
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch13: Treasure hunt

A month passed, and Archeas and the crow, whom he had named Corax, had formed a close bond. Corax was never far from Archeas's side, often perching on his shoulder or flying overhead, scouting the area. Their companionship provided Archeas with a sense of comfort and purpose, something he had been missing for a long time.

During this time, Archeas made stunning improvements in his understanding of the arcane. He developed a healing ability that could relieve him of fatigue and heal minor wounds. It was a lifesaver after long days of exploration and the occasional scrape or bruise.

He also discovered two new ways of using Infusion. First, he could reinforce objects, increasing their hardness and durability. This was particularly useful for strengthening tools and weapons. Second, he learned to unleash magic through objects. By channeling Flash Fire, he could heat up an object, making it a formidable weapon or tool in various situations. However, Infusion only worked if he could touch the object, a limitation he constantly sought to overcome.

Despite his growing prowess in magic, Archeas struggled to find steady work. The people of Vargas were suspicious and untrusting of strangers, especially a boy with no clear background or trade. He approached various merchants and craftsmen, offering his skills, but their wary eyes and curt rejections left him without employment.

"Another day, another failed attempt," Archeas sighed as he and Corax returned to their modest room at the inn. "I still have 3,000 brass coins left, so there's time, but I need to find something soon."

Corax cawed softly, as if in agreement, and nuzzled against Archeas's cheek. Archeas smiled, appreciating the comfort. "Thanks, Corax. We'll figure it out."

That evening, Archeas sat by the window, watching the city lights twinkle as night fell. He knew he needed a plan, something that would use his unique skills and help him survive in this suspicious city. He glanced at the ring on his finger, the mysterious object that had started him on this journey. "There's got to be a way to make this work," he muttered.

As he pondered, an idea began to form. He had skills that no one else had, abilities that could be incredibly useful if applied correctly. Perhaps he could find work in less conventional places, places that required a touch of magic and the willingness to bend the rules.

"Tomorrow," Archeas decided, "we'll try a different approach. There has to be someone out there who needs what we can offer." With that resolve, he went to bed, Corax nestled beside him, both ready to face whatever challenges the next day would bring.

The next day, when Archeas came into the common area of the inn, it was abuzz with chatter. The usual morning murmur had been replaced by excited whispers and the occasional burst of laughter. He noticed several people gathered around the innkeeper, talking animatedly.

Curious, Archeas approached the innkeeper. "What's going on? Why is everyone so excited?"

The innkeeper, a burly man with a graying beard, looked down at him with a grin. "A contingent of knights, led by a noble, has arrived in the city. They're staying here for a few days."

Archeas's interest was piqued. "Knights? What are they here for?"

"Apparently, they've discovered an ancient ruin nearby. Old structures from some long-forgotten civilization. The knights are here to explore and secure the site," the innkeeper explained.

Archeas nodded, a plan forming in his mind. That night, he decided to approach the knights, hoping to glean more information about their mission. Pretending to be a curious child, he slipped into the area where the knights were camped.

One knight, a tall man with a kind face, noticed him lingering. "What's this, a little spy?" he teased, ruffling Archeas's hair.

Archeas grinned sheepishly. "I just heard you were going to explore some ancient ruins. Is that true?"

The knight chuckled. "Yes, it is. We're heading out in a few days. The ruins are said to be filled with old treasures and artifacts."

Another knight, a woman sharpening her sword nearby, chimed in. "It's not all fun and games, though. Those places can be dangerous, filled with traps and old magic."

Archeas's eyes widened in feigned awe. "Wow! I wish I could see it."

The kind-faced knight laughed. "Maybe when you're older. For now, you should stay safe here in the city."

Archeas nodded, absorbing the information. "Thanks, mister! Good luck with your mission."

As he walked away, he felt a surge of excitement. "Ancient ruins, filled with treasures and artifacts," he muttered to himself. "This could be the opportunity I've been waiting for."

That night, as he lay in bed with Corax perched on the headboard, Archeas reviewed his plan. He needed to get into those ruins, and with his abilities, he might find something valuable that could change his fortunes forever.

"We'll find a way, Corax," he whispered. "We'll find a way into those ruins and discover their secrets."

Corax cawed softly, as if agreeing with his master.

The next day, as the contingent of knights departed from the city, Archeas followed them at a safe distance. Keeping to the shadows and moving with the practiced stealth of his street days, he blended into the landscape, never too close but always within sight of the armored group.

"I just need to wait until they've done the hard work," he thought. "Then I can scavenge whatever they leave behind."

The knights reached the ancient ruins by midday, their armor glinting in the sun as they set up a perimeter. Archeas found a vantage point from which he could watch without being seen. The ruins were vast, with towering stone pillars and crumbling archways, all covered in moss and vines, whispering tales of a bygone era.

Over the next few days, Archeas observed the knights as they fought their way through the labyrinthine passages. They encountered traps, hidden creatures, and old enchantments, their lives constantly on the line. He admired their bravery but remained focused on his goal. He was patient, waiting for his moment.

Finally, the day came when the knights, having cleared the ruin to their satisfaction, prepared to leave. Archeas watched as they emerged, weary and battered but triumphant. He waited until they were well out of sight before he made his move.

With Corax perched on his shoulder, Archeas entered the ruins. The air was thick with the scent of ancient stone and disturbed earth. He moved cautiously, his senses alert for any danger the knights might have missed. The passages were strewn with the aftermath of battle: broken weapons, torn banners, and the occasional scorch mark from spells.

"This is it, Corax," Archeas whispered. "Time to see what they left behind."

He began his scavenging, collecting anything that seemed valuable or interesting. There were old coins, fragments of artifacts, and even a few pieces of jewelry that the knights had overlooked. He piled everything near the entrance, working diligently and swiftly.

After piling up his loot near the entrance of the ruins, Archeas began to segregate the items, carefully assessing each one for its potential value and use. The first to catch his eye were the seven gemstones, each one gleaming with a different hue. He held them up to the light, marveling at their clarity and brilliance.

"These should fetch a good price," he murmured to Corax, who cawed in agreement.

Next, he examined a hard but surprisingly light ingot of an unknown material. It had a strange, silvery sheen and felt cool to the touch. "I wonder what this is made of," he thought, turning it over in his hands. "Maybe Harlan would know."

The book was a real find. It was filled with detailed pictures and procedures, diagrams that seemed to depict various alchemical or magical processes. Archeas flipped through the pages, his curiosity piqued. "This could be invaluable," he said, his eyes scanning the intricate illustrations. "If only I could understand more of it."

Lastly, he inspected the wooden briefcase. It had two compartments: the first contained four empty rectangular glass bottles with corks, and the second was a drawer filled with two hundred small glass tubes. "This must have belonged to some kind of alchemist or apothecary," he mused, carefully closing the briefcase and setting it aside.

Satisfied with his treasure hunt, Archeas decided it was time to rest. He set up his tent near the ruins, ensuring he was well hidden from any prying eyes. As the sun set, casting long shadows over the ancient stones, he lay down on his makeshift bed, Corax nestled close by.

"Tomorrow, we'll figure out what to do with all this," he said, his thoughts racing with possibilities. "But for now, we rest."

The night was quiet, the only sounds being the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures. Archeas drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the adventures and discoveries that awaited him in Vargas and beyond.