
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch33: Threats of nature.

Two weeks into their expedition, the 30 squads had encountered unforeseen dangers, leading to the complete annihilation of six squads: Shadowfire Company, Stormrider Brigade, Radiant Dawn Regiment, Sapphire Blade, Viper's Strike, and Duskfall Sentinels. The Seekers, gathered around a campfire, sat in somber reflection on the grim news.

Draven, his crimson eyes flickering in the firelight, broke the silence. "What killed them?"

Archaes, holding the data slate tightly, nodded. "I've gathered information from the surviving squads. It's... not a pretty sight."

Borin, ever impatient, urged him on. "Just spill the list, Archaes."

Taking a deep breath, Archaes began, showing pictures on the slate as he spoke. "Shadowfire Company was swarmed and killed by creatures listed as Black Beasts."

The image on the slate displayed dark, monstrous figures, their eyes glowing with a malevolent light. Elowen gasped, her hand covering her mouth. "Those poor souls..."

"Stormrider Brigade was poisoned by spores from a flower called the Death Lotus," Archaes continued, revealing an image of a beautiful but sinister-looking flower.

Elara's eyes widened. "Who knew something so pretty could be so deadly?"

"Radiant Dawn Regiment met their end at the hands of creatures known as Neco," Archaes said, displaying a picture of black, formless slime-like beings. "These creatures can dissolve anything they touch."

Rhiannon shuddered. "That's horrifying. How do you fight something like that?"

"Sapphire Blade was killed by a feathery winged creature with the head of a bat, listed as Howler," Archaes said, showing the eerie creature.

Draven nodded grimly. "Those things can drive you mad with their screams."

Archaes spoke,"Yes, that's literally their ability."

"Viper's Strike was taken out by the Hydra Vine, a snake-like plant creature," Archaes continued, the image showing a mass of writhing vines with snake-like heads.

Borin whistled softly. "That's... inventive, I'll give it that."

"Finally, Duskfall Sentinels were eaten by something called a Carnes, a large scaly reptilian beast," Archaes finished, displaying the terrifying image.

Elowen, her face pale, whispered, "We need to be so careful."

Archaes looked around at his team, determination in his eyes. "We need to be vigilant and smart. Learn from these losses. The terrain is deadly, and we must treat everything with caution."

Elara, usually carefree, looked serious for once. "We'll watch each other's backs. We're not losing anyone."

Draven nodded. "Agreed. We need to adapt to survive."

Borin cracked his knuckles. "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Those monsters won't know what hit 'em."

Rhiannon tightened her grip on her bow. "We need to stay sharp and alert. No mistakes."

Archaes smiled at his team, proud of their resolve. "We're the Seekers. We will uncover this land's secrets and survive its dangers. Together."

Corax, perched on Archaes's shoulder, cawed softly, as if in agreement.

Archaes nodded, his expression somber. "We survived this time, but we need to be prepared for anything. We'll analyze what we learned from this encounter and use it to stay ahead."

Rhiannon, descending from her perch, added, "We can't afford to lose anyone. We have to work together and stay sharp."

Elara sheathed her swords, her usual bravado tempered by the reality of the threat. "I guess I'll have to find a new way to fight."

Archaes placed a hand on her shoulder. "We all will. The Seekers adapt. That's how we survive."

Corax cawed softly, as if in agreement, from his perch on Archaes's shoulder. The team gathered their gear and continued their journey, more determined than ever to uncover the secrets of this new world and survive its many dangers.

Despite the Seekers' best efforts to maintain morale, the grim reality of their expedition became ever more apparent. The squads were continually losing members to the lethal, unpredictable nature of the new world. Five months into their venture, only 400 out of the original 600 recruits remained. However, each death brought a greater understanding of the threats they faced, and the Seekers were about to put that knowledge to the test.

Their first real battle began unexpectedly. As they were making their way through a dense forest, a Neco appeared out of nowhere, its black, formless mass oozing towards them with deadly intent. The corrosive properties of the creature meant that close combat was out of the question.

Elara, ever the impulsive warrior, readied her blades to charge in. "I'll slice it to ribbons!"

Elowen grabbed her arm, her voice firm. "Elara, no! You can't touch it without being dissolved. We need to think this through."

Elara hesitated, her muscles tensed with the urge to fight. "Then what do we do?"

Archaes quickly formulated a plan. "We retreat and use the terrain to our advantage. Borin, are you ready with your explosives?"

Borin grinned, already preparing his bombs. "Always. Let's blow this thing to pieces."

Draven nodded, already moving silently through the trees to position himself. "We'll need a distraction. Rhiannon, you and I can cover the retreat."

Rhiannon nodded, her bow at the ready. "Got it."

As the Seekers began their retreat, Elara reluctantly followed, keeping a watchful eye on the Neco. The creature pursued them, its mass writhing and reaching out with tendrils. Archaes and Rhiannon fired arrows and threw stones, keeping its attention on them.

Borin took advantage of the distraction, setting his explosives strategically along the path. Once he was satisfied with their placement, he signaled the team. "Everyone, get down!"

The Seekers dove for cover as Borin detonated the explosives. The forest shook with the force of the blast, and the Neco was torn apart, its corrosive mass splattering harmlessly against the trees and ground.

Borin stood, a smug grin on his face. "See? Sometimes, you just need a little bit of boom to solve your problems."

Draven emerged from the shadows, his expression unreadable. "Effective, but loud. We need to be careful not to attract more attention."

Rhiannon nodded, lowering her bow. "He's right. We don't want to invite more trouble."

Elara, despite her initial reluctance, couldn't help but smile. "Alright, Borin, you win this round."

Elowen sighed in relief, her gentle hands already checking everyone for injuries. "Let's just be glad we're all safe. Thank you, Borin."

Archaes clapped a hand on Borin's shoulder. "Good job. But remember, we need to balance caution with action. We can't afford to lose anyone."

Corax cawed in agreement from Archaes's shoulder, the crow's sharp eyes scanning the area for any further threats.

As the Seekers regrouped, they couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. They had faced their first real battle and emerged victorious, using the knowledge they had gained from the losses of others. The journey ahead would be filled with more dangers, but they were learning, adapting, and growing stronger together.