
As Yami Sukehiro in MHA

A normal guy reincarnated as yami from Black clover in MHA world I am a new guy so please review and say what upgrades I need to do.

Hacker_God_8503 · Anime & Comics
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Training and Time Skip

As Katsuki joined Alex and Izuku in their training even he started to learn ki from them and even started to get more interested in martial arts having more of hand movements and Alex made Izuku learn martial arts with more kicks as he wants to make Izuku do full cowling in UA entrance exam and Alex learned a martial arts which can go hand in hand with swordsmanship as he wishes to become a swordsman as Yami.


Now Izuku and Katsuki were at High Commoner level while Alex was at its peak

[Name : Alex Midoriya

Age : 8 Years

Quirk : Darkness

Control : Intermidiate (L)

Power level : Peak Commoner


Aura : Intermediate (M)

Ki : Basic (H)

Martial arts : Intermediate (L)

Swordmanship : Basic (L) ]

Alex started learning swordsmanship when his Martial arts crossed basic level and was in intermediate level. Katsuki and Izuku denied as both their combat styles donot go well with the sword.

Alex was trying to make his own sword style but couldn't so he thought he will try when he comes at an Intermediate level he could do it.


Teacher : So today you have to fill a form on your future jobs and do a survey.

Students : ( except our main 3 ) Booooooo

Teacher : Ha I know you all what to be a hero

Students : * starts using their quirks *

Teacher : Now now I know all of you have good quirks but using them on school grounds are not allowed.

Katsuki : Like these people can become top heroes they will be d-listers while we three will be on top.

Alex : Katsuki what do I always say * realising aura *

Katsuki : * gulps * But even you know that they are not the ones who can surpass their limits.

Alex : Well now that is true

Students : Haaaaaah

Alex : Shut up * aura *

Now after that happened Alex checked his status after 6 years

[Name : Alex Midoriya

Age : 14 Years

Quirk : Darkness

Control : Intermediate (L) > Advanced (H)

Power level : Peak Commoner > Senior Magic Knight


Aura : Intermediate (M) > Advanced (H)

Ki : Basic (H) > Intermediate (P)

Martial arts: Intermediate (L) > Advanced (H)

Swordmanship : Basic (L) > Advanced (L) ]

Alex : { ' Now I can go toe to toe with Aizawa without his scarf and after some time I can go hand in hand with him with scarf so in these 10 months I will try to increase my control to peak and try to advance my ki to next stage.' }

Katsuki : Today Old hag gave me a job so I will meet you tomorrow morning same place.

Izuku : Ok bye Kacchan

Alex : { ' Both Izu and Kat have become stronger than before and are almost close to their canon self after the Sports Festival arc except for the fact that Izu still needs his quirk' } Izu you can go today I have some work left. { ' Can't be there when he meets All Might ' }

Izuku : Ok brother


Everything happened like canon but Izuku was not captured but was stalling for time as he could sense someone approaching at high speed when he was fighting the sludge villain.

All Might : Young man you have done a good job but why were you not attacking as I saw you could very much dodge every attack with ease due to your quirk.

Izuku : Umm All Might I am quirkless.

All Might : Nonsense I saw you could evade those attacks with ease how could it be done without a quirk.

Izuku : Well it is a technique that is all I can say as I have to as the one who taught me to let you know. *leaves*

All Might: Wait Young man what is your name?

Izuku: I am Izuku Midoriya.

All Might: { ' Young Midoriya are you the one who can inherit it after me ' }. * jumps away but the sludge villain gets away*


Katsuki was taking his grocery home as he was walking he stepped on the bottle and out came the sludge villain. Katsuki suddenly felt a ki and started to dodge and attack the villain, but to no vain as his explosion were not that powerful yet. ( A/n : He was trained in ki and martial arts more and he did not do his training camp training ).

Now he was caught but sent a message to his friends.


Man now I think the sludge villain was captured and Izu didn't start to ask questions to All Might so Kat won't be caught. As I was thinking a message popped up it was a message from Kat.

Man me and my big tongue. Let's go save this guy from a slimy b**ch.


Alex : What a drag!! Are you a damsel in distress or what Kat.

Alex started to move and made it to the sight but saw that Izuku was already there and could also see Small Might ( All Might skinny form ).

Alex : Izu, Kat after this is over you both have to treat me and I am not taking no for an answer. * while streching his hand *

Kat : What f**k you and your treat I am good here *getting his a** kicked*

Izuku : Brother come on let's finish this.

Others : Who is this guy?

Alex : { ' What happened to my Izu how did he become like this, Sh** and they are even broadcasting it on television!! Oh man today is the day I die, well had a good life ' }.

All Might : { ' Is that guy serious ? ' }

Alex goes in front of sludge villain and says

Alex : No sword style : Dark slash

Izuku : Aww brother you are no fun.

Alex : Izu you told me to come and finish this, so that's what I did.

Kat : Oi Deku why were you playing dodge ball with the villain.

Izuku : Man that was ki training.

After that all of them started to leave and then came All Might.

All Might : Excuse me Young Midoriya can I ask a minute of your time.

Alex : Sure old man.

All Might : * Ahem * First of I was asking that green haired boy over there and secondly I am not old.

Kat : Huuuh you are not just old but you are injured and old.

All Might : *grasp* HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!!!

Izuku : Well you see the technique I told you can be used in different ways, brother can I say them.

Alex : *bored* Sure knock yourself out.

Izuku : Let's see where to begin, ok so we can feel our surroundings and can tell where who is with our eyes closed. We can also predict moves of our opponents but we have not reached that level yet.

All Might : And you are saying this is not a quirk.

Kat : Yes old man it's a technique it is called ki. And we know that you are injured as yours is somewhat not proper for a healthy man.

All Might : Che who would have thought that a bunch of kids could find my secret because of some technique. However since you know *debuffs* please keep this a secret.

Alex : Ya that's fine but why do you want Izu.

All Might : Oh so that I can give him my quirk.

Kat and Izu : Ehhh?

Small Might : Let's start from the beginning * tells them about OFA * So what do you say Young Midoriya!!

Izuku : * Looks at Alex and Kat *

Both : it's fine go ahead / F**king take it.

Izuku : Ok I will become your successor.

Small Might : Excellent now let's see come at xxx beach tomorrow, all of you.

All of them : Ok

Then our protagonists got to their homes but at Alex's place a thing happened


Inko : Hello my dear kids * menace smile *. So tell me how was your little adventure today.

Izuku and Alex : *sweating*

Izuku : Mom i-it was because Ka-Kacchan send us a m-m-message.

Inko : Oh and you go there and do a training practice with a villain. Seriously, Alex I thought you were making him dodge you for his self-defence but no that was so he could play with a villain.

Inko : Oh and how did you get that ?

Alex : *trying to make a run for it*

Inko : No you don't mister.

Izuku : *runs to his room*

Alex : TRAITOR!! *looking towards his mom* Mom we can talk about this right.

Inko : * looking* Ya sure after an hour


Inko : So what did we learn today.

Alex : Not to do ki training against a villain.

Inko : Good remember it.


A/n : Now I will write after you all vote for the poll and let me think for that story. And if you are thinking why has the best anime mother Inko has become like this, reason try a person with Yami's personality as your son anyone will change.