
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Ch36:New discovery.

The Seekers set out toward the Plateau with a sense of determination and cautious optimism. The path led them away from the dense forest that had been both their shelter and their battleground. As they ventured further, the terrain began to change, becoming more rugged and rocky. The air grew thinner, and the climb became steeper.

Elara was at the front, her swords strapped to her back, her eyes scanning the horizon. "I wonder what kind of creatures we'll find up there. Hopefully, something challenging."

Archaes, walking beside her, replied, "I'm sure there will be plenty of challenges, Elara. Just remember, our goal is to survive and gather information. We can't afford to take unnecessary risks."

Behind them, Borin was adjusting his pack, already planning new traps. "These cliffs and rocks will make perfect spots for some explosive surprises. I just need to find the right materials."

Rhiannon, ever the voice of caution, added, "Let's focus on getting there first. The Plateau is likely to be less forgiving than the forest. We need to be prepared for the unexpected."

Draven moved silently, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings. His keen senses had already saved them more than once, and he knew they would be crucial in the days to come.

As they ascended, the vegetation began to thin out, replaced by hardy shrubs and stunted trees that clung to the rocky soil. The wind grew colder, whipping through their cloaks and stinging their faces. Despite the growing fatigue, they pressed on, driven by their shared determination.

By midday, they reached a narrow ledge overlooking a vast expanse of rocky terrain. The view was breathtaking, the Plateau stretching out before them like a jagged sea of stone. They paused to catch their breath and assess their surroundings.

Archaes pulled out the communication ring, sending a quick update to the other squads and the Chancellors. "We've reached the edge of the Plateau. The terrain is tough, but we're making progress. We'll keep moving and report back any findings."

Elara looked out over the expanse, her eyes bright with excitement. "This is it. A new frontier. Let's make our mark."

Rhiannon, always practical, nodded. "We'll need to find shelter soon. The temperature will drop quickly as night falls."

Borin was already examining the rocks around them. "These stones... they might be useful for my traps. I'll need to gather some samples."

Draven, his gaze fixed on the horizon, spoke quietly, "There's movement up ahead. We should be cautious."

Archaes signaled for them to move forward. "Stay alert, everyone. Let's find a suitable place to set up camp and keep an eye out for anything unusual."

As they moved deeper into the Plateau, they encountered signs of life—small, hardy creatures that darted among the rocks and strange, twisted plants that seemed to thrive in the harsh conditions. Each discovery was carefully documented, adding to the growing encyclopedia of the new world.

By late afternoon, they found a sheltered alcove in the side of a cliff. It offered some protection from the wind and a good vantage point to watch for any approaching dangers. They set up their camp, working efficiently and silently, each member falling into their familiar roles.

Elara gathered firewood, her movements quick and purposeful. "We should keep the fire small. We don't want to attract unwanted attention."

Rhiannon prepared their evening meal, using some of the herbs they had discovered for added flavor. "It's not much, but it will keep us going."

Borin set up his traps around the perimeter, muttering to himself as he worked. "Just in case something decides to pay us a visit."

Draven took the first watch, his eyes scanning the darkening landscape. "I'll wake Archaes for the next shift."

As night fell, they huddled around the small fire, the warmth a welcome relief from the cold. Archaes looked at his team, feeling a deep sense of pride and responsibility. They had come so far, faced many challenges, and yet they remained strong, united in their mission.

"We've done well today," he said, his voice steady. "But this is just the beginning. The Plateau holds many secrets, and it's up to us to uncover them. Stay vigilant, stay together, and we'll get through this."

As the night deepened, the Plateau around them was silent and still, a stark contrast to the forest they had left behind. But the Seekers knew that danger could come at any moment, and they were ready. Their journey had only just begun, and there were many more discoveries—and challenges—waiting for them in this harsh, unforgiving land.

And so, under the vast, starlit sky, the Seekers kept watch, prepared to face whatever the new day would bring.

It had been a week since the expedition split into three groups, each venturing into a distinct region of the new world. The forest was now known as Verdant Veil, a name that reflected its lush and treacherous beauty. The desert had been christened the Sun's Embrace, its scorching sands and searing winds a constant challenge. The plains were called the Golden Expanse, a vast sea of grass and wildflowers that seemed to stretch endlessly. Lastly, the Plateau had been named the Shattered Peaks, its jagged rocks and high altitude making it a formidable terrain.

The Seekers, part of the group exploring the Shattered Peaks, had spent the past week adapting to their new environment. They had set up a more permanent base camp in a sheltered valley, using the natural rock formations to their advantage. The terrain was harsh, but the Seekers were resilient.

Archaes stood at the edge of their camp, looking out over the rugged landscape. "We've covered a lot of ground, but there's still so much to explore."

Elara, sharpening her swords nearby, nodded. "And plenty more creatures to discover. I can't wait."

Rhiannon, examining a new species of fern they had found, added, "We've documented

four new species so far, though all of them are just grasses, ferns, and other plant life."

Borin, setting up another batch of his signature traps, chimed in, "Plant life is important too, Rhiannon. Who knows what uses we might find for them?"

Draven, returning from his latest scouting mission, approached the group. "I spotted some movement a few miles east. Could be something worth investigating."

Archaes turned to his team. "Alright, let's gear up and head out. We need to stay vigilant. This place might seem barren, but it's full of surprises."

They moved quickly and efficiently, packing their gear and setting off toward the east. The path was steep and rocky, but they navigated it with practiced ease. The Shattered Peaks were unforgiving, but the Seekers had become adept at surviving in its harsh conditions.

As they trekked, Elara kept her eyes peeled for any signs of life. "What do you think we'll find this time? Another plant? Or something a bit more... lively?"

Draven, leading the way, replied, "Hard to say. The tracks I saw were faint, but they were there. Could be anything."

Borin, ever the pragmatist, added, "Let's just hope it's not something that's interested in having us for dinner."

Rhiannon, who had been quietly observing their surroundings, suddenly paused. "Look there," she said, pointing to a cluster of strange, bioluminescent plants nestled among the rocks. "We haven't seen these before."

They approached the plants cautiously. Archaes knelt down, carefully examining the glowing flora. "Interesting. We'll need to take samples back to camp for further study."

As they continued their journey, they encountered more of the bioluminescent plants, their soft glow providing an eerie light in the gathering twilight. The sight was both beautiful and unsettling, a reminder of the alien nature of their surroundings.

Eventually, they reached the area Draven had scouted. The terrain leveled out slightly, and they found themselves standing before a large cave entrance. The tracks led inside, disappearing into the darkness.

Archaes turned to his team. "Alright, we proceed with caution. We don't know what's in there."

Elara grinned, her hands resting on the hilts of her swords. "Let's find out."

Borin lit a torch, the flickering flame casting long shadows on the cave walls. "Stay close and watch your step."

They entered the cave, the air growing cooler and damper as they ventured deeper. The bioluminescent plants provided just enough light to see by, their glow reflecting off the damp stone.

Draven, moving silently at the front, raised a hand, signaling the group to stop. "I hear something," he whispered.

They listened, the faint sound of rustling coming from further inside the cave. Rhiannon readied her bow, and Borin adjusted his grip on the torch.

Suddenly, a creature emerged from the shadows. It was small, no larger than a dog, with sleek, black fur and large, luminous eyes. It regarded them curiously, its head tilted to one side.

Elara stepped forward, her swords at the ready. "What is it?"

Archaes studied the creature carefully. "It's harmless. Probably more scared of us than we are of it."

The creature sniffed the air, then turned and disappeared back into the darkness. They followed cautiously, the cave opening up into a larger chamber.

In the center of the chamber was a pool of water, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly light. The bioluminescent plants were thicker here, their glow reflecting off the water and casting an ethereal light on the cave walls.

Archaes approached the pool, kneeling to examine it. "This water... it might have special properties. We should take a sample."

As they collected the water, the creature reappeared, watching them from a safe distance. It seemed curious, almost intelligent.

Rhiannon, observing the creature, said, "We should record this. It's unlike anything we've seen before."

They spent the next few hours documenting their findings, taking samples and notes. The cave, with its strange plants and glowing pool, was a treasure trove of new discoveries.

As they prepared to leave, Archaes turned to his team. "We've done good work here. Let's head back to camp and analyze our findings."

Elara sheathed her swords, looking back at the creature one last time. "I wonder what else is out there, waiting for us to find."

Borin extinguished the torch, the cave falling into darkness. "Only one way to find out."

They made their way back to the entrance, the bioluminescent plants lighting their path. As they emerged into the fading daylight, they felt a sense of accomplishment. The Shattered Peaks were harsh and unforgiving, but the Seekers were proving themselves more than capable of meeting the challenge.

Archaes looked at his team, a smile of pride on his face. "We're making progress. Let's keep moving forward."

With renewed determination, the Seekers continued their journey, ready to face whatever the Shattered Peaks had in store for them next.