
As Yami Sukehiro in MHA

A normal guy reincarnated as yami from Black clover in MHA world I am a new guy so please review and say what upgrades I need to do.

Hacker_God_8503 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Training with All Might and UA


A/n : Many were saying why did I keep his name Alex and asked me to change it so from now on the name is Yami. Peace out ✌️


After a 'peacefull' talk with Inko, Yami went to bed and opened his status

[Name : Yami Midoriya

Age : 14 Years

Quirk : Darkness

Control : Advanced (P)

Power level : Senior Magic Knight


Aura : Advanced (H)

Ki : Intermediate (P)

Martial arts: Advanced (H)

Swordmanship : Advanced (L) ]


So my control went up I guess it was when I used Dark slash on slimy. Just one more step and I can use black hole and lightless slash. Well for now let's sleep.



There was a skinny man with blonde hair standing on the entrance of the beach. He was Small Might. After an hour passed three boys were seen coming towards the beach.

Small Might : Why are you so late ?

Yami : Oi old man you have a weak memory how can ask us that after you were the one who didn't mention the time, be grateful we came this early or who have been waiting for half a day here.

Small Might : *embarassed* Alright Young Midoriya take out your shirt.

Yami : Izu, Kat the No.1 hero is a pedo.

Small Might : WHAT NOOO!!! I want to see his body so that I can determine that could he take my quirk.

Yami : Okkk *sus*

Izuku takes his shirt off and shows his muscles.

Small Might : Good a nice toned body, you can take my quirk *buffs up*

Izuku : *excited*

All Might : NOW EAT THIS *showing his hair*

Izuku : WHAT!!

Yami and Kat started laughing and were almost gonna fall.

Kat : Hahahahahah.... Deku way to go come on EAT THAT!

Izuku ate it and asked

Izuku : Do you do shampoo and conditioner or not and how much time do we have to wait?

All Might : *embarassed* Well it should kick in about an hour.

They started training and after an hour. Izuku started glowing.

Izuku : What is happening ?

Small Might : Looks like OFA activated.

Yami : Izu don't use full power they can break you, try and control it.

Izuku : Ok *powers down*

Kat : What is the level you can fight with?

Izuku : I think it's about 20%. All Might at what percentage could you fight with at the start.

Small Might : I could do 100 %. But hey I was trained by my master for 2 years for it.

Izuku : Ya ok *depressed*

Yami : Oi oi oi don't get depressed we have 10 months for UA exam we could use this time to improve our control.

Kat : Ya and even if you get 100% control you will be below me.

Izuku : Ok then let's do it *ignoring Kat*

Kat : Oi don't ignore me you damn Deku.


Yami's stats

[Name : Yami Midoriya

Age : 14 Years

Quirk : Darkness

Control : Master (H)

Power level : Mid Vice Captain


Aura : Master (L)

Ki : Advanced (H)

Martial arts: Master (M)

Swordmanship : Advanced (P) ]

Izuku can now control 30% and Katsuki made Howitzer impact and ap shot.

Yami : This is the day I make history.

Kat : Hah as if I will be first in this exam and then I will become the No.1 hero.

Izuku : *walking casually but slips*

??? : * makes him float* sorry but I couldn't let anyone fall today as it is a day to be remembered.

Yami : ' No matter what anybody does fate will have some events set to let it happen. But hey who am I to say I am one of them as well. '

Izuku : Tha-Tha-Thank you. ( still nervous around girls 😹😹)

??? : No problem. I will see you in the exam.*walks away*

Izuku : *staring at her*

Yami : Look Kat, Izu got a crush.. no Izu got a girlfriend. Hahahahahah ( Yami laugh )

Kat : Nope out of his league. *bored*

Izuku : NoNoNo it's not like that.

Yami : Wanna make a bet. * looks at Kat *

Kat : Conditions and stakes.

Yami : If Izu will confess it the end of this year, then I get free lunch next year from you and if he couldn't or she is not in UA you win and get free lunch for a year. What say?

Kat : You are on.

Izuku : You know I am right here. *deadpanned*

Yami : Let's just get over this exam for now.


A/n : Now I will wait for the poll and will start with the entrance exam so I will take maybe 2-3 days.

Will tell you I can make him teach class 1 A and B both so think properly.