
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch34:The first hunt of unknown.

As the seasons changed, the harsh reality of their expedition continued to unfold. The casualties mounted, and by the end of the year, three more squads had been lost to the unknown dangers of the new world: the Mystic Wave Corps, the Blazing Sun Brigade, and the Twilight Spearhead.

Yet amidst the losses, there were also significant discoveries. New herbs were found, useful for poisons, healing, and other remedies. The combined encyclopedia of all the creatures discovered now included 15 different animals, 12 plants, and 4 species that defied categorization, such as the Neco.

The Seekers, though they hadn't discovered anything groundbreaking, managed to create a valuable substance: soap. By mixing the corrosive slime of dead Neco with newly discovered herbs, they improved the hygiene of the entire expedition force. This earned them special gratitude from Nightshade, a squad comprising only females.

One day, as the Seekers were traveling, Draven returned from scouting ahead. His expression was more serious than usual, and Archaes knew he had important news.

Draven spoke quietly but urgently. "I found a giant footprint ahead. It's unlike anything we've seen so far."

Elara's eyes lit up with excitement. "Finally, something interesting! Let's go check it out."

Elowen frowned, her concern evident. "A giant footprint? That sounds dangerous. We should be careful."

Borin grinned, already thinking about the potential for a new challenge. "Maybe it's something we can blow up."

Rhiannon, ever cautious, asked, "Did you see any signs of what made the footprint?"

Draven shook his head. "No, just the footprint. But it's fresh. Whatever made it might still be close."

Archaes nodded, considering the implications. "We need to investigate, but we have to be smart about it. Elara, you'll stay close to me. Draven, lead the way. Rhiannon, keep your bow ready. Borin, prepare your explosives just in case."

Corax cawed from Archaes's shoulder, as if in agreement with the plan. The team moved cautiously, following Draven's lead. The forest was dense, the shadows deepening as they approached the area where Draven had found the footprint.

When they reached the site, they saw the massive impression in the ground. It was easily three times the size of a human foot, the depth indicating a creature of considerable weight and strength.

Elara knelt beside the footprint, tracing its edges with her fingers. "This thing is huge. Whatever made it must be incredibly powerful."

Elowen, standing beside her, added, "And dangerous. We need to be on high alert."

Borin was already setting up a perimeter with his explosives, muttering to himself about the best placement. Rhiannon scanned the surroundings, her eyes sharp and focused.

Archaes examined the footprint closely. "We need to document this and report it back. This could be a significant discovery."

Draven nodded. "I'll scout around the area, see if I can find any more tracks or signs of the creature."

As Draven disappeared into the forest again, the rest of the Seekers remained on guard.

Draven had followed the footprints for some distance, noting the intervals between them that suggested the creature was adept at jumping. His mind raced with possibilities when suddenly, a massive shadow passed over him, followed by a deafening roar. Recognizing this as a sign of intimidation, he decided to retreat.

As Draven hurried back, he was met midway by the rest of the Seekers, who had come looking for him after hearing the roar.

Elara's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Where is it? What does it look like?"

Draven, still catching his breath, replied, "I didn't see anything clearly, just a shadow. And the roar was all I heard."

Rhiannon, her bow at the ready, speculated, "If it was swinging from the trees, it might be some kind of primate."

Borin, always eager for action, suggested, "Let's set the whole place on fire with explosives. Bring down the trees and make it vulnerable."

Archaes shook his head, dismissing the idea. "No, Borin. We risk attracting something even more dangerous if we do that."

Elowen stepped closer, her concern evident. "We need a plan that doesn't involve setting the forest ablaze. We can't afford to take unnecessary risks."

Draven nodded in agreement. "The creature is smart. It knew exactly how to intimidate without revealing itself. We need to outthink it, not provoke it."

Rhiannon suggested, "What if we set a trap? Use bait to lure it out and then observe its behavior."

Archaes considered this. "That could work. But we need to be careful. We don't know what we're dealing with yet."

Elara grinned, already imagining the battle. "I'll be ready when it shows itself."

Archaes looked at each member of the group. "We'll set up camp nearby and prepare the trap. Elowen, keep an eye on Elara. Borin, use your explosives wisely. Draven, continue scouting but stay within sight. Rhiannon, cover us from a distance."

Corax, perched on Archaes's shoulder, cawed softly, as if in agreement with the plan.

The Seekers moved with purpose, setting up a strategic camp and preparing for their first real encounter with something truly unknown .

Borin set the traps meticulously, using fresh meat laced with fragrant herbs as bait. As night fell, the Seekers hid, waiting in tense anticipation.

A terrifying, primal beast emerged from the shadows, standing approximately ten feet tall with a muscular and robust build. Its skin was a raw, crimson red, almost as if it had been flayed, revealing powerful muscles underneath. The creature's body was covered with patches of matted, silver-white fur, providing a stark contrast to its bloody flesh. Its arms were disproportionately long, ending with enormous, long, razor-sharp claws.

The creature approached the bait and started sniffing it. Archaes, hidden in the shadows, recorded the creature in the data slate, capturing its features and movements. "Borin, now!" he signaled with a sharp nod.

In moments, explosions shook the area. Borin's traps detonated around the beast, creating a cacophony of sound and a cloud of dust. The creature roared in surprise and pain, its instincts kicking in as it flailed about.

Rhiannon, receiving the signal, released a barrage of poison arrows. The arrows struck true, embedding themselves in the beast's exposed flesh. The creature roared again, this time in anger, its eyes glowing with a predatory rage.

Elara, eyes alight with excitement, charged in with swords in both hands. "Let's see how you handle this!" she yelled, slashing at the creature's legs.

Archaes, wielding his enchanted spear, moved to support her. "Stay on its flanks, Elara. We need to keep it off balance."

Draven circled around, moving with the stealth and precision of a shadow. "I'll flank it. Keep it distracted," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper.

The creature, despite its injuries, lashed out with its massive claws. It swung wildly at Elara, who nimbly dodged the blows, her swords flashing in the moonlight. "Is that all you've got?" she taunted, slicing at its arm.

Archaes thrust his spear into the beast's side, the enchanted weapon glowing with a soft, eerie light. "Hold it steady, Elara. We need to weaken it more."

Draven, now in position, struck from behind, his blades finding vulnerable spots in the creature's hide. "It's strong, but we can bring it down," he said, his movements a blur.

Borin, from a safe distance, prepared another explosive. "Time for another round," he muttered, lighting the fuse and tossing the device with precision.

The explosion rocked the creature, causing it to stumble. Rhiannon's arrows continued to rain down, each one finding its mark with deadly accuracy.

Suddenly, the creature, driven by pain and desperation, started to run amok. It lashed out wildly, its claws tearing through the air. Draven, caught off guard, was gashed across the back, forcing him to retreat and putting him out of commission. Elara, seeing her comrade in danger, charged in to save him, barely dodging the creature's frenzied attacks.

Archaes, realizing the battle was getting out of hand, channeled his magic into his spear. The weapon erupted in flames, casting a fierce glow across the battlefield. "Stay back, everyone! I'll finish this," he shouted.

The beast, now in total loss of control, charged at Archaes. Using the creature's momentum, Archaes impaled it through the chest, the fiery spear piercing its heart. The flames engulfed the beast from the inside, setting its heart on fire. With a final, agonized roar, the creature collapsed, its life force extinguished.

Breathing heavily, Archaes withdrew his spear and surveyed the scene. "Is everyone alright?" he called out.

Elowen rushed to Draven's side, already tending to his wounds. "He'll be fine, just a nasty gash. Elara, are you hurt?"

Elara shook her head, though she was breathing heavily from the exertion. "Just a few scratches. We did it, Archaes. That was incredible."

Rhiannon lowered her bow, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any further threats. "We need to stay alert. There could be more of them."

Borin, chuckling, approached the fallen beast. "My explosives did the trick again. We make a good team."

Corax, perched on a nearby branch, cawed approvingly. The Seekers had faced a formidable foe and emerged victorious, their bond as a team stronger than ever.