
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Ch37: Revelation and preservation.

Elowen and Archaes were seated in their makeshift lab, a small tent set up within the Seekers' camp, surrounded by various apparatuses and tools. The samples they had collected from the cave were spread out before them, glowing faintly in the dim light. Archaes leaned over a beaker, carefully pouring a sample of the luminescent water into a flask.

"This is incredible," Archaes murmured, his eyes wide with fascination. "The mana concentration in this water is unparalleled. Even the purest mana water created by the method in my book can't compare."

Elowen, her brow furrowed in concentration, was examining the bioluminescent plants through a magnifying lens. "It's not just the water. These plants are emitting waves of an unknown mana signature. It's like nothing I've ever seen."

Archaes nodded, glancing at the plants. "I've never encountered anything like this either. The mana signature is... unique. It's almost as if these plants are alive in a different way, infused with magic at their very core."

Elowen looked up from her work, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "This could revolutionize our understanding of mana. Imagine what we could do with a source this pure. Potions, enchantments, even magical constructs... the possibilities are endless."

Archaes smiled, sharing her enthusiasm. "You're right. This discovery could change everything. We need to document this thoroughly and send a report back to the Chancellors. They need to know what we've found here."

Elowen nodded in agreement. "I'll start writing up our findings. We should also collect more samples. Who knows what other properties these plants and this water might have?"

As they continued their work, the tent was filled with a sense of purpose and excitement. They were on the brink of a major breakthrough, and both Elowen and Archaes could feel it.

After hours of meticulous documentation and testing, they finally took a moment to rest. Elowen stretched, her muscles sore from hunching over the samples for so long. "We should also think about how to protect this area. If other squads find out about this, there could be a rush to exploit it."

Archaes nodded thoughtfully. "You're right. We need to be cautious. This place needs to be preserved, not just for its resources, but for the knowledge it holds."

Elowen leaned back in her chair, a thoughtful expression on her face. "It's amazing to think that we've only scratched the surface of what this new world has to offer. Who knows what other wonders are out there, waiting to be discovered?"

Archaes smiled, a sense of wonder in his eyes. "That's the beauty of exploration. Every day brings something new. And with each discovery, we learn a little more about this world and our place in it."

As they sat there, reflecting on their findings, the glow of the bioluminescent plants cast a soft, magical light around them. It was a reminder of the mysteries they had yet to uncover and the incredible journey that lay ahead.

Elowen broke the silence, her voice filled with determination. "We should start planning our next steps. There's so much more to learn, and we can't afford to waste any time."

Archaes nodded, his resolve matching hers. "Agreed. Let's gather the rest of the Seekers and brief them on our findings. We'll need everyone on board for this."

With that, they rose from their seats, ready to share their groundbreaking discovery with their team. The Seekers were more than just explorers now; they were pioneers, uncovering the secrets of a world that had lain hidden for centuries. And with each step they took, they were writing a new chapter in the annals of history.

The campfire cast flickering shadows over the Seekers as they gathered to hear Elowen and Archaes reveal their groundbreaking findings. The air was thick with anticipation, each member leaning in to catch every word.

Elowen began, "The plants and water we collected are extraordinary. The plants emit waves of an unknown mana signature, unlike anything we've encountered. The water is even more remarkable. It's imbued with mana, similar to the mana water we use for concoctions, but it's purer than anything we can produce."

Archaes continued, "This could revolutionize our understanding of mana and its applications. Imagine the potions, enchantments, and magical constructs we could create with such a pure source."

Draven, ever the pragmatist, cut in, "That's great and all, but what's our next step? Other squads will likely come for this once they learn about it."

Elowen shook her head, "We don't have to worry about that. All squads took the sacred oath to follow the rules. If anyone breaks them, they'll die instantly due to the magical nature of the contract."

Rhiannon frowned, "I've read the rules cover to cover, and there's no mention of such a clause."

Before the argument could escalate, Archaes intervened, pulling several vials from his bag. Each vial contained a thick, dark liquid that seemed to shimmer ominously in the firelight.

Elara, curiosity piqued, asked, "What are those?"

Archaes replied, "These are my greatest work in terms of poisons. Their fumes alone are deadly, and each vial can last for days. We'll use six of them to turn the area around the cave into the world's most dangerous kill zone."

Elowen's eyes widened in concern, "But won't that affect the water?"

Archaes shook his head, "I've already tested them. The water and plants remain unaffected. The poison only affects living creatures."

Borin, always practical, asked, "Why go through all this trouble? Why not just stay here and protect it ourselves?"

Archaes sighed, "If we stay here, we'll miss out on other discoveries. Plus, we don't have the manpower to fend off other squads indefinitely. It's still too early for the massive death tolls to end. Once the expedition gains a permanent foothold, many squads will be crippled due to lack of members. We'll merge them to establish a firm hold on all the resources we discover. But for now, creating kill zones like these is our only way to protect our holds."

When Archaes finished speaking, he looked around at his teammates. Their faces were a mixture of shock and confusion, as if everything he had said had gone over their heads.

Draven broke the silence, his voice laced with disbelief, "Are you sure you're sane, Archaes? Sometimes I wonder if you're not a madman like we suspected last time."

Archaes chuckled, a dark glint in his eyes, "Madness and genius often walk hand in hand, Draven. But rest assured, this is the most rational plan we have. If we want to survive and thrive, we must be willing to take bold steps."

Elara, ever the warrior, seemed to understand Archaes' point, "He's right. If we want to make a mark in this new world, we can't play it safe."

Rhiannon, still skeptical, asked, "And what happens when other squads find out about the kill zone? Won't they retaliate?"

Archaes shrugged, "By the time they realize what's happened, it will be too late. The poison will have done its work, and they'll be too weak to retaliate effectively. Besides, we won't be staying in one place for long. We move, we discover, we protect, and we keep moving."

Elowen, though hesitant, finally nodded in agreement, "It's risky, but Archaes has a point. We need to be proactive, not reactive. This is our best chance to secure our discoveries."

Draven sighed, "Alright, but we need to be careful. One misstep and this plan could backfire spectacularly."

Archaes gave a confident smile, "Trust me. I've thought this through. We'll execute the plan with precision. Now, let's prepare the vials and set the traps. We have a lot of work ahead of us."

As the Seekers moved to gather the necessary supplies, the camp was filled with a renewed sense of purpose. They were not just explorers; they were pioneers, carving out their place in a dangerous and uncharted world. Each step they took was fraught with risk, but also with the promise of untold discoveries and unimaginable power.

Elowen and Archaes worked side by side, carefully handling the vials of poison. Elowen's hands trembled slightly as she sealed the vials, the weight of their decision bearing down on her. Archaes, sensing her unease, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"We're doing the right thing, Elowen," he said softly. "This is the only way to ensure our survival and the success of our mission."

Elowen nodded, taking a deep breath, "I know. It's just... I hope we're not making a mistake."

Archaes smiled, "Every great endeavor carries its risks. But I believe in us. We'll make it through this."

As the night wore on, the Seekers set the traps and prepared the kill zone around the cave. They worked in silence, each member lost in their thoughts, contemplating the gravity of their actions. When the last vial was placed, they gathered around the campfire once more, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames.

Archaes stood, addressing his team with a determined look, "We've taken the first step towards securing our future. Now, we continue our journey. We'll discover new lands, new creatures, and new resources. And we will do so with the knowledge that we have the means to protect what we find."

The Seekers nodded in agreement, their resolve strengthened. They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that they had the tools and the determination to succeed.

As they settled in for the night, Elowen looked up at the stars, a sense of wonder and anticipation filling her heart. They were on the brink of greatness, and she was ready to embrace whatever the future held.

With a final glance at the glowing plants and the pure, mana-infused water, she whispered to herself, "This is just the beginning."

And with that, the Seekers drifted off to sleep, their dreams filled with visions of the adventures and discoveries that awaited them in the vast, uncharted world beyond.