
Ascending To Infinity

Ever wondered how it'd feel to be a being above or beyond our three dimensional plane or existence? A being that has evolved or transcended our three dimensional space-time to the fourth, fifth, even the sixth dimension? A lifeform, powerful and untethered to any limitations?.... If so, sit back, relax, and join Xander in his journey as he gradually sheds off his mortality to become Infinite or Infinity... 《A Heroes, Worm, Interstellar, DC comics, Ben 10, and Rick & Morty novel》 《Note》 This novel is going to long, as in, the minimum number of chapters it'll have is like two hundred. So it's going to kinda slow in the beginning. Keep that in mind as or before you read. So please don't complain. 《Disclaimer》 I do not own any of the Heroes, Worm, Interstellar, Ben 10, DC comics, and Rick&Morty characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. All characters and original storyline belong to original creators. All images used are also credited to their artists or owners.

KingSeyer · TV
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68 Chs

Out Of My Hands

I stirred up awake, my eyes fluttering as my body groaned in discomfort. Pulling the blanket to the side, I rose my torso up in a sitting position and stretched my body in a way to get rid of the minute pain and then cracked my neck.

I turned my head to the window and saw the sunlight filtering in, the sky was slightly dark as the sun was yet to set on the horizon, and I could hear the faint chirping of some birds.

Taking out my phone from under the pillow, I checked the time and nodded. It was six-zero-one am. I usually woke up around five thirty to five forty but I could excuse this delay due to the circumstances.

My eyes turned to Claire's bed and I saw her in bed, still tucked in her sheets while hugging one of her plushies. I stood up quietly to look at her face and stared at her for a while.

She looked at ease with no pain, anguish, or anything negative showing on her face the corners of her lips were curled up into a small smile.

She was very relaxed, her long blonde hair in a mess but it didn't make her look bad, it made her look natural and more delicate...

A thought came into my mind the next second, like a reminder, and I instantly became serious. It was time to complete my mission...

Crouching, I took my sneakers from under her bed and wore them silently, tying the shoelaces. Then, glancing around to make sure I wouldn't leave anything, I called on my power and the world shifted in a flash.

Hovering, I stole a glance at Claire's beautiful face and then flew out of her room, phasing through her door. At the corridor, I slipped through it and found myself downstairs, the sound of Claire's mother humming rang in my ears.

I couldn't remember the outline of the house but I at least recalled that there was a private room or office on the first floor that belonged to the man of the house and that was my destination so I flew ahead to the kitchen area, my eyes darting in search of the office.

I saw Claire's mother standing beside the kitchen counter, past the dining table, near the fridge, putting utensils on the stove after taking them out of the cabinets below her.

She had Claire's curly blonde hair, but she was taller, plumper, and had light brown eyes. She was nice to look at despite her age, it was evident she took real good care of her face and skin. She was wearing a Hawaiian orange shirt, normal denim jeans that hugged her figure, and flip-flops.

As she started the stove and took out foodstuffs from the fridge, a small white very groomed poodle was at her feet, shuffling between them and letting out noises as she moved.

Taking my eyes off the luxuriously furnished kitchen, I looked to my right and saw a closed door with shut blinders, right next to another walkway. I flew inside and smiled. This was what I was looking for.

It was a small office with a desk at the head of the room with a flat-screen monitor on top of it and some files and boxes that read 'Primatech'.

A swivel chair stood in front of it and apart from some vases that held artificial flowers at the corners of the room, it was empty.

I drifted close to the chair and canceled my power. Pulling back one of the drawers, revealed stacks of A-4 sheets so I took one out and put it on the table, grabbed one of the pens, glanced at the blinders to make sure there were no openings, and then started writing, using my right hand.

"Honey, how long do I have today for breakfast? I need to run to the office early today to check something important." I heard a gentle masculine voice sound behind me together with some footsteps that were leading to the kitchen.

"Soon honey, it'll be ready in thirty minutes," Claire's mother replied assuredly. "While you wait, check on Claire. I think something went wrong at the bonfire yesterday, she didn't sound like her usual self when she came home."

"I was going to do that but thanks for reminding me. Let me check something in the office first." He said carefully, as if calculating each word to say and then I heard his footsteps stepping to the door.

Quickly, I put the pen back where I took it and transitioned, leaving the paper I had written on the desk. The door clicked as it opened and a tall man came through, his face neutral.

He had gradually receding brown hair that was combed , light blue eyes, a round face hardened by age, thin pink lips, and an aquiline nose.

He had glasses on and he was donned in a black suit with a blue tie, black pressed trousers and polished black shoes, and a watch around his left wrist.

He looked like a harmless father who was really handsome back when he was young and he had the kind of gentle face that wouldn't be associated with any negative vices. He looked fairly normal.

But in reality, he was the boogeyman, the man who has hunted down and captured numerous superpowered individuals.

A man who lived for the organization and would obey their every command, a man who would kill for the organization, and anyone who he deemed as a threat, either to his family or his work. A functioning sociopath...

I was putting myself at risk just by doing this but he was the surefire option I had for dealing with Brody.

Because if there was one thing I admired about this man it was his love for his family and especially Claire who wasn't even his blood. He would do anything for her, even betraying the organization he pledged his life and soul for.

And he had the necessary resources, manpower, and tools to deal with Brody efficiently, without leaving a trace.

A shiver nearly ran down my spine when I thought of what he would do to Brody and if it was just like the show, it would an eerie and fitting punishment for the scumbag.

He walked to the desk with a neutral look on his face but when his eyes fell on the paper, his eyebrows furrowed in suspicion and he took it to read while I casually floated behind him, right in front of the door, waiting to see his reaction.

The moment he finished reading the message, he turned around sharply, his eyes squinted and roaming all over the room, his fit body tense as a dangerous frown drew on his face.

"Honey, did someone come into my office this morning?" He asked seriously with a raised voice, still cautious and looking around the room, his fingers digging into one of the drawers.

"No, no one has entered your office today. Why is something wrong?" She answered and asked casually, the sound of water boiling filling the place.

"Nothing, just curious." He turned after answering her, his fingers clutching a black Glock as he pulled his hand from the drawer, his squinted eyes that were turning cold fixed on the paper.

I turned to leave after seeing what I wanted but just before I was about to fly off, I heard beeps, like he was dialing a number, and then a ringtone echoed in the room.

I stopped and then turned back, curious about who he was calling. If it was who I thought it was, then my job here would be done. The ringtone stopped with a beep.

"Meet me at the company. We have some...things to erase." He said softly and then ended the call without waiting for any reply, putting it back into his pocket as he held the paper up to his face.

The next moment, I ascended till I came out of the house, through the roof, and then flew away, accelerating towards my house as relief filled me. What I did was a gamble.

There was a chance he wouldn't focus on the message and rather search for the one who left it, thinking it was a ploy from an enemy.

There was also a chance he'd check it out, deal with Brody, and then search for the one who left the message. He had picked the latter option, as I predicted he would.

He would be a little wary of the sender but I wrote in the message that I was a friend of Claire's. This would set his mind at ease, hopefully.

I was very sure he called the Haitian and if it was right, then this whole thing was finally out of my hands and eventually it would be out of my mind.

Touching Claire was a very big mistake on Brody's part. No one in their right mind would target the daughter of a secret agent who is the partner of a seriously dangerous dude who could wipe out memories and hollow you out like a shell while also working directly under Claire's real grandmother who was one of the big bosses of the organization.

Not to talk of him being a walking power nullifier who had a passive field around him that canceled any superhuman power, stripping them down regular humans while he still has his memory ability.

But well, he didn't know and that was his problem. He was fucked and no one could save him, not sure if anyone would even try...

Now, it was time for school and then sticking with my plans. The trip to Vegas was near, and there were a lot of things to do...


"...In simple terms, inertia is like this. Think of your car that you've parked in a parking lot or wherever. If no one pushes forward for it to move or if you don't spark the car and press on the pedal, the car would still be stationary and unmoving, lying just where you left it.

"So, a body at rest would continue to be at rest until an applied force is used to change its current state of motion. It's as simple as that."

The moment he said completed, the siren rang and the students in the class immediately stood up, desks and chairs screeching on the floor, taking their bags as they moved to the door.

"If you have any questions, you know where to find me." He commented dryly as I stood up with my bag in hand, sitting down behind the desk that was in front of the class.

Walking out of the class, as if on cue, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out, went to the messaging app, and read what Claire had sent.

Claire: Let's meet at my locker.

I typed a reply after wearing my bag on my back, weaving through the crowded hallway packed with students.

Me: Sure, be there in a sec.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and turned to walk through another hallway that led to the other side of the building. I walked out of the door with some guys and then moved in the direction of Claire's locker.

Arriving there, I saw her leaning on her locker, dressed in a casual long-sleeved sea blue sweater, brown pants, and short black shoes, her brown bag handing down her shoulder. She had a neutral look on her face.

She turned to face me as I approached her and she immediately smiled, a genuine one that didn't show any sadness or negativity and her eyes were bright and strong.

It seemed like she was okay now, and that was great. Honestly, I didn't have it in me to console her again, I didn't have any experience with stuff like that and yesterday drained everything out of me.

"Someone's feeling happy today," I commented playfully with a smile as I stopped in front of her. She stopped leaning and stood straight.

"I guess," She shrugged, her smile showing her nice fangs. "When I woke up, it was like nothing happened. Just as you said. I feel okay now." She added casually.

"Thank God, I thought I'd have to do another sleepover." I brought my left hand to my chest and heaved a sigh of relief, faking a look of absolute relief on my face.

She hurriedly punched my arm, her eyebrows furrowed as a blush spread across her unblemished face, making her a little red.

"Don't say that here, what if someone hears?" She admonished me, her eyes moving around to check if anyone heard what I said, her voice bashful.

"What? Don't tell me you're shy. Is our Claire-Bear feeling shy?..." I teased her with a smirk, almost giggling when I saw her face reddening up more, pouting as she clenched her fists.

Seeing this, I backed up and rose my hands up in surrender, "Easy, easy, I don't want to get punched. I was just joking. How can an indestructible girl be shy?" I smiled cheekily and she slumped her shoulders down in defeat, sighing helplessly as she shook her head.

But I caught the smile on her that widened up a notch.

"I'm happy you're back Claire." I put down my hands and commented genuinely with a smile and she looked up, beaming at me. We both became silent after that, comfortably watching as everyone went about their business.

"...Can I ask you something?" She broke the silence and looked at my face, a serious look on hers.

"Of course." I looked at her and nodded, already knowing where did was going.

"What are you going to do about Brody?"

I paused, thinking of what to say for a second, and then sighed.

"Do you trust me, Claire?" I asked in response and she stared at me for a second and nodded seriously, her eyes showing how genuine she was.

"Good, then trust me when I say you don't really want to know. It's uhm, what's the word? Precarious." I said and her eyebrows furrowed, her face falling to a frown.

"...I won't ask what you plan to do but promise me, you aren't going to do anything bad or illegal for my sake. I don't want to see you get in trouble for my sake." She said after a slight pause, her eyes filled with concern and her voice firm.

I waved my hand in dismissal, a confident smile on my face, "Don't worry, I'm not even the one who's going to do it. And I assure you that it won't be anything illegal. Just know you won't ever have to see him again."

At my words, Claire sighed in relief and then turned to watch as the students doing their thing, her eyes on a group who were skateboarding a few meters away from us in the open space.

"Good." She whispered and then we relaxed in each other's company in comfortable silence.

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