
As a Robot in a world of Heroes(hiatus)

As someone who thinks robots are cool I write this to try better my writing skills. Because it makes sense to try make a fanfiction for MHA or other popular series. A man falls out of his world into MHA abruptly into the body of a child, Things are quiet. but not for long because he awakens his quirk right away and turned into, A Robot?

A_Canadian · Anime & Comics
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Re-living, but this time with a starter pack

Okay I met god and he gave me some wishes. Pretty chill of him.

As a great upstanding human I dutifully used all my wishes.

Firstly I'm going to be Izuku, well I asked to have an appearance close to what Ota looks like in 'Tanaka-kun is always listless' Gone with Izuku's giant eyes, bushy hair. and small frame.

Secondly God is going to be hands off with the MHA he's putting me in. No other reincarnated people.

And my third wish is everything metal bats got, I want as well. power strength and fighting spirit. whole deal, no nerfing it.

fourth wish goes out for getting me an amped drug devouring skill, anything I eat gives me a game like buff that I can hold a finite amount of in myself and reproduce the effects permanently after absorbing it. Basically an Alchemical Ingestion quirk where I have some extra buffs and can punch above my weight class in certain conditions.

Which is a big advantage. As your body grows to react to your quirk. Katsuki has stronger arm muscles and thicker palm skin and better joints and Cartlidge in his hands to use his quirk. essentially his arms grow to help with the kickback of using his quirk.(This is a altered fan-fic, dont fact check and whine that I made this up)

Meaning using my body to continuously metabolize drugs for buffs I'd be eating flintstone vitamins to eventually become god. if all goes well.

Fifth and final wish goes out to giving me OP levels of control over my body. I would have asked for a system but god said the whole thing of him being a nice guy would be off the table if I got it.

He would flick my soul into a electric bug trap and watch me violently evaporate out of existence if that helps in why I changed my mind on a system.

I'm not too mad after all I get to be a one punch man hero vs whatever MHA has got.

[Time skip forward]

Alright my first few years blew by honestly as a kid, it's easy to zone out and keep away from other kids. And I have yet to know why toddlers seem hyper intelligent in my hero academia.

Like back on Earth in my original life when I was four I barely mastered teeth brushing, yet kids in this world are able to have enough intelligence that I wasn't even outed as a genius since I didn't bother hiding how smart I am .

For having the time I began light sketches of people in the class, just whoever I saw and what they were doing. I'm stuck in preschool so I may as well start on some quality of life skills, as I'm sure when I'm older being able to have clear sketches alongside my notes will be helpful.

It was naptime and I was drawing something for Kacchan while he was sleeping, Since he got his quirk he was so full of himself and sure that he would be a awesome hero.

Explosions are why he went with the grenade gauntlets in the canon time line, It's fine the kid will figure out he wants those by himself, for now I'll just have my fun.

My drawing of Kacchan depicts him in a cartoonish AND bulky frag grenade costume.

The idea came from how people made those hotdog and annoying orange costumes.

As for the face Kacchan would be making, A wide smirk appeared on my face while I started giggling a little.

"Ooh little Izuku-kun what are you skipping naptime for~" in a sing song voice the apron adored and honestly attractive looking preschool teacher looked over to the pages of my notebook

"Ah drawing your friend again, though his expressions dont make much sense if he's a hero there?"

Looking down at my markered page I used Kobeni's crying and dancing from chainsaw man as a template.

"He needs to sweat a lot for his quirk to make explosions" Looking away from the page I stare into her light brown eyes and smile brightly