
As a Robot in a world of Heroes(hiatus)

As someone who thinks robots are cool I write this to try better my writing skills. Because it makes sense to try make a fanfiction for MHA or other popular series. A man falls out of his world into MHA abruptly into the body of a child, Things are quiet. but not for long because he awakens his quirk right away and turned into, A Robot?

A_Canadian · Anime & Comics
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I'm a simulacrum. So What?

Standing at a staggering 260 feet tall and weighing 1980 tons. Yes this is the body that has my uploaded brain.

Through a blinding miracle and my life's end I found myself possessing the Gipsy danger and was blasted all to hell and scrambled through some space magic to end up here, In MHA as a Force of nature that a mark 3 Jaeger is.

Well sure the mark 9 exists, but we don't ever touch Uprising. And hey I don't think this world has much to go against me, aside from the Godzilla side character in this place. I'm not even sure if he is still alive. since its 2270.

Get Your head out of the clouds scrap heap.