
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Ch35:More unknowns.

Time passed, and the expedition continued its perilous journey. The Seekers, along with the remaining squads, ventured deeper into the unknown territories, facing dangers that claimed the lives of many. By the time they emerged from the dense forest, only eighteen squads were left:

1. **The Iron Fang Legion**

2. **Silvermoon Sentinels**

3. **Stormwatch Brigade**

4. **Shadowclaw Rangers**

5. **Crimson Vanguard**

6. **Thunderstrike Battalion**

7. **Ebonblade Enforcers**

8. **Gryphon's Wrath**

9. **Frostfire Company**

10. **Golden Lion Guard**

11. **Nightshade**

12. **Dragon's Roar Regiment**

13. **Starlight Defenders**

14. **Bloodthorn Marauders**

15. **Seekers**

16. **Celestial Knights**

17. **Phoenix Guard**

18. **Ironwood Protectors**

The forest had been a relentless adversary, filled with both wondrous discoveries and lethal threats. As the Seekers gathered around their campfire on the edge of the forest, a sense of relief mixed with the weight of their losses filled the air.

Elowen, tending to a small herb garden she had managed to cultivate, sighed deeply. "So many lost. It feels like the forest took more than we gave."

Archaes, staring into the flickering flames, nodded solemnly. "We've faced incredible odds, but we've also grown stronger. Every battle, every loss, has taught us something."

Elara, polishing her swords, chimed in with a hint of her usual fervor. "And we'll keep learning. We'll honor those we lost by surviving and thriving."

Rhiannon, always the observer, added quietly, "We have to be smarter. The forest was just the beginning. We don't know what lies ahead."

Draven, now sporting a scar across his back from their encounter with the primal beast, agreed. "We need to stay vigilant. Complacency will kill us faster than any monster."

Borin, ever the explosives enthusiast, grinned. "Well, whatever comes next, we'll be ready. I've got new traps that should make anything think twice."

Archaes looked at each member of his squad, pride and determination in his eyes. "We've come this far together. We'll face whatever comes next the same way."

Corax cawed softly, as if in agreement, his dark eyes reflecting the firelight. The Seekers had survived the forest, but their journey was far from over. With the memory of their fallen comrades driving them forward, they prepared for the challenges that lay ahead, determined to continue their mission and uncover the secrets of this new world.

The day had finally come for the Seekers to embark on the next leg of their expedition. As they packed up their camp and prepared to depart from the edge of the forest, Archaes's communication ring began to buzz. Startled, he glanced down at the ring on his hand, a small, intricate device given to each squad leader at the beginning of the expedition. He activated the ring, and the visages of the nine Chancellors and the eighteen remaining squad leaders appeared before him, shimmering slightly in the air.

Chancellor Cyril's voice was the first to break the silence. "Attention, all squad leaders. We have an important announcement and discussion ahead. Please, listen carefully."

The ring emitted a soft hum as the other visages adjusted themselves, ready for the conference. Chancellor Marla's calm and authoritative tone followed Cyril's. "The total number of species of flora and fauna discovered has now reached thirty-three. This is a significant milestone, and each of your contributions has been invaluable."

There was a brief moment of pride among the squad leaders, knowing that despite the heavy losses, their efforts were bearing fruit. Archaes glanced at his team; Elara's eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and excitement, Rhiannon nodded solemnly, and Borin muttered something about new possibilities for his explosive concoctions.

Chancellor Idris continued the announcement. "Now, to discuss our next steps. As you all know, we are currently at the edge of the forest. Beyond this point, there are three distinct biomes: the Desert, the Plains, and the Plateau. Each presents unique challenges and opportunities."

Chancellor Rowan's visage leaned forward slightly. "Given the nature of these biomes, we will be dividing the squads into three groups, each tasked with exploring and documenting one of these areas. The assignments are as follows."

The visages shifted, displaying a map of the region with marked areas for each biome. Chancellor Lysandra's voice took over. "The group heading to the Desert will consist of the Crimson Vanguard, Bloodthorn Marauders, Ebonblade Enforcers, Shadowclaw Rangers, Starlight Defenders, and Stormwatch Brigade."

As Lysandra spoke, Archaes saw the faces of the leaders of these squads, each registering the new assignment. A mix of determination and concern flashed across their features; the Desert was known for its harsh conditions and scarcity of resources.

Chancellor Thrain's deep voice echoed next. "The group assigned to the Plains will be the Celestial Knights, Phoenix Guard, Ironwood Protectors, Dragon's Roar Regiment, Silvermoon Sentinels, and Golden Lion Guard."

Archaes noted the nods of agreement among these squad leaders. The Plains, while vast and open, would allow for easier movement and potentially fewer ambushes compared to the dense forest they had just emerged from.

Finally, Chancellor Elara addressed the last group. "The squads heading to the Plateau will be The Iron Fang Legion, Thunderstrike Battalion, Gryphon's Wrath, Frostfire Company, Nightshade, and the Seekers."

Archaes felt a jolt of anticipation. The Plateau, with its high vantage points and potentially strategic advantages, also meant treacherous climbs and thin air. He looked at his team; Elara's grip on her swords tightened in excitement, Rhiannon's calm demeanor betrayed a flicker of interest, and Borin's mind was clearly already racing with new trap ideas.

Chancellor Cyril spoke again, his tone final and resolute. "These assignments are critical. Each biome presents unique challenges that will test your squads' adaptability, resourcefulness, and strength. We expect detailed reports and constant communication. Remember, your discoveries and survival are paramount to the success of this expedition."

The visages of the Chancellors faded, leaving only the squad leaders visible. Each leader nodded in acknowledgment before the conference call ended, and the communication ring fell silent.

Archaes turned to his team, his expression a blend of determination and leadership. "We have our assignment. We're heading to the Plateau. This will be a new challenge, but I have no doubt that we will face it head-on and come out stronger."

Elara's eyes gleamed with fierce excitement. "Let's show this Plateau what the Seekers are made of!"

Rhiannon nodded, her voice steady. "We'll need to be cautious. High altitudes mean different dangers, and we need to be prepared for anything."

Borin, already sketching out new trap designs in his mind, grinned. "New terrain, new traps. I can't wait to see what we can come up with."

Draven, silent as always, simply nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the horizon as if already planning their next move.

Corax cawed softly, as if to signal his readiness for the journey ahead.

Archaes took a deep breath, feeling the weight of leadership settle on his shoulders once more. "All right, Seekers. Gather your gear. We move out in an hour. Let's see what the Plateau,has for us."

With that, the team moved with renewed purpose, ready to face whatever the Plateau had in store for them. The journey ahead would be perilous, but together, they would navigate it with the same courage and tenacity that had brought them this far.