
Ascension of a fallen God

Once a powerful deity of Darkness and death, the protagonist finds himself stripped of his divine powers and trapped in human form, devoid of his memories, following a fierce battle with an enigmatic creature from another dimension. As an ordinary human with no recollection of his past, he leads an ordinary life until he awakens a mysterious system that unlocks his lost memories, coinciding with a painful breakup with his girlfriend. Embark on Nyx's journey of revenge as he strives to regain his former power and unravel the secrets of the alternate dimensions. With English not being my first language, I apologize for any grammatical errors and welcome your suggestions for improvement. Please note that this novel is entirely fictional and set in a world separate from Earth, so it is advisable not to apply real-world knowledge while immersing yourself in this fantastical story. Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and I hope you enjoy it.

jordi_tounou · Fantasy
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5 Chs


A/N : Edited Chapter

Nyx, now 23 years old, had been living a mundane life as a small store manager to support his mother, who had been struggling with illness for the past three years. Following Nurse Sarah's advice, he focused on building a new life for himself. Though he finished high school and attended college, he didn't complete his studies. Nyx chose to quit and help his mother with her expenses. Despite his efforts, he always felt like something was missing.

Standing at 6 feet tall (1.80m) with a lean but athletic build, Nyx possessed long black hair that fell in a messy fashion. His eyes, a piercing shade of blue, stood out against his pale skin.

Most of Nyx's free time was spent with his girlfriend, Ava, as they attempted to build a life together. They went on dates, watched movies, and bonded with each other's families. They had discussed their future, and Nyx believed they were happy.

On a beautiful day, Nyx and Ava sat in the park, basking in the warm sunshine. They had been dating for over a year, and things seemed to be going well, or so Nyx thought. Suddenly, Ava turned to Nyx, her eyes filled with worry, though her face remained serious.

"Nyx, we need to talk," she said.

A pit formed in Nyx's stomach, and he had a sinking feeling about what was coming. His heart pounded in his chest as he waited for her to continue.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore," Ava said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've met someone else. Someone who can provide everything you can't. I love you, but... I need to prioritize my own happiness. I'm sorry."

Nyx felt as though he had been punched in the gut. He stared at Ava, unable to comprehend the words escaping her mouth.

"How could you do this to me?" he asked, his voice barely audible.

Ava shrugged. "I'm truly sorry, Nyx, but I need someone who can support and take care of me."

"So I haven't been taking care of you? I gave you everything I could. I..." Tears welled up in Nyx's eyes. He realized he had been living in an illusion; Ava had never truly loved him. He stood up, his legs barely supporting him, turned, and walked away, not knowing his destination.

Ava watched as Nyx distanced himself, her gaze fixed on his retreating figure.

Nyx wandered through the streets, his heart shattered by betrayal and pain. Oblivious to his surroundings, he stumbled upon a dense forest. All he wanted was to escape from Ava and the life they had built. The sky above darkened suddenly, as if a giant hand had blocked out the sun. The wind howled mournfully, as if the souls of the dead were sympathizing with his broken heart. Trembling, he clutched his chest, feeling a searing pain that brought him to his knees. A howling scream escaped his lips as the agony overwhelmed him. Memories flooded back like a raging river. He remembered his life as the God of Darkness and Death, his kingdom, and his last battle. The being who had sent him through the giant portal emerged in his mind. When he opened his eyes, everything had changed. His aura, his gaze, even the air around him felt different.

"What happened to me after I went through that portal? I can't remember anything," Nyx questioned himself. Confused, he noticed something floating in front of him an ethereal, translucent screen displaying several lines of information.

[Welcome back, Master.]

[Name: Nyx Shadowalker


Job: None

Level: 1 (0/100)

Health: 100/100

Mana: 100/100

Strength: 10

Agility : 7

Intelligence : 13

Endurance : 6

Magic : 10

Luck : 5

Skills: None

Abilities: None

Quest: None Available

System points: 50

System features: 2

· Ability Tree

· #######]

"Master? What is this? It looks like a gaming panel," Nyx said, his voice filled with confusion.

"I am the system. I can't explain my origin to you now, as you're still too weak," the system responded.

Nyx frowned, trying to comprehend the situation. He decided to follow the system's advice and accessed the ability tree, feeling a sense of urgency.

The system displayed a list of abilities to unlock, and Nyx's attention was immediately drawn to "Darkness Manipulation." It was one of his powers when he was a God. The familiarity puzzled him, but he unlocked the ability anyway, using 50 of his available points. A new prompt appeared.

[Ability Unlocked!] Darkness Manipulation Level 1: The ability to control and manipulate the element of darkness, including creating and manipulating shadows. The scope of the ability depends on the user's knowledge, magic stat, and imagination. Activation requires 5 Mana points, but consumption may vary.

[Evolution requirements...]

Reading the description, Nyx couldn't help but feel even more bewildered. This ability was undeniably one he possessed as a God, but what perplexed him was the possibility of its evolution.

Lost in thought, Nyx suddenly heard a buzzing sound, accompanied by a gust of wind that grew stronger by the second. The space 20 meters away from him began to crack and distort.


A bright, multicolored portal materialized, hovering in the air.

"A gate portal," Nyx muttered in surprise. "Why would a gate appear here? Come to think of it, I never encountered gates in my previous life. What the hell is going on?"


As Nyx pondered, a notification chimed, and a new prompt materialized before him.

[New Quest: Enter and Conquer the E-Grade Dungeon: Goblin Nest.]


- Unlock Necromancy ability

- 10 System points

"I have to enter that gate and conquer it? Even with my memories as a God, I am still..." Nyx's voice trailed off as he noticed the question marks next to his race in the system panel. "Wait, if I'm neither human nor a God, then what am I? This only confuses me further."

He sighed, realizing that he needed to regain his powers and uncover the truth behind his current state. Determination filled his gaze.

"Regardless, I must reclaim my powers and find out what is truly happening," Nyx said resolutely. With newfound resolve, he stepped into the gate, ready to face the challenges ahead.