
Ascension of a fallen God

Once a powerful deity of Darkness and death, the protagonist finds himself stripped of his divine powers and trapped in human form, devoid of his memories, following a fierce battle with an enigmatic creature from another dimension. As an ordinary human with no recollection of his past, he leads an ordinary life until he awakens a mysterious system that unlocks his lost memories, coinciding with a painful breakup with his girlfriend. Embark on Nyx's journey of revenge as he strives to regain his former power and unravel the secrets of the alternate dimensions. With English not being my first language, I apologize for any grammatical errors and welcome your suggestions for improvement. Please note that this novel is entirely fictional and set in a world separate from Earth, so it is advisable not to apply real-world knowledge while immersing yourself in this fantastical story. Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and I hope you enjoy it.

jordi_tounou · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Goblin Nest

Nyx found himself in a deep cave after passing through the gate. The walls of the cave were illuminated by torchlight, casting long shadows and creating an eerie atmosphere. The cave stretched out expansively, with large stalactites hanging from the ceiling and a rocky path leading deeper into the heart of the goblin nest. The rough and jagged walls echoed with the sounds of shuffling and growls, amplifying the sinister ambiance.

Before venturing further into the cave, Nyx knew he needed to conceal himself. Despite recovering his memories, he couldn't underestimate the goblins lurking in the darkness as he was still weak. However, there was a problem, activating Darkness Manipulation to cloak himself would drain his mana over time, leaving him defenseless. Therefore, Nyx decided to use his power strategically. He channeled Darkness Manipulation, feeling the surge of familiar energy coursing through him. With precision, he extinguished the flames of every torch within sight, shrouding the surroundings in complete darkness. Though blind to others, Nyx retained his vision, a unique advantage as a darkness user.

Aware that goblins relied more on their sense of smell than sight, Nyx delved deeper into the cave. He cut his palm, allowing his blood to drip onto the ground. Soon, he heard the rapid approach of several footsteps and growls. "Shadow veil," he whispered, and the darkness responded, twisting and blending around him like a living entity.

Six goblins arrived at the spot where Nyx had stood moments before. Sniffing the air, they searched for any trace of an intruder but found only a small pool of blood on the floor. Nyx had seamlessly merged with the darkness, rendering himself invisible and undetectable to their senses. "Damn it, the mana consumption is higher than I thought. I need to finish this quickly," Nyx thought to himself.

With swift action, Nyx commanded, "Shadow Spears." Before the goblins could react, dark spears emerged from the ground, piercing each of their skulls. Their lifeless bodies collapsed heavily onto the cave floor.

Breathing heavily, Nyx felt the Shadow Veil deactivate as his mana reserves depleted. Thankfully, he had eliminated all the goblins in a single strike. Several notifications appeared before his eyes.

[You have killed a level 1 Goblin scout]

[You have killed a level 1 Goblin scout]

[You have killed a level 1 Goblin scout]


[You have leveled up]

[You have gained 3 SP]

[All your stats will gain 1 point with each level, except for health and mana, which will gain 10 points each.]

[Upon leveling up, all wounds, except for lost body parts, will be healed and all mana will be recovered]

Nyx opened his status window to review the changes that had occurred:

[Name: Nyx Shadowalker

Race: ???

Job: None

Level: 2 (20/150)

Health: 110/110

Mana: 110/110

Strength: 11

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 14

Endurance: 7

Magic: 11

Luck: 6

Skills: None

Abilities: Darkness Manipulation

Quest: Clear Goblin Nest (in progress)

Available system points: 3

System features: 2 (Ability tree, #######)]

"That small fight drained all my mana. At this rate, I may not survive if I encounter something unexpected. I have no idea how extensive this dungeon is. If it weren't for the mana and health recovery upon leveling up, I would be in a dire situation right now. I need to

adapt my fighting style" Nyx said to himself.

Enticed by the scent of the fallen goblins' blood, several more goblins rushed toward Nyx's location. Hearing their approaching footsteps, Nyx activated his Darkness Manipulation. "Shadow Possession," he murmured, feeling a subtle boost in his physical stats and a manageable mana consumption. He conjured a short blade, 60cm in length, made entirely of darkness, firmly grasping it as the growling grew closer.

As the goblins emerged into the cave corridor, they spotted Nyx and began screaming in their strange tongue, charging recklessly toward him. Four goblins appeared: three brandishing crude bone weapons, while the fourth wore a thorn robe and wielded a staff.

Nyx immediately noticed the fourth goblin's status, and its actions confirmed his suspicions. The goblin shaman conjured a small ball of flame and hurled it toward Nyx. With a swift tilt of his body, Nyx evaded the fireball, which collided with the wall behind him, briefly illuminating the surroundings before dimming out. "You're going down first," Nyx declared. He stomped forward, rushing toward the goblin shaman. He leaped into the air, hurling his blade toward the shaman's skull before conjuring another one instantaneously. The goblin shaman, caught off guard, had no time to react as the blade pierced through its skull, ending its life.

Nyx landed behind the group of goblins and charged toward them. The first goblin to turn witnessed only a blur as Nyx swiftly beheaded it. Without pause, Nyx swiftly moved to the side to dodge the second goblin's weapon swing, his blade slicing through empty air. In a fluid motion, Nyx swung the blade in an arc, severing the second goblin's head from its body. The third goblin growled menacingly but did not attack, seemingly afraid of the human before it. Nyx launched his weapon, piercing the goblin's head and ending its threat.

The cave fell silent once again, save for the echoes of Nyx's footsteps and the distant drips of water. Standing amidst the fallen goblins, Nyx took a moment to catch his breath.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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