


The time was approaching for the first Quidditch match.  Gryffindor vs Slytherin.

Ray, along with the girls, decided to watch the match and support his team.

In fact, Ray wanted to see the ball chasing Harry Potter and breaking his arm.

Saturday . The day turned out to be overcast and heavy, and a thunderstorm was about to break out.  By noon, the whole school gathered at the stadium.

Ray, Bella, and Daphne sat with the other Slytherin students.

The match began, at the beginning of the game went as usual.  Slytherin played dirty, the main victory. Malfoy, the new catcher, flew well, but he was too distracted by Potter.

It started to rain, it became more difficult for the players.  Bludger began to chase Harry.

Gryffindor decided to take a timeout.  They could not understand what was happening, why this ball was chasing Potter and who had cast a spell on him.  Of course, the first suspicions fell on the Slytherin team.

There was a whistle from Madame Hooch.

The rain intensified.  At the whistle of the judge, Harry soared into the sky and immediately heard a blacer whistling through the air behind him.  Harry rose higher and higher, threw himself with a stone, looped, entered into a tailspin, took off in a zigzag, described turns.

"Interestingly, he is not sick of all these maneuvers."  said Bella.

"Stupid game."  Daphne simply answered.

"Quidditch is a sport where victory depends on one player, in this case, a catcher. This is absolutely not a team game, one person catching a snitch earns a huge amount of points and ends the match." Said Ray.

"Let's watch the game. I bet 10 galleons that this ball will hit Potter in 5 minutes,and throw him off the broom." Bella said.

"Accept." Daphne replied.

Ray looked at Daphne, bewildered: "I didn't know that you like gambling."

"Well, we must somehow have fun," Daphne said, looking away.

While Ray and Daphne were talking, the ball still caught up with Potter and broke his arm.

"Haaaa, a little more!" Cried Bella.

What earned questioning looks from all viewers.

"Are you sure you are watching the Quidditch match, not gladiatorial fights?"  asked Daphne.

Bella did not answer, but there was a slight reddening on her cheeks.

Meanwhile, Malfoy and Potter tried to catch the Snitch.

Harry released the broom and, reaching for his healthy hand, grabbed the snitch.  Squeezing the broom only with his knees, he began to fall rapidly. The audience gasped in fright.

Harry fell into the mud, a broken arm bent unnaturally, and the broom rolled away.  In the stands they whistled and screamed.

Daphne extended an open hand towards Bella.

She silently put 10 gold coins in her outstretched hand.

A crowd gathered around Harry.  Lockhart began to wade through the crowd shouting: "Get out, I will give him first aid. Once I saved one wizard's hand when he was attacked by a hippogryph."

Ray watched Harry's eyes widen in fear.  And he tried to distance himself from Lockhart.

"Lie down."  carefully advised Lockhart, "Now I will cast a spell. Don't be afraid, I'm not the first time."

"I'd better go to the hospital."  whispered Harry.

"Get away."  asked Lockhart, rolling up his green sleeves.

"Maybe not ..." Harry asked.

But do you stop Lockhart!  He twirled his wand and pointed it straight at his broken arm.  Harry stopped feeling pain because Lockhart removed all the bones from his hand.

"Mm. Well, nothing."  Lockhart did not lose his presence of mind.

"It happens. But there's no turning point anymore! And that's the main thing. Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, see him through, please, and then Madame Pomfrey ... will bring him in order."  said Lockhart and began to run away.

Students began to laugh at this whole situation.


While Harry Potter restored bones.  There was an attack on a student. Colin Creevey was found paralyzed near the hospital wing.  He had a camera in his hands. The chamber of secret is really open again.


The next morning, Ray heard news of the attack, but he did not care.  Bella and Ray were now discussing Daphne's training plan in the Forbidden Forest.

"So Daphne, you learned a lot of new spells and learned to fight. Now you need real experience. Ray suggested hunting acromantulas in the <forbidden forest>. You can also collect 10-20 of their cubs, we can breed them for silk. It is very useful  in the household. " said Bella.

"But besides the acromantulas, there are many other dark creatures. Are you sure I can handle it?" Daphne asked uncertainly.

"You can handle it easily, just as other species don't live near their nest. And don't forget, we'll be there." Ray replied

" * Sigh * Okay, I'll do it."


Toward night, they left the castle grounds.  Thanks to the map Ray created, they did not meet anyone.

They followed the spiders who fled from the castle.  Ray knew that spiders would flee into the lair of the acramantulas.

In a dark forest, where absolutely nothing is visible, and light from stars and the moon does not break through the branches of tall trees.  Stepping over roots sticking out of the ground. And going around the various bushes, Ray and Bella walked, holding Daphne by the arms from two sides.

There was a terrible silence.  But they were not afraid. Bella and Daphne knew that Ray would protect them.  It was not just confidence, it was trust.

They began to hear various sounds.  And the shadows moved between the trees, Ray and Bella saw the silhouettes of spiders.  Daphne tightened her grip on Ray and Bella.

The trio listened.  Somewhere to the right of them something enormous was breaking branches, as if making a path for itself.

"We are close, get ready. Daphne, as soon as we notice the goals, I will create light sources. So you can fight more confidently, but be careful and watch your feet. We are not at the training ground, it will be a battle in real conditions with  its landscape. " warned Ray.

"The main thing is not to lose concentration and keep your mind cool. Emotions are not a thing you need in battle, emotions are the cause of mistakes that can lead to death. Occlumency will help you. Also, do not forget to use only the most active spells." Bella parted.

Daphne's face was cold, her eyes burned with a blue flame of determination and strength.  She will not let you down and show what she learned.

Stepping into a small clearing, Ray shouted: "Get ready!".

Raising his right hand into the sky, he used * lumos tria maxima * sending lights of light over their heads.

When the clearing was lit, they saw that they were surrounded.

Spiders.  More than a hundred spiders.  But not the kids who fled from the castle in a continuous stream.  Spiders - the size of a horse, eight-eyed, eight legs, black, shaggy, giant!

"Pinky, collect 10-20 cubs and arrange for them a nest on the island next to the castle. But do not forget to put up barriers so that they do not run away," Ray shouted, and an elf quickly appeared in front of him, bowing and began to obey the order.

Using a fire barrier around himself and Bella, Ray said, "Daphne, you can start.

Daphne began to wave her wand and draw patterns, as she was not used to using spells without a wand.

A wave of cold fog began to form at her feet and creep into the clearing.

* Klats klats klats *

Clicking their mandibles about 10 spiders ran towards Daphne.  She swung her wand sharply up and ice spears piercing spiders began to burst from the fog.

* Screeching * * sound of torn flesh *

Seeing what happened to their relatives, the remaining spiders began to flee to Daphne.

Immediately, she began to create many ice needles.

Dozens of 10-inch needles began to appear.

Pointing the wand toward the approaching spiders, she sent all the needles that showered the spiders in the rain.

Spinning around its axis, a blue haze followed Daphne's wand.  The temperature dropped to 0 ° C.

Inhaling this smoke, the spiders began to slow down.

Daphne began to use the * sectumsempra * spell and cut acromantulas.

She did not notice how one of the spiders jumped on top of her, from one of the trees.  Sensing a threat, not panicking, Daphne made a roll and waved her wand up, causing a massive ice spike from the ground in its original place.  The spider could not do anything and planted itself on a thorn.

Ray and Bella watched everything from the side.  Around Daphne, the once empty meadow was filled with the corpses of acromantulas.  But not a single drop of their green blood stained her training outfit.

"When she completely abandons the wand and can combine her ice spells with the epee technique. She will have no equal opponents in this world. And the truth is the Ice Queen."  said Ray.

Bella pretty nodded her head: "Of course, my sister is very strong."

Acromantulas, realizing that they could not cope with their enemy, began to run away into the forest and hide in its darkness.

Daphne, seeing this, did not pursue them, but remained vigilant.  Seeing that everything was in order, she relaxed and went towards Ray and Bella, restoring her breath as she walked.

"Haf haf haff, well, how did I manage." Asked the tired Daphne.

Ray went up to her and wiped the sweat from her forehead with a handkerchief, straightening a lock of hair. : "You were great, my Daphne."

Bella jumped and hugged Daphne: "You did a good job, well done."

Daphne smiled happily, listening to praise from people dear to her heart.

Bella began to pull her hand and say: "Now it's time to take a bath!"

Bella really loved the hot springs.  And tried almost every day to bask in warm water.  Of course there was no Onsen in their bathroom at Hogwarts, but there was a large bath.

Daphne allowed herself to act, just smiling.

Ray watched it all and was happy.

Returning to their bedroom, they all took a bath and went to bed in the same bed.  Bella took Ray's right shoulder, and Daphne left. Hugging them around the waist and kissing, they fell into a dream.

After Daphne revealed her story.  The next evening, while taking a bath, Bella saw the mark at her and explained what it meant.  Daphne was shocked when she heard about everything that Bella had told her.

She immediately asked Ray to mark her as his second wife, and turn her into a dragon.  Ray certainly noted her, but asked to wait until the summer before turning her into a dragon and transferring some knowledge and skills like regeneration.

Daphne was happy that Ray had not given up on her and that evening they shared their first kiss.

Regarding the fact that it will not be the only one.  She did not mind sharing Ray with Bella and possibly Astoria.  In addition, Bella told her about how the tattoo works. After learning about all this, Daphne became calmer with the advent of new sisters.  She simply did not want to have girls in their families who were not suitable for them, and who could hurt Ray.


Waking up the next morning, Ray felt a breath on his neck, turning his head slightly, he saw Daphne's sleeping and pacified face.

Her hair was loose and flowed onto the bed like a waterfall, thereby creating a beautiful sight.

Looking at the right side, Ray saw that Bella was sleeping peacefully on his shoulder.

Inhaling the air filled with the smell of his wives, Ray smiled happily.

Daphne opened her eyes and kissed her husband on the neck saying: "Good morning, dear."

Ray answered with a light kiss on the lips: "Good morning"

Following Bella woke up and wished them good morning, giving a kiss to Ray.

This day they spent relaxing and just relaxing.

While Hogwarts was shrouded in fear.  In the bedroom of the Peverell family there was coziness, warmth and comfort.


By Monday, the news that someone had attacked Colin Creevey and he was petrified in the hospital, circled the whole school.  The most incredible rumors were sent, one worse than the other. Freshmen were afraid to walk alone, waiting for attacks.

Secretly from teachers, trade in talismans, amulets and other useless things began.

In the second week of December, Professor McGonagall compiled a list of people wishing to stay at school for Christmas.  Ray and Bella decided to stay, while Daphne headed home to tell Astoria the good news.

During the potions lesson, the golden trio made a stir so that Hermione could steal the ingredients for the potion.

Seeing something flying from Harry Potter into Goyle's cauldron.  Ray created a shield and protected the students who were nearby.

There was an explosion.  Goyle's brew sprinkled the whole class.  The students screamed. Malfoy flooded his face, and his nose began to inflate like a balloon.  Goyle poked in all directions, covered his eyes with his palms, which grew the size of a plate. Snape tried to calm the class, to understand what had happened.  Hermione meanwhile ran into the pantry with potion ingredients.

"Silence! Silence!" Shouted Snape.

"Victims, come to me." Snape called, giving first aid to the injured students.

"When I find out who did this ... the culprit may say goodbye to the school."  said Snape staring into Harry Potter's eyes, most likely using legilimency.

The bell rang and everyone immediately ran out of class.  Granger completed her mission.

Ray sighed over their stupidity: "These idiots really believe that no one will notice the missing ingredients for the Polyjuice potion? I would, in their place, order the ingredients from the store on Diagon Alley."

"They are still children, and they were not raised as children of purebred families. Therefore, they do not know how to make thoughtful plans." Bella shook his head.

"Anyone who believes that Malfoy is Slytherin's heir and is really not capable of creating complex plans."  said Daphne.


A week later, in the Great Hall, Ray, Bella and Daphne saw a bunch of students reading regular parchment at the bulletin board.

Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas waved their hands, calling everyone to the board.

"The Duel Club is opening! Brilliant!"  exclaimed Seamus.

"What do you think?"  asked Bella from Ray and Daphne.

"We don't have to go, but I want to see."  said Ray

"* Nod * Nnn, I wonder what other students are capable of," said Daphne.

At eight o'clock in the evening, all three entered the Great Hall.  Dining tables were cleaned, candles were burning under a velvet-black ceiling, and a golden stage was erected along one wall.  Almost the whole school gathered, everyone had a magic wand in their hands, and their faces were excited.

Slytherin students, seeing Ray enter, immediately surrounded him.

"Ray, who do you think will teach dueling?"  asked a 6th year student. Ray asked them not to contact him <My Lord> outside the Slytherin dormitories.

Everyone turned their attention and waited for Ray's answer, even students from other houses.

"If I chose a curator for the <Duel Club>, they would be Filius Flitwick. He was the Champion in wand dueling. But you need to remember who runs the DADA."  Ray answered.

"Just not him! No, no, no," some Slytherin students began.

And at that moment, Gilderoy Lockhart stepped into the dueling ground in a magnificent lilac robe, accompanied by Snape in black everyday attire.  Lockhart waved his hand, demanding silence.

"Come closer! More! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear? Fine!"

Professor Dumbledore approved my proposal to create a duel club at school.  When you visit a club, you will learn how to protect yourself if circumstances suddenly require.  And my life experience suggests that such circumstances are not uncommon. Read about it in my books.  Professor Snape will assist me, "Lockhart said smiling.

"He knows a little about duels, as he himself says, and kindly agreed to help me. Now we will show you how duelists fight on magic wands. Oh, don't worry, my young friends, I will return the potions professor safe and sound."  Lockhart said.

"I hope Snape's hand flutters and he accidentally uses * reducto * directly to Lockhart's head."  Bella said with a smile, forcing some students to step back in fear.

"How cruel you are, Bella."  said Daphne with a similar smile.

Ray simply smiled, thinking: [My girls have found amusement, that's good.  While they are happy, nothing matters.]

The duelists turned to each other, depicted a greeting: Lockhart curtsied, Snape nodded irritably.

In the manner of epee raised magic wands.

"Notice how you hold the wands in that position."  explained Lockhart to the silent students.

"Spells are cast at the count of three. There will be no murder, of course."

"One…. two... Three… "

The wands flew up, and Snape exclaimed: * Expelliarmus! *

Dazzlingly bright lightning flashed, Lockhart was thrown to the wall, he moved down it and fell flat on the floor.

Some students giggled.

Lockhart somehow got to his feet.

"Great move!" He said.

"Professor Snape applied the Disarmament spell, and, as you see, I lost my weapon. Thank you, Miss Brown! Without a wand, I'm without arms. Bravo, Professor Snape, bravo! Forgive me, it would be easy to unravel your plan and  repel the blow. But it's very useful for the students to see ... "

Snape turned green with anger, and Lockhart hastened to add: "The demonstration part is over. We will proceed directly to the training session. I will now split you into pairs. Professor Snape, kindly help me."

Ray, Bella and Daphne stood apart.  When Lockhart wanted to tell them something, Daphne simply did not look at him with her cold gaze, as if saying: "You will say a word and die."

After 5 minutes, all students were paired.  Ray began to look at Malfoy and Potter.

Harry and Draco nodded, not taking their eyes off each other.

"Wands at the ready! At the expense of" three "try to disarm the enemy. Only disarm, no violence. One ... two ... three!"

Harry brought his wand, but Draco got ahead of him, starting the fight at the expense of two.  He staggered, but stood on his feet and, pointing his wand at Malfoy, shouted: "* Riktusempra * Silver lightning struck Malfoy in the stomach, he hiccuped loudly and twisted.

"I said no violence!"  Lockhart screamed in fright, seeing Malfoy settles on the floor.

"Harry sent a tickle to Malfoy, and he began to writhe from an indomitable laugh. Lying do not beat, flickered in Harry's head, and he lowered his wand. Malfoy, taking a breath, took advantage of this and sent the wand to Harry's legs.

* Tarantallegra * he exclaimed.

And Harry began to dance.

"Stop! Stop now!" Lockhart shouted unsuccessfully.

And Snape intervened, casting the appropriate spell.

* Finite incantatem! * He ordered.  And Harry's legs stopped their dance, and the crimson Malfoy stopped dying of laughter.

Ray, Bella and Daphne watched all this chaos.

"Look, the true reincarnation of the Morgana La Fey!" Said Bella, pointing at the fighting melee Hermione and Millicent.

Daphne just smiled cheerfully.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Lockhart ran from one duel to another.

"Get up, McMillan! Be careful, Miss Fawcett! Hold it tight, Booth, and the blood will stop ... It's better to start with protection." He looked bewildered at Snape, but, seeing the steel gleam in his eyes, he managed to control himself and said in a firm voice:

"I invite two volunteers. Longbottom, Finch-Fletchley, would you like to try?"

"Bad idea, Professor Lockhart." * Snape approached, looking in his black mantle like a huge, sinister bat.

"I would suggest Malfoy and Potter."  Snape slyly grinned.

"That's great!"  Lockhart waved Draco and Harry into the center of the room.  The crowd parted.

Lockhart tried to explain to Harry how to use a protective spell, but eventually dropped his wand.

Meanwhile, Snape was whispering something in his ear to his godson.

"Three, two, one!"  counted Lockhart.

Malfoy instantly waved his wand and shouted: * Serpensortia!  *

There was a sound like a shot.  A long black snake flew out of Malfoy's wand and plopped to the floor.  The audience in front drew back in horror. Someone screamed heart-rendingly.

"Stand still, Potter."  Snape said with mock good-naturedness, enjoying Harry's confusion.

"I'll clean it now."

"No, let me do it!" Lockhart intervened and pointed his wand at the snake.  But the snake did not disappear, it soared into the air and flopped to the floor again.  Hissed, slipped to Justin Finch-Fletchley, raised on its tail and gaped its mouth, preparing for the throw.  And then something strange happened.

Harry Potter ran to the snake and began to hiss at her.  The snake calmed down and curled into a ring.

There was horror in the eyes of many students, Justin ran away from the audience.  A whisper was heard from all sides.

Ray raised his wand and pointed not to the snake: * evanesco *

"A very useful talent, Potter. But you were born in the wrong country to use it. Wizards of magical Britain have too many prejudices. If you lived in India or China, you would gain respect."  a cold voice sounded throughout the room creating silence.

"What do you mean ?"  asked Hermione, as Harry was still shocked by the fear in the eyes of the other students.

"The fact is that in magical Britain, the Parseltongue is a dark talent. It became so because of Salazar Slytherin and Voldemort. As you guessed, they both owned it. And as for India and China, this talent is considered a blessing  "And the most powerful healers are Parselmouth , of course this is not considering the Black Healers, who are no longer there, or they live as hermits," said Ray.

Everyone flinched when they heard Ray utter the name of One-Who-Can-Not-Be-Named.  But they listened very carefully to the new information that Ray provided them, and already forgot about Harry Potter.

"Excuse me, Mr. Peverell, and who are the Black Healers?" Asked the girl from Hufflepuff Susan Bones.

Ray looked into her eyes and answered: "About 4 centuries ago, when there were a lot of powerful wizards, there were wizards who succeeded in certain areas of magic. Necromancy, Alchemy, Maleficism or Blood Magic in general. When one person became a master in all  of these sciences, he received the title from magic itself, "Black Healer." There were very few of them, but they could heal absolutely everything, even create a new body. Of course, removing the family curses also falls into this category, but they could also curse. Therefore, they were respected very much and never insulted. The last known <Black Healer> was Ignotus Peverell. "

* Sigh * a loud sigh was heard from all sides, this information was amazing, even Snape listened attentively.  This was not written in textbooks.

Hermione wanted to ask more questions, but Ray clapped his hands and said: "* clap * At this point I am completing this short history lesson, you can diverge."

After this, Ray, Daphne and Bella left the Duel Hall.

The assembled students stood still for about 10 minutes and pondered, after which they parted.


Days passed.  The last lessons before the Christmas holidays began.  The students discussed Ray's words, but continued to call Harry the heir to Slytherin, and stayed away from him.

During one of the lessons, they heard Peeves cry: "Attack! Save!"

The crowd gathered in the place from which Peeves shouted.  There they saw a student of Hufflepuff lying on the floor and a flying paralyzed ghost.  Also at the crime scene was Harry Potter.

The professors carried the student and the ghost.

McGonagall grabbed Potter and led somewhere along the corridors, most likely into the director's office.

The crowd dispersed.  But now they were sure that it was Harry Potter who was the heir to Slytherin.


The double attack on Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly Headless Nick turned fears into a real panic.  The most surprising thing was that the school of reprisals with Nicklessly Headless Nick was especially excited about the school.  Everyone asked each other: from whom could a hand rise to a poor ghost, what terrible force was able to hit one who is already dead?  All tickets for the Hogwarts-London express train departing on Christmas Eve were instantly sold out: a mass exodus was expected from the school.


"Be careful, and don't look for the basilisk until I get back," said Daphne, hugging Ray and Bella.

"Don't worry, we won't visit the Chamber of Secrets until you are at school."  said Bella.

"Say hello to Astoria, do not forget to say that she will have a new home this summer. I hope she will be glad."  said Ray.

"Of course, she will be happy. Astoria has not yet seen how you look, but she has already decided what will be your wife. What do you think will happen when you meet?"  chuckled Daphne said.

"Heh and the truth."  Ray burst out laughing.

Bella: "Daphne, collect everything you want to pick up. Pinky will help you move things to Peverell Castle.

Daphne nodded and turned toward Ray: "See you after the holidays."  she said kissing him on the lips.

After that, she hugged Bella and kissed on the cheek: "I will prepare everything. And I will warn Astoria."


Hogwarts was empty.

The school left: the Weasley family, the golden trio and Malfoy with their trolls.

It was a little surprising that Malfoy decided to stay.  At this time of the year, purebred families organize receptions and various events.

The Golden Trio was ready to use the Polyjuice potion.


Ray and Bella sent their presents for Christmas.  This time they spent a lot of time on them.

Ray decided to give Astoria and Daphne combat outfits.

As a prototype for Astoria's outfit, he used Itsuki Kotori's astral dress from Date A Live.  He did not know why he made the choice of this particular outfit. But something told him that the main element of Astoria would be fire.

Bella and Ray put a lot of effort into creating it.  A huge amount of enchantments and runes was used.

The prototype for Daphne's outfit was Esdeath from the anime Akame ga Kill.  Ray could not help but imagine Daphne in this outfit. She would be great. Her clothes also had many charms.

But Ray was developing another outfit for Bella.  In secret from her.

The prototype for him was Sylvanas Windrunner.  He used the version where Sylvanas was in leather trousers with metal accents and an armored bra.  He also made it completely black.


"I asked Tinky to deliver gifts for Astoria and Daphne." Sitting on the sofa next to Ray, Bella said.

"I have a present for you too. You didn't think that I would not give you anything?"  said Ray smiling.

"Yeah, have you really decided to take my virginity. Right on this couch, on that very Christmas night." Bella said playfully on all fours.

Ray began to feel cramped in his pants.  Although he was only 12 years old, but thanks to his bloodline, he looked 14-15 and could already have sex.  The same was true for Bella.

"Are you sure? My dear Bella, I wanted your first time to be remembered for the rest of eternity." Ray asked.

Bella sat on his lap and grabbed his cheeks with her warm palms, after which she leaned her forehead against Ray.

"I want this, I want to be yours. This is my greatest desire. I love you more than anything in the world."  Bella said in a whisper.

Listening to her words, all the barriers holding Ray shattered into shards.

Embracing her by the waist, Ray began to kiss Bella passionately, starting to get up from the couch.

Bella answered the kiss and wrapped her arms around Ray's neck and legs around her waist.

Without breaking the kiss, he carried her to the bed.

Laying Bella, he began to gently kiss her whole face, descending lower and lower on the neck.  At the same time undressing her.

Bella helped Ray take off her clothes and moaned from time to time.


Clothing flew in all directions.  Bella and Ray were completely naked.

Turning Ray on his back, Bella sat on his waist, and then leaned over and kissed him.  This kiss carried all the feelings that she now felt. They felt each other much stronger because of the connection which they share.  It was an unforgettable feeling.

"I love you Ray. Thank you for appearing in my life."  shedding tears of happiness, Bella said.

"I also love you Isabella. Your appearance in my life was one of the greatest gifts. Thank you for everything."  wiping her tears, Ray said.

That night they were completely dedicated to each other.  The room was filled with the smells of bodies and love.

Throughout the night they made love, and only in the morning fell asleep.

When Ray robbed Bella of her virginity, the tattoo on her chest turned red.


Waking up the next morning, Ray saw Bella's smiling face.  Which leaned over and kissed him.

"Good morning, hubby," Bella said happily.

"Good morning, dear. Um, you know, my real present for you was the armor. I made it specially for you."  said Ray, pointing to the box in the corner of the room.

"Thank you. I'm very happy. Now you will have 3 battle maidens. "Bella said smiling, when she got up and went in a strange gait to take a bath.

Ray joined her in a couple of minutes.

Having taken a bath and relaxed a bit, they left in an hour.

"Do you want to try on?"  asked Ray.

Bella nodded and went to unwrap her present.

Reaching the armor, she smiled happily.  She liked the look. She began to slowly change her clothes when she saw Ray watching her.

Having changed clothes, Bella went to the mirror and began to check how the armor looked with her.  And she looked very cool.

Bella was like a real Queen of Shadows.  Only red eyes and white tips of hair were different in color.  Everything else was dark as night.

Ray walked up behind her and hugged her waist.

"You only need daggers or a bow. But don't worry, in the next world you will get the best weapons. And we will update this armor."

Bella turned her head and kissed Ray.

"I can't wait to experience it. The battle with Basilisk will be a good choice."

"Yes, it's good that we have Goblin daggers. If you didn't, you couldn't have damaged the basilisk's skin," said Ray.

"By the way, we will have guests from Gryffindor tonight. Would you like to catch them?" Ray asked.

"It will be fun."  Bella answered.


During the gala dinner, Ray saw Crabbe and Goyle pick up a bunch of cakes and get ready for the exit.

He knew that Ron and Harry would use their appearance.  Therefore, they decided to wait 20 minutes before returning to the Slytherin hostel.

After 20 minutes, Ray and Bella began to go to their dormitory.  Just before the entrance, Harry and Ron ran out to meet them.

"So what are the 2 Gryffindor students doing at the Slytherin dorm?" Ray asked.

"I, uh, we, this," tried to explain to the Weasley.

"I see that the Polyjuice potion has not only affected the look."  said Ray.

"You're Ray, right? May I ask you a question?" Asked Harry Potter.

Ray waved a hand toward the abandoned class inviting them to enter.

Entering the classroom, Harry and Ron looked apprehensively at Ray and Bella.  When they saw Bella pulling out her wand, they were about to attack her.

"No need to make extra movements, Bella will just cast the spell from listening."  said Ray in a calm tone.

They calmed down, but did not remove the wands.

When Bella cast a spell, Ray asked, "What does he want to ask, Boy-who-lived from a Slytherin student?"

Harry winced at this stupid title, but replied: "I want to know about the Chamber of Secrets."

"What are you doing, Harry, what if he is. Heir of Slytherin."  Ron spoke in a whisper, but he was perfectly audible.

"How did you decide that I would answer this question?" Ray asked inquiringly.

"Let's leave, he still won't answer."  began to call Ron.

Harry: "There, in the duel room, you told a lot that others do not know. I thought maybe you know about the Chamber of Secrets."

Ray: "I know about the Chamber of Secrets, but why should I share this knowledge with you? What is the benefit to me?"

Harry: "But the students are in danger, something needs to be done!" He shouted.

"And what can you do?" Ray asked coldly.

"I told you, he won't say anything. He is a snake like other Slytherins. A dark wizard."  said Ron.

When the * diffindo * spell flew past his ear and cut him a little.

"Oh, oh. My hand accidentally slipped. Perhaps next time it will slip toward the throat?" Bella said smiling.

Ron Weasley turned snow white.  And he went behind Harry Potter.

"Don't be afraid of the Weasley, my angel was just kidding." Ray said, looking at the pale Ron.

"Please tell us about the Chamber of Secrets." Asked Harry.

"I won't tell you everything, but I will give you hints: The Chamber of Secrets opened earlier. 50 years ago. When it was opened, a muggle-born girl died. If you want to know more, talk to your friend Hagrid. I won't tell you anything. Use your  brain." said Ray, heading for the exit.

"Something else. Slytherin's heir doesn't study at Slytherin." Ray said before leaving.

"What does all this mean?" Asked Ron, still pale.

"I don't know, but we'll talk to Hermione when she comes back and decide what to do next."  said Harry.

"One thing we know for sure. Slytherin's heir is not Malfoy, or someone from Slytherin."

"And do you believe in his words?" Said Ron.

"I believe. Dumbledore also said that Ray cannot be Slytherin's heir."  answered Harry.

"Well, since Dumbledore said that ..." said Ron.


"What do you think?" Asked Ray.

"Potter became a little calmer and doesn't act recklessly. He didn't even try to attack me when I cut the Weasley. And his condition is more stable, so the splinter of the soul does not affect him so much."  answered Bella.

"Truth. Our next meeting will be in the Chamber of Secrets. There we will receive our prize, Dumbledore's Phoenix. I hope that thanks to his abilities we can Apparate through the barriers. It is well known that the phoenixes have a little relationship with the law of space. Even if it's not  Phoenix God. " said Ray.

"Now we only need to wait for Daphne and tell her everything."  added Bella.


Vacations are over.  The students returned to Hogwarts.

Daphne thanked Ray for the gift and handed the letter from Astoria.

There were no more attacks.  Ray saw that Ginny Weasley's face was even paler, and his eyes were rushing from side to side, as if searching for something.

Ray told Daphne and Bella about this, and together they waited for the attack on Hermione and Penelope Crystal.


The time has come for the match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.  A time when there will be a complete attack.

Bella, Ray and Daphne trained in the <Requirement Room> when all this happened.

Leaving the room, they learned about the events that had taken place.


That evening, Slytherin students gathered in the living room when Severus Snape arrived to make an announcement:

"All students return to the living rooms of their houses until six in the evening and do not leave them anymore. You will be accompanied by a teacher for lessons. No one uses the toilet room without an escort. All matches and training are temporarily canceled. No movement in the evenings."

Ray had expected this, but that would not stop him from Daphne training.


After the attack was made on Hermione.  The students realized that Harry was not the heir of Slytherin.  Some even apologized to him.

Harry himself walked sad.  He probably understood how important Hermione was to him.  All the same, people always do this <You start to appreciate only when you lose>

Ray watched it all and his determination grew: [I will never let my girls be in that position.]


Days passed.

Dumbledore was removed.  And Hagrid was sent to Azkaban.

The time for the final exams was approaching.


Ray saw teachers seize fear.

He did not see Harry and Ron.  Pulling out the map, Ray turned his attention to the name points in the abandoned toilet on the third floor.  It was Harry and Ron. Near the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.

{Bella, Daphne.  They went to the Chamber of Secrets.} Ray mentally said.

The eyes of Daphne and Bella immediately became serious.

{Forward.} Said Bella.


Bella changed into her new armor.  Ray and Daphne stayed in school gowns.

Using * Desillumination * enchantment, they went to the Chamber of Secrets.

Along the way, they saw Ron Weasley trying to remove the blockage and Gilderoy Lockhart lying on the ground.

Using * Wings of the Night * they set off further.

They stopped in front of the dimly lit room.  The columns that were leaving upwards were entwined with stone snakes, they rose to the ceiling lost in the darkness and cast long black shadows through the strange greenish dusk.

Ray moved on, followed by Daphne and Bella.

In absolute silence, the footsteps of Ray and Daphne were heard.  Bella had charms against noise.

When they reached the end of the hall, they saw a giant statue of Salazar Slytherin.

{Why does he look like a bearded monkey?} Bella asked.

{Never mind, look, Potter is there.} Daphne said.

There really was Harry Potter, who checked the condition of Ginny Weasley.

In the shadow of the column, they saw a tall, black-haired young guy, about 17-18 years old.

Who walked towards Harry Potter and started talking about something.

After 5 minutes of conversation, they saw how he wrote fire in the air Tom Marvollo Reddle, then waved his wand and the letters put another name <I'm Lord Voldemort>

It was at that moment that the music came from somewhere. The music became louder.  She was creepy, otherworldly. When the sound reached a greater force, from the top of the nearest column scattered fiery spray in all directions. It was a bird, the size of like a swan . She had a sparkling golden tail, long, like a peacock, and shiny golden paws that clutched some kind of rag.  A second later, the bird flew up to Harry, dropped the burden at his feet, and she sank down on his shoulder, folding huge wings.

Looking at the package, one could see the wrapped distribution hat.

Ray decided this was the best time to exit.

He began to walk slowly, and everyone immediately drew attention to him.

"Who are you?" Asked Tom Riddle.

"Ray ?!"  Potter shouted.

"Run, take Ginny and run. This is the dark Lord. Faster!" Harry began to repeat.

Ray looking at the phoenix said: "I know, but this is not the Dark Lord, this is just his spirit."

Tom Riddle wanted to say something when his eyes widened in horror.

<Predator> Ray said coldly.

The shadows flew towards the Phoenix and began to swallow it.

* Screeee !!! * Phoenix shouted, flapping his wings, trying to get out.

Harry and Tom watched in horror as Dark Magic was going on.

Bella had already covered  hat and Ginny with a barrier so they wouldn't see anything.

10 seconds later, the phoenix disappeared.

{Phoenix successfully consumed.  Analysis will require 10 days. Abilities gained: improved fire, improved teleportation ability, blood received the properties of phoenix tears, regeneration received an update.}

[Jackpot.] Ray thought, smiling very happily.

Daphne and Bella also heard this.  And were pleased with the results.

Ray began to look on Harry.

"Harry Potter, take Ginny Weasley and go towards my wives. We'll talk with you later." Ray said.

Harry silently picked up Ginny and began to look for Ray's wives.  Finding them next to one column.

"Now you. Call the Basilisk. My wife wants to fight him." Ray said, looking coldly at Voldemort.

Tom Riddle looked at the Slytherin statue and began to hiss.

Slytherin's giant face set in motion.  Ray saw the stone mouth open, forming a black vent.  Something in his mouth moved, crawled out of the womb.  A monstrous snake more than 15 meters in length crawled out of Slytherin's mouth.

Ray heard a scream. "Don't look him in the eyes!"  . He immediately recognized Bella's voice.

But Ray did not listen and looked directly into the huge yellow eyes.  He felt a blow to his mental shields, but that's all, his shields perfectly withstood.

"So this is the strength of the Basilisk's eyes. He carries out a mental attack that breaks the connection between the soul and body, thereby causing instant death. Unless, of course, there is a necromancer who can return the soul to the body. If you do not look directly into the eyes, the basilisk's attack is simple  creates a cell for consciousness, as in the case of transformation into the form of an animagus. I see. Bella, you can start your battle.

Bella and Daphne seeing Ray look into the eyes of a basilisk incredibly scared for him.  Even knowing all his abilities, they didn't want to see him hurt.

Bella closed her eyes, inhaled and exhaled.  Completely entering a combat state.

Ray raised his hand and aimed at Tom Riddle using the * shackle * spell, raising his diary, he headed towards Daphne, Bella and Harry Potter with an unconscious Ginny in his arms.

Having created the dome, he went to Bella and kissed her forehead.

"Be careful if something goes wrong, I will immediately intervene."

Bella nodded and started walking toward the snake, removing two of her daggers as she went.

Harry Potter just looked at all this.  He was silent after he saw the death of the phoenix.

Ray saw his gaze and said: "I will explain everything to you. After Bella kills Basilisk."


Walking to the basilisk over Bella's body, lightning bolts began to run through.  Her face was not visible, the hood was swallowed by a dark haze, only her eyes began to glow red in this darkness.

Approaching a distance of 10 meters, Bella leaned forward and with the sound of * rumble * appeared near the snake's face, sticking a dagger into the eye.

*Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh * snaked snorting hiss loudly.

Bella tried to pierce the second eye, but the snake used the tail to protect.

Bouncing to the side, she used * lumos solem * in the remaining eye of Basilisk.

A beam of light hit the target and blinded the snake.  But he still felt Bella.

Covering the blades with lightning, Bella began to circle around the Basilisk, leaving small cuts all over her body.  Using feet at the same time, leaving glowing runes on the floor and in the air.

The basilisk was helpless; she was too quick for him.  The snake reaction did not help.

Ray proudly watched Bella, but when he saw the runes he began to worry.

"She wants to use her strongest technique." Ray said without taking his eyes off.

"What! But she is not ready. Her body will not be able to withstand the load." Daphne shouted, starting to go towards the battlefield.

Ray hugged Daphne, stopping.

"Don't, believe in her," Ray said in a whisper.

"But, but, but after all," Daphne didn't finish when she saw Ray's fists clenched in blood.  Clasping his arms with hers, she turned her head and whispered.

"She will do it; she is my sister."


Many runes shone around the Basilisk.

Bouncing off the blood-covered snake, Bella closed her eyes, and the lightning running through her body disappeared.

She removed one dagger, but the second began to be covered with lightning and became longer until the blade reached 1.5 meters.

Shadows began to cover her whole body, like a cloak.

Grabbing the dagger with both hands, Bella opened her eyes.

A cold voice sounded as if striking right into the soul.

"Dance of Shadows"

But nothing happened, it would seem everything was as before.

However, Bella was not looking at Basilisk, but in the direction of Ray's group.  Also, the dagger stopped emitting lightning.

How she changed her position so quickly, one could think for a very long time.

However, a moment later, the basilisk fell apart into 108 pieces.

Ray, Daphne and Harry opened their mouths wide upon seeing this.

But Ray did not have time for surprise.  He ran to Bella and began to catch her unconscious body.

"You did a good job, my love. I'm so proud of you." Ray whispered to her tightly, hugging her.

Seeing Bella's condition, Daphne immediately ran up and hugged her.

"Daphne, take her to our room and put her to bed. This technique takes too much effort. Her mind and body cannot process information so quickly. That's why she lost consciousness."

Daphne nodded and with the help of the house elf teleported from the chamber of secret.

Ray began to go to the basilisk.  Wearing a dragon leather glove, he pulled out 1 fang.

Picking up his fang, he began to walk toward the shocked Harry Potter.

Approaching, Ray stuck a fang in a black diary, watching how the ink poured out like blood.  The ghost of Tom Riddle began to fade.

After the disappearance of the ghost, Ginny Weasley came to her senses.  But Ray cast a sleep spell on her.

"It's time to talk. But before that, I want to take an oath from you. Swear on magic that you will not tell what happened today and that you will not know anyone from me today until I allow you. After all, you read about oaths and  traditions of purebreds, as I advised you. " said Ray.

"Yes, I did, in my first year. Wait, wait, how do you know that?" Asked Harry.

Ray just changed his face for a moment and brought him back.

"Johnny ?!"  Shouted to Harry.

"Yes, it's me, though Johnny's face and his name are not my real ones. I used them not to attract attention. Well, take an oath."  said Ray.

"I, Harry James Potter, swear by my magic. That everything happened today in the Chamber of Secrets. And what I learn from Ray Peverell. I will not tell anyone until I get permission. So be it!"  the magic spun taking an oath.

"First you need to know your legacy. At the moment, I can confidently say that you can accept the titles of Lord Potter, Lord Slytherin and Lord Black."  said Ray.

"How can I accept the title of Lord Slytherin and Lord Black?" Asked Harry.

"October 31, 1981, when the dark lord died, failing to kill you. Magic recognized this as your victory, thereby making you heir to Slytherin, which is why you can talk with snakes. As for the title of Lord Black. Your grandmother Dorea, nee Black  So is your godfather, Sirius Black.

Sirius is the last man able to accept the title of Lord Black.  But when you were born, he transferred this right to you. Because, Sirius cannot have children.  You need to go to the goblins and get a blood test. "

"There it is .." Harry said quietly.

"But why are you telling me this?"  he added.

"In the future, the Magical World will have problems. You will be one of those who will be the leader in this dark time. That's why I tell you all this so that you are ready. Do you know why Voldemort attacked your family?"  Ray said.

Harry, having heard about the family, immediately packed up and looked seriously: "Tell me, please."

"There was a prophecy that stated that a child born at the end of 7 months will defeat the Dark Lord. He will win with the help of a power that the Dark Lord will not know. Two children suited this prophecy: You and Neville Longbottom. That is why your family was attacked, and  Neville's parents were tortured and turned into vegetables. " Ray answered.

"Whatever, Neville ... so he is just like me ... did Dumbledore know about that !?"  Harry started screaming.

"Calm down. He knew ,that's why he gave you upbringing to your Muggle relatives. He was afraid of your strength. Dumbledore is a very powerful wizard who has seen the birth of two Dark Lords in his life. He did not want you to become a new dark lorr with your strength . That's why magical Britain needs you to replace Dumbledore. He does what he considers right. His feelings of justice and kindness are too distorted. If before he had the potential to lead the magical world into a new future, then after defeating Grindelwald  He lost it all. "

"Come to the hat and get the sword out of it. This is the Gryffindor sword. If you can extract it, you can claim the title of Lord Gryffindor. After that, pierce the head of the snake with this sword. You will tell Dumbledore that he defeated Basilisk with the help of the sword after  the phoenix wounded his eyes and was eaten by the Basilisk. Remember to bring along the diary. " said Ray.

Harry got up and walked toward the hat.  There he saw the hilt of a sword, which he grabbed.  Pulling out the handle, there was a sword in front of him.

"Okay, now I'll leave. Keep it all a secret and continue to grow. And congratulations, now you need to look for four wives."  said Ray dissolving in the air.

Harry just looked at the spot where Ray had been a second ago.  He had too many thoughts. But now it was necessary to get out and help Ginny.

"What did he say? WHAT? What are the four wives!!?" Cried Harry, just remembering the duties of the Lord.  But he still does not know that Ray plans to leave him the title of Lord Peverell.


Returning to the room, Ray saw Daphne and Bella sleeping.  Having undressed, he lay down between them and fell asleep.


In the hot sunny haze flashed the rest of the summer semester.  Hogwarts returned to his usual workdays.

Of course, Gryffindor got the school cup again.  The students began to look askance towards Dumbledore.

Ray, Bella, and Daphne didn't care.  They were preparing for a meeting with Astoria and Lord Greengrass.


At the Hogwarts Express Coupe.

Bella was lying on Daphne's lap while she stroked her hair.

"Daphne, how do you usually get home?"  asked Ray.

"Our house elf Alfred meets me. It is he who brings me back to the entrance to the Greengrass Manor."  Daphne answered.

"I hope Lord Greengrass will not be against uninvited guests." Ray said with a smile.

Merry Christmas !!! And Happy New Year!!!

This chapter is a little longer. ~ 9000 words.

I started writing a new ff. But I will not publish it at this time. I am writing it to distract myself from this and collect my thoughts.

However, I can say that there is OP mc in the world of DxD. And as we all know. DxD and serious fanfics are not compatible things. Because DxD is Oppai, the big harem, Oppai, Dragons, and I talked about Oppai?

See you in three days.

PerfyXcreators' thoughts