
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch31: Welcome party.

The next day, land was visible from the Sanctuary. The sprawling green coastline of an untouched world came into view, setting a spark of excitement and anticipation throughout the ship. Archaes and his squad gathered on the deck, gazing at the distant shore with wide eyes.

"This is it," Elara whispered, her normally mischievous grin replaced by a rare moment of awe. "The new world."

"Hard to believe we're finally here," Elowen added, her voice gentle as she clutched her herbalist's pouch. "Months of preparation, and now it's just a matter of hours."

Draven stood silent, his crimson eyes fixed on the horizon. Borin, with a gleam of excitement, muttered about all the new materials he could find, while Rhiannon checked her bow, ensuring it was ready for whatever lay ahead.

However, the tranquility of the moment was shattered abruptly. Without warning, the Sanctuary halted, lurching violently and sending everyone sprawling. Archaes hit the deck hard, the wind knocked out of him. The confusion was palpable as the entire vessel was thrown into chaos.

"What in the name of the ancients...?" Borin grunted, picking himself up. "Did we hit something?"

Before anyone could respond, bloodcurdling screams pierced the air, drawing everyone's attention. Panic spread like wildfire as people rushed towards the source of the commotion.

Archaes and his squad fought their way through the throngs of terrified crew members and recruits. When they finally reached the scene, their blood ran cold. Three fearsome, dark-scaled creatures stood amidst the wreckage. Each stood about 15 feet tall, with sleek, muscular bodies covered in obsidian scales that seemed to absorb light. Large, membranous wings stretched from their backs, and spiked tails lashed the air. Tentacle-like tendrils extended from their sides, each tipped with barbed suckers, and gripped several unfortunate victims, thrashing them about like ragdolls.

Elowen gasped, her face pale. "What are those things?"

"Nightmares made flesh," Draven replied, his voice grim as he drew his daggers.

Before anyone could react further, Chancellor Lysandra appeared, her presence commanding and formidable. She raised her hands, and a powerful gust of wind swept through the area, whisking everyone to safety. The staff quickly sealed the doors, isolating the creatures.

Lysandra's voice rang out, authoritative and clear. "Listen up! Multiple creatures have appeared all over the Sanctuary. From this moment forward, all squads are under our command until these threats are neutralized."

Archaes looked at his squad, their faces a mix of fear and determination. He could feel the weight of leadership pressing down on him. "We need to stay together and follow orders. Our priority is survival and eliminating these threats."

Elara's eyes gleamed with excitement despite the danger. "Time to see what we're really made of."

Borin nodded, a grim smile on his face. "I'll ready my explosives. Those things won't know what hit 'em."

Draven, ever the shadow, simply melted into the background, ready to strike when needed. Rhiannon, her bow at the ready, scanned the surroundings with a sharp eye. Elowen, though visibly shaken, took a deep breath and steeled herself.

The Sanctuary was now a battleground. Archaes knew that the next few hours would test their mettle like never before.

As they moved through the corridors, Lysandra's wind magic cleared their path, but the sounds of battle and screams of the dying echoed through the ship. Archaes' mind raced, trying to formulate a plan.

"We need to find out where these things are coming from," Archaes said. "Draven, can you scout ahead? We need intel."

Draven nodded and disappeared into the shadows without a word. The rest of the squad followed Lysandra's lead, their weapons ready.

Borin, carrying a few of his bombs, muttered to himself. "Hope these pack enough punch."

Elara, with her multiple swords at the ready, looked over at Archaes. "What's the plan, boss?"

Archaes glanced around, making sure everyone was ready. "We stick together, take down any creatures we encounter, and find out what's causing this. We can't let these things overrun the Sanctuary."

They moved through the ship, encountering more of the dark-scaled creatures. Borin's explosives and Elara's swordsmanship proved invaluable. Elowen's healing skills kept them going, and Rhiannon's arrows took down several of the monsters from a distance.

Draven returned, his expression serious. "There's a breach in the lower levels. That's where they're coming from."

"Then that's where we're headed," Archaes said, determination in his eyes. "Let's go."

They fought their way to the lower levels, every member of the squad pushing their limits. When they reached the breach, they found a large, gaping hole in the hull, with more of the creatures pouring in.

Archaes looked at his team. "We need to seal that breach."

Borin stepped forward, a determined look on his face. "Leave it to me. Cover me while I set the charges."

As Borin worked, the rest of the squad held off the creatures. Elara and Archaes fought side by side, their coordinated attacks keeping the monsters at bay. Draven moved like a shadow, striking from the darkness. Rhiannon's arrows flew true, each one finding its mark. Elowen's healing kept them all standing.

Finally, Borin finished setting the charges. "It's done! Everyone, get back!"

They retreated, and Borin detonated the explosives. The breach sealed with a thunderous crash, stopping the influx of creatures.

Breathing heavily, Archaes looked at his squad, pride swelling in his chest. "We did it. Now, let's help the others clean up the rest of these things."

With the breach sealed and the immediate threat contained, the Sanctuary began to stabilize. Archaes knew this was only the beginning,but,now he truly understood it's seriousness.

After a few more hours of fierce fighting, the last of the dark-scaled creatures lay slain. The Sanctuary, though battered, stood resilient. But the toll had been heavy: fifteen casualties. The mood among the survivors was somber, a grim reminder of the dangers they faced.

The healers swiftly moved among the wounded, tending to the injured. Elowen, her hands steady despite the chaos around her, worked tirelessly on her squad members. She had set up a makeshift infirmary in one of the less damaged rooms, her gentle presence a calming balm amidst the turmoil.

Elara, as expected, bore the brunt of the injuries. She had charged into battle with her usual reckless abandon, her swords dancing in a deadly ballet. Now, she lay on a cot, her face twisted in pain, though her spirit remained unbroken.

"Elara, you need to be more careful," Elowen chided gently as she cleaned a deep gash on the elf's arm. "Charging in without thinking is going to get you killed one day."

Elara winced but managed a grin. "What's the fun in being careful? Besides, you know I've got you to patch me up."

Elowen shook her head, her lips pressed into a thin line. "I'm serious, Elara. We can't afford to lose you."

Across the room, Borin sat with a bomb casing in his hands, tinkering even as he nursed a bruised rib. "She's right, you know. You've got to think a bit more about strategy."

Elara rolled her eyes, though a smile tugged at her lips. "All right, all right. I'll try to keep my head on straight next time."

Draven, who had sustained only minor injuries, leaned against the wall, watching the interaction with his usual detached demeanor. "A chaotic approach can be useful, but only if it's controlled chaos," he remarked.

Rhiannon, who had been checking her bow for damage, nodded in agreement. "Exactly. There's a difference between bravery and recklessness."

Archaes, standing at the entrance, surveyed his team. Despite their wounds and exhaustion, they were still intact, still fighting. He felt a surge of pride mixed with relief. "We did well today. We fought as a team and we survived."

Elara chuckled, though the sound was tinged with pain. "Barely, but yeah, we did."

Elowen finished bandaging Elara's arm and moved on to the next wounded. "Let's make sure we're all fit for whatever comes next. This was just a taste of what we might face out there."

Archaes nodded. "She's right. We need to be prepared. That means staying vigilant, training hard, and looking out for each other."

Borin gave a mock salute. "Aye, Captain. Just make sure to keep that crow of yours from pecking at my bombs."

Corax, perched on Archaes's shoulder, cawed indignantly, drawing a laugh from Rhiannon. "Seems he's already taken a liking to you, Borin."

The dwarf grumbled good-naturedly. "Lucky me."

The atmosphere lightened, the camaraderie of the group evident even in the aftermath of battle. They had faced death and come out the other side, stronger and more united.

Elara, her voice softer now, looked at Archaes. "What's the plan, boss?"

Archaes took a deep breath, his eyes scanning the room. "We rest and recover. Then we regroup and prepare for landfall. We've seen what this world can throw at us, and we need to be ready for anything."

Elowen finished her work and stood, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "And let's not forget to honor those we've lost. They fought bravely."

A somber silence fell over the group, each of them lost in their thoughts for a moment, remembering the faces of those who had fallen.

Archaes broke the silence. "We'll hold a ceremony tomorrow. It's the least we can do."

The squad nodded in agreement. They knew that this was only the beginning, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, they would carve out a place for themselves in this new world.

As night fell, the Sanctuary settled into an uneasy calm. The sounds of the wounded and the whispers of the living filled the air. Archaes, standing watch over his squad, knew that they would face many more battles, but he also knew that they would face them together.