
As a Robot in a world of Heroes(hiatus)

As someone who thinks robots are cool I write this to try better my writing skills. Because it makes sense to try make a fanfiction for MHA or other popular series. A man falls out of his world into MHA abruptly into the body of a child, Things are quiet. but not for long because he awakens his quirk right away and turned into, A Robot?

A_Canadian · Anime & Comics
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Nah doc' jus a feelin is all

Shitty Garaki. Of course his wrinkly self would be in the Musutafu Hospital scouting quirks and potential nomu candidates.

His bald head is rather matte.what a perfect opportunity

"How come your head isn't shiny?" Asking him while pointing at his head with zero concern earns me a slight eyebrow raise from the crazy doctor.

Barely rasing himself forward I can see the guy go through the routine government quirk questions. Thumbing through whatever test results they have, eventually settling on a x-ray of my sternum and torso that they see many of my bones are simply removed to better integrate my new robot head.

I chose to make it look like Gen 1 shockwaves head from transformers. and simply just change between other Canon appearances of shockwave.

Then As I age I will use my 'Quirk on myself slowly turning me more and more into a full body cyborg.

Simply put when I grow up I'll be a cool robo tank.

But for now I gotta keep my head down and my mouth shut of anything to catch Garaki and All for Ones attention.

wiggling my hands together while my antenna twi