
Ascending To Infinity

Ever wondered how it'd feel to be a being above or beyond our three dimensional plane or existence? A being that has evolved or transcended our three dimensional space-time to the fourth, fifth, even the sixth dimension? A lifeform, powerful and untethered to any limitations?.... If so, sit back, relax, and join Xander in his journey as he gradually sheds off his mortality to become Infinite or Infinity... 《A Heroes, Worm, Interstellar, DC comics, Ben 10, and Rick & Morty novel》 《Note》 This novel is going to long, as in, the minimum number of chapters it'll have is like two hundred. So it's going to kinda slow in the beginning. Keep that in mind as or before you read. So please don't complain. 《Disclaimer》 I do not own any of the Heroes, Worm, Interstellar, Ben 10, DC comics, and Rick&Morty characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. All characters and original storyline belong to original creators. All images used are also credited to their artists or owners.

KingSeyer · TV
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68 Chs

Fourth Dimensional Shifting I

It was break over so I walked to my next class, English. The time I spent with Claire made me notice some things about us, or our relationship.

We were now closer, very close, and anytime I was with her, I felt relaxed, at ease to be myself and I was sure she felt the same.

What happened yesterday deepened our bond, and it was cool. I couldn't ask for a better outcome from all that happened than this...

I was sure that even if I asked for her blood now, she'd agree after a brief explanation. Not that I needed it now, but when the time comes, I knew I could count on her to do that for me...

Entering the class with some students, I picked the first seat on the last column, near the windows, and settled down as those in the room chatted.

While I waited for the teacher, I started thinking about my plans for Vegas. I was about to get my car but logically, it wouldn't help much in my plans.

I had been to Vegas before but I didn't know the route from where I was to Texas. Sure, I could buy a map but using it would only serve to delay me and I was working on a time frame.

The best option was to take public transport, maybe a bus that would take ms straight to the state, and then from there, I would take a cab or another bus to a stop, close to Nikki's house.

After stealing the money, I'd schedule a meeting with one of the trusted organizations on the Dark Web and launder the money into an offshore account.

I had to do everything fast otherwise, if Nikki's other personality decides to inform Linderman or he finds out either way that the money had been stolen, it wouldn't take much to trace my illegal transaction and then find me.

I wasn't afraid of him, he wasn't a threat to the current me but he ran a highly successful and prominent criminal organization so it wouldn't take much to either kill or kidnap my father, put a bounty on my head, and even follow me to the ends of the Earth.

A very bad scenario which I wouldn't want to happen so if possible, everything, from the stealing to the laundering had to be done in one day to cover my tracks.

After getting the money, it would only be a matter of investing in the right companies and industries, and in no time, I'd triple my money or even quadruple it over a short timeframe.

If I remembered correctly, a financial crisis was on the way and I could also profit from that and make myself a high-priority figure.

The plan was set and ready. All that was left was to make sure there wouldn't be any variables to disrupt it. But I wasn't clairvoyant or precognitive so the only thing I could do was make backup plans and pray everything doesn't go sideways...

"Alright class, I'm here, so you can shut up now." A woman announced, her voice strained to sound posh as she waltzed into the class, her right arm clutching her handbag.

She was a tall plump middle-aged woman with dark straight hair that fell on her shoulders, a long above average face marked by wrinkles her makeup tried to hide, thick lips painted red, and a pointed nose.

She was wearing a long brown and red dress that hang at her knees, black high heels, bracelets on her thick arms, and ring-like earrings.

Her chin and nose were raised high as she practically modeled to the teacher's desk, her hips shaking and the whole class became silent.

Well, this should be interesting...

"I presume you all have your reading materials in your bag right?" She asked as she placed her bag on the table and started maneuvering her hands inside, looking down into it.

The class mouthed a boring 'yes' and as if she didn't hear it, she removed a book from her bag, flipped through it to a certain page, nodded, and then went to the blackboard.

"Flip to page three hundred and sixty, we are continuing where we left off last week." She scribbled the page number on the board using a chalk stick.

Everyone started to remove the books from their bag so I did the same and pulled out 'Gulliver's Travels', the original book and a classic.

The original was very thorough in his school and personal timetable, making my attendance to school very easy otherwise I wouldn't even know the books we were reading. Kudos to him...

"Katherine, read the first paragraph for the class."

As I opened the book and flipped to the page, she pointed out someone in the group to read and in no time, a girl with a chirpy voice started reading.

My eyes were on the book, and I followed what she was reading. Time passed as she finished the paragraph and the teacher pointed out another person, a guy this time.

He was fumbling as he read, and I could hear snickers going around in the class as he did so, as if they were trying their hardest not to laugh. It was kinda funny but I only smiled and didn't join in the snickers.

The guy was about to finish his paragraph when I got a weird feeling like something was wrong. I noticed the class was silent, totally silent, so I rose my head to look at the Madam and my eyes widened in shock.

She was frozen in place, her eyes unblinking with her hand frozen in the air as if it was melded in it. I turned my head to glance at the class and saw the same thing, everyone was frozen, and everything was at a standstill.

A black-haired boy seated two seats on my right had his pen suspended in the air and by the way, his palm and hand were placed on his table, he had thrown it upwards. It was as if...time had stopped.

The next moment, the pen in the air dropped back to the guy's palm, the shy guy was once again reading, people were snickering and everything became normal. Just as it had been a second ago...

My forehead creased and my eyebrows furrowed in suspicion, a frown coming on my face as I turned my head back to face my book.

What just happened? Did time really stop or was it my imagination? Was it Hiro who stopped time? And why wasn't I frozen like the rest of them? Or did I freeze but unfroze earlier than the rest?

My frown deepened as the questions increased and then I noticed a change again, a page was slightly suspended in the air.

I turned my head to check again and everyone had frozen again. A second time?

This time, I got up from my seat and peered through the window to look at the school and the road. Everyone and everything was stuck in place whether cars, people, garbage, particles of dust or dirt in the sky, the clouds, and even the birds.

It was weirdly fascinating and terrifying to observe time being stopped. The feeling was as if I was in another world, eerily similar to when I used my power. Only this time, I could interact with the world.

It was Hiro, I was sure of it now. He was the only one who froze time regularly and from what I could remember, he was the only one who could stop control time, at least this early in the story.

It was at that moment, that I was starting to fully realize how dangerous and powerful Hiro's power was.

Fuck, just thinking of all the things I could do right now, in this frozen world was enough to make me excited and afraid and that naive otaku could do this anytime he wanted?

Maybe it was good that he was the one who had this power because, with his hero complex, he wouldn't use it for his profit unless it was absolutely necessary and the guy's family was loaded so he didn't even have to think of money.

If I was the one who had his power....hmmm, it was best not to think about it. Now, it was time to address the main issues at hand.

Why was I immune to it?

"...Jody, read the next parag—Mr. Andersen, what are you doing by the window!?" Madame Clarence raised voice that held surprise and confusion shook me out of my thoughts, making me realize time had resumed.

I turned to face her and saw the class staring at me in surprise.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I thought I saw something." I apologized calmly, scratching the back of my and sat down. She frowned, clearly not buying my excuse and as I was expecting chastisement, she just stared at me for a while and then removed her eyes from me.

"C'mon Jody, we don't have all day." She said to Jody, a tall muscular guy with brown hair and immediately cleared his throat.

"...The Lilliputians were tiny and their structures..."

I tuned out his overly deep voice and settled in my thoughts, thinking about all the possible connections my power had with Hiro's that granted me immunity to his time-stopping shenanigans.

I knew my power allowed me to shift my body to another dimension that was either mirroring this one or was parallel to it and then apply the peculiarities of said dimension to my body, allowing me to be invisible and untraceable and also granting me flight, phasing and a form of Invulnerability.

There was no relation whatsoever to Hiro's space-time manipulation, hell, the two powers didn't even sound similar. Then why wasn't I frozen in time like the rest of the world?

The only people who could resist his power in the show were Peter and possibly that speedster girl and last I recall, I didn't have superspeed in my repertoire. So how?

Maybe I should think about it from a different angle. My power was related more or less to dimensionalities and Hiro could manipulate the space-time continuum.

Space-time and dimensions...theoretically that meant he could manipulate dimensions also but he never used something like that in the show and he being able to do that didn't apply to me in any way, there was no connection.

Space-time, space and time, time and space. Space, time, and dimensions, how were they connected?

"...Time...Time...that's it. It's time." My eyes widened in realization as something clicked in my head.

I could vaguely remember reading a fun physics article one time out of curiosity about time.

If I recalled correctly, it said time was a dimension, another physical or spatial dimension that succeeded the regular three dimensions, namely 'x', 'y', and 'z' and that time was the fourth one called 'w'. It said time was the fourth dimension.

Time was another spatial dimension, I could shift into a different dimension and because of that, I was practically immune to any stop in time.

So going by that logic, it meant that anytime I used my power, my body shifted into the fourth dimension of time? It made sense when I thought that way.

Time was another spatial dimension as theorized by physicists and because humans were three-dimensional creatures, we wouldn't be able to observe it as a physical dimension maybe that was why anytime I transformed, I couldn't be seen, touched, smelt, and heard.

And because it was a dimension higher than the three-dimensional world, it would have different laws of physics and that could explain why I could fly with no air resistance and slip through matter like it wasn't there.

The more I thought about it the more it made sense. In my mind, I settled on my power just being able to shift my physicality into a dimension mirroring this one. It was the only logical conclusion and explanation at the time but it seemed I was off the mark.

My power didn't allow me to shift my body into a mirror dimension, it allowed me to shift my body into the fourth spatial dimension.

Of course, there was a chance I could be wrong and that it wasn't what I was thinking it was. But I was sure it was, call it a gut feeling or my instincts but I was sure I was on the mark this time.

Still, I would verify to make sure, just in case. I'd have to see Mr. Bright after this because if I was right, then my power had more potential than I thought it was...

"...Fourth dimensional shifting huh? I really hit the jackpot this time."

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