
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch32:Into the unknown.

Over the next few days, the Sanctuary's inhabitants worked tirelessly to repair the breaches and sort out the chaos left in the wake of the monstrous attack. It was a difficult task, both physically and emotionally, but the community pulled together, each person doing their part.

The dead were honored with a solemn funeral, led by Chancellors Thrain, Idris, and Rowan. The ceremony took place at the center of the Sanctuary, where the three chancellors stood before the gathered crowd, their expressions somber.

Chancellor Thrain, his powerful frame clad in ceremonial armor, began the proceedings. "We are gathered here to honor the brave souls who fought and fell in the defense of the Sanctuary. Their sacrifice will not be forgotten."

Idris, with her long, flowing robes and serene demeanor, stepped forward. "In times of darkness, we must remember the light that each of these individuals brought into our lives. Their courage and strength are a beacon for us all."

Rowan, the youngest of the chancellors, with sharp eyes and a commanding presence, added, "We must ensure that their deaths were not in vain. We will continue our mission with renewed determination, honoring their memory by forging ahead."

The mood among the assembled was grim. The loss of morale was palpable, and many wore expressions of sorrow and exhaustion. Friends of the fallen wept openly, their grief a testament to the bonds formed within the Sanctuary.

Elowen stood with her squad, her eyes moist with unshed tears. "It's hard to see so many gone," she whispered.

Draven, ever stoic, placed a hand on her shoulder. "We honor them by continuing to fight, by ensuring their sacrifices mean something."

Elara, uncharacteristically subdued, nodded. "For once, Draven's right. We can't let this break us."

Archaes surveyed his team, his heart heavy but resolute. "We will remember them, and we will push forward. This is just the beginning."

Over the next six days, the nine chancellors worked tirelessly to restore order and mend the Sanctuary. Chancellor Lysandra coordinated the repairs, her wind magic proving invaluable in clearing debris and helping with construction.

Chancellor Thrain took charge of security, ensuring that patrols were doubled and that everyone was trained to respond quickly to any future threats. "We must be vigilant," he emphasized in every meeting. "Complacency is our enemy."

Idris focused on morale, organizing small gatherings and encouraging the sharing of stories and songs to lift spirits. "We must find joy where we can," she told Archaes during one such event. "It's what will keep us human."

Rowan worked closely with the healers, his keen mind aiding in the development of new strategies to treat the wounded and prevent disease. "Every life saved is a victory," he reminded the healers.

As the days passed, the Sanctuary began to heal, both physically and emotionally. The breaches were repaired, and the dead were mourned properly. The sense of community grew stronger, forged in the crucible of shared hardship.

On the sixth day, the chancellors held a final meeting to discuss the progress. Lysandra spoke first. "The Sanctuary is secure once more. We are ready to proceed."

Thrain nodded. "The troops are well-trained and alert. Any further threats will be dealt with swiftly."

Idris smiled gently. "Our people are resilient. They have found ways to find hope and strength even in these dark times."

Rowan, always practical, concluded, "We are ready to make landfall. The squads are prepared, and the mission can continue."

With a sense of renewed purpose, the Sanctuary's inhabitants prepared for the next phase of their journey. Archaes and his squad, like many others, took stock of their supplies and readied themselves for whatever lay ahead.

Elowen looked at her friends and smiled. "We're ready for this."

Borin, adjusting his bomb satchel, grinned. "Bring it on. We've got this."

Elara, her eyes shining with determination, added, "Together, we can face anything."

Rhiannon, checking her bowstring, nodded. "We are stronger now. More prepared."

Draven, always the pragmatist, simply said, "Let's move forward."

Archaes looked at his squad, his heart swelling with pride. "For those we lost, and for the future we will build. Let's do this."

As the Sanctuary approached landfall, the inhabitants felt a mixture of apprehension and excitement. They were ready to face the unknown, united by their shared experiences and strengthened by their resolve. The new world awaited, and they were prepared to meet it head-on.


The Sanctuary, having withstood its first battle, finally reached its destination. Excitement buzzed through the air as recruits assembled in front of the soon-to-be-opened gates. The squads lined up in orderly fashion, anticipation and determination etched on their faces. The nine chancellors stood at the forefront, ready to give their speeches.

Chancellor Cyril, with his imposing presence, began the proceedings. "Today, we stand on the brink of a new world. Each of you has shown incredible resilience and bravery. Remember, the future of our civilization lies in your hands."

Marla stepped forward next, her voice carrying a tone of encouragement. "You have been trained and tested. Now, it is time to put your skills to use. Discover, learn, and thrive in this new land."

One by one, the chancellors spoke, each emphasizing the importance of unity, perseverance, and exploration. As the speeches concluded, the names of the squads were revealed:

1. **The Iron Fang Legion**

2. **Silvermoon Sentinels**

3. **Stormwatch Brigade**

4. **Shadowclaw Rangers**

5. **Emerald Phoenix**

6. **Crimson Vanguard**

7. **Thunderstrike Battalion**

8. **Ebonblade Enforcers**

9. **Gryphon's Wrath**

10. **Frostfire Company**

11. **Golden Lion Guard**

12. **Nightshade**

13. **Dragon's Roar Regiment**

14. **Starlight Defenders**

15. **Bloodthorn Marauders**

16. **Tempest Wardens**

17. **Mystic Wave Corps**

18. **Blazing Sun Brigade**

19. **Twilight Spearhead**

20. **Seekers**

21. **Raven's Shadow Patrol**

22. **Celestial Knights**

23. **Sapphire Blade**

24. **Viper's Strike**

25. **Duskfall Sentinels**

26. **Phoenix Guard**

27. **Ironwood Protectors**

28. **Shadowfire Company**

29. **Stormrider Brigade**

30. **Radiant Dawn Regiment**

As each name was announced, squads straightened, their pride evident. The Seekers, Archaes's squad, stood ready.

"We're really doing this," Elara whispered, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Draven nodded, his expression as inscrutable as ever. "We are."

Elowen, her face a mixture of nerves and excitement, murmured, "We'll make it. We've got each other."

Borin chuckled, adjusting his satchel of explosives. "Let's show them what we're made of."

Rhiannon, ever observant, scanned the horizon. "We'll be fine. We're ready."

Archaes looked at his team, a surge of pride washing over him. "Remember, we're the Seekers. We're here to uncover the unknown. Let's live up to our name."

The chancellors then handed out three essential items to each squad: a small magic tablet capable of scanning and recording physical data about new flora and fauna, a ring that allowed the squads to communicate with each other, and a badge that allowed the Sanctuary to track them for monthly supply deliveries.

As Archaes accepted the items, he addressed his team. "These tools are crucial. The tablet will help us document our discoveries. The ring ensures we can stay in contact with other squads, and the badge keeps us connected to the Sanctuary."

Elara examined the tablet with curiosity. "So, this thing scans plants and animals? Handy."

Draven slipped on the ring. "Communication is key. We need to stay coordinated."

Elowen looked at the badge, her brow furrowed in thought. "Monthly supply deliveries. That'll be a lifeline."

Borin grinned, holding up his own badge. "Well, let's not get too lost out there."

Rhiannon tested the tablet's functions. "We'll make sure to record everything. Every detail counts."

Archaes nodded. "Exactly. Now, let's get ready. Our journey begins here."

As the gates of the Sanctuary slowly creaked open, revealing the vast, uncharted land beyond, the squads moved out, one by one. The air was thick with the scent of adventure and the promise of discovery. The Seekers, led by Archaes, stepped forward, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Elara twirled one of her swords, her eyes gleaming. "New world, new challenges."

Draven moved with silent confidence. "Stay sharp. We don't know what's out there."

Elowen adjusted her pack. "I've got enough supplies to last us a while. Let's make sure we use them wisely."

Borin patted his satchel. "And I've got enough explosives to deal with any surprises."

Rhiannon strung her bow, her gaze steady. "Let's keep our eyes open and our wits about us."

Archaes led the way, Corax perched on his shoulder. "We've trained for this. We're ready."

Together, the Seekers embarked on their journey, stepping into the unknown with a mixture of trepidation and excitement. The new world awaited, and with it, countless mysteries to uncover and challenges to overcome. As they ventured forth, they knew they were more than just a squad; they were a family, bound by their shared mission and their unwavering resolve.