
Ascension of a fallen God

Once a powerful deity of Darkness and death, the protagonist finds himself stripped of his divine powers and trapped in human form, devoid of his memories, following a fierce battle with an enigmatic creature from another dimension. As an ordinary human with no recollection of his past, he leads an ordinary life until he awakens a mysterious system that unlocks his lost memories, coinciding with a painful breakup with his girlfriend. Embark on Nyx's journey of revenge as he strives to regain his former power and unravel the secrets of the alternate dimensions. With English not being my first language, I apologize for any grammatical errors and welcome your suggestions for improvement. Please note that this novel is entirely fictional and set in a world separate from Earth, so it is advisable not to apply real-world knowledge while immersing yourself in this fantastical story. Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and I hope you enjoy it.

jordi_tounou · Fantasy
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5 Chs

A New Beginning

In a hospital room, a boy who looks like he was fifteen years old woke up disoriented and confused. He looked around the room trying to make sense of his surroundings. The room was small, with plain white walls and a single window that let in a shaft of sunlight. Next to the bed, there was a small nightstand with a lamp and a clock on it, indicating 3:43 PM. He could hear the beeping sound of the heart rate monitor and other medical devices in the room. As he lay in the bed, a nurse came in, she was a young woman in her late twenties, with brown eyes and average height of 1.70m. Her facial features were symmetrical and proportionate, but not too striking. She had dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. She approached him and introduced herself:

Nurse Sarah: "Hello, my name is Sarah and I'm the nurse assigned to you. Can you tell me your name?"

Boy: "I....I don't know. I can't remember anything."

Nurse Sarah: "That's okay. You were found unconscious in the forest of the ancient and brought here to the hospital. You have amnesia that's why you can't remember anything."

Boy: " What happened to me? How did I end up in that forest?"

Nurse Sarah: "We're not sure yet. We're still running some test to figure what caused your amnesia. But for now, we need to focus on getting you back to health."

Boy: "Is there anything I can do to help regain my memories?"

Nurse Sarah: "We're doing everything we can to help you. But it's important to know that some of your memories may never return. In the meantime, you should focus on making new memories and building a new life for yourself. Your mother is waiting outside, she will take you home." You may come in, the nurse said a little loud for the person behind the door to hear.

A petite woman in her late thirties and dark hair walked into the room with teary eyes. She approached the boy and hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her face.

Mother: " Nyx, my baby, you're awake, sob sob.."

Boy: "Nyx ? is that my name ? The nurse said you're my mum, but I... I can't remember you. I'm sorry."

Mother: "Yes you're Nyx, Nyx Walker. It's okay dear, don't worry, it's ok. I'm glad you're fine. The nurse said I could take you home, come on let's go. I'll tell you everything you need to know on the way."

Nyx: "Okay M...mum."

As they drove home, Isabelle, Nyx's mother told him more about the world in which they were. She explained that 10, years ago, gates suddenly appeared all over the world, unleashing terrifying monsters that nearly wiped out humanity. Just when

all seemed lost, a group of individuals with extraordinary abilities appeared, they were later known as Hunters. They fought against the monsters and saved the remaining human population. Since then they had form guilds and organizations, some to protect and defend the remaining safe zones from the treat of gates and monsters that still roamed free and some to abuse their power and authority.

The city of Lurtia, where they lived, was one of the many safes zone that still existed. It was a bustling metropolis, with tall buildings and busy streets. The city was surrounded by high wall that protected it from monsters that roamed the wilderness beyond. The people of Lurtia were proud of their hunters, who worked tirelessly to keep them safe. The city was one of the eight that form together the Kingdom of Bahrain, one of the many kingdoms that were formed after the gates appeared. The cities were neighbouring, sticking to each other forming an hexagon with in the center the royal city.

Isabelle, also told him that the society was divided into factions, some of them in conflict with each other. As they arrived home, Nyx was filled with a sense of curiosity and longing. He knew that he had a past, but he decide to focus on the advice of the nurse to make new memories and live a new life.