
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch12: A crow.

With time, winter passed, and spring was in full swing. The once frigid air now carried the scent of blooming flowers and fresh greenery. Archeas had saved up 2800 brass coins, a modest fortune that promised a new start. He had also purchased a tent and a map from a merchant, preparing to travel on his own. His magical abilities had grown, too, and he now had two distinct ways to use his powers.

Determined to move on, Archeas decided it was time to leave his job as a miner. He packed his belongings and headed to the foreman's office to resign. The foreman, a gruff man with little patience, was initially furious. "You're late again!" he barked, glaring at Archeas.

"I'm here to resign," Archeas said calmly, meeting the foreman's angry gaze.

The foreman's scowl deepened. "Fine. Go away," he snapped, waving a hand dismissively.

Annoyed by the man's behavior, Archeas slipped his hand into the foreman's coat, deftly stealing his whip and money pouch. "A little parting gift," he thought, a smirk playing on his lips.

With his resignation behind him, Archeas quickly left the city. By evening, he had found a spot near a river that was frequented by caravans. It was a popular resting place for travelers, offering both safety and the company of fellow wanderers.

As the sun set, Archeas set up his tent, the sound of the flowing river soothing his mind. He sat by the fire he had built, contemplating his journey. "This is it," he thought, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "A new chapter."

The fire crackled, casting flickering shadows around him. He pulled out the foreman's whip and money pouch, inspecting his spoils. "Serves him right," Archeas muttered, pocketing the coins and tossing the whip aside.

Laying back, he stared up at the star-filled sky, a sense of freedom washing over him. "Tomorrow, I'll follow the map and see where it leads me," he decided, closing his eyes. "For now, I'll rest and gather my strength."

With that, Archeas drifted into a deep sleep, the gentle murmur of the river and the warmth of the fire wrapping around him like a comforting blanket.

The next day, Archeas started his travels again, the road stretching out before him like a promise of adventure. He walked with a steady pace, the map guiding his steps. However, after a few days, he came to a realization: at this rate, his food supplies would run out long before he reached the next town. Additionally, he needed a way to defend himself against potential threats.

"I need to travel faster and find a way to protect myself," he thought, a sense of urgency creeping in.

Determined to solve these problems, Archeas began experimenting with magic as he traveled. Each evening, he would set up his tent, then practice manipulating his mana, pushing the limits of what he could do. He also started practicing with the foreman's whip, learning how to wield it effectively.

Weeks passed, and Archeas's dedication paid off. He developed two new abilities that would change the course of his journey. The first was Air Walk, a technique that allowed him to manipulate mana in the air and release it near his legs, enabling him to travel faster with each step.

"Feels like I'm gliding," he thought with a grin the first time he successfully used Air Walk. The sensation of moving effortlessly over the ground was exhilarating.

The second ability was Infusion, which allowed him to transfer his mana into objects. This meant he could enhance the whip with his magic, making it a formidable weapon.

"Now, I'm not just some kid with a whip," Archeas mused, feeling the surge of power as he infused the leather with his mana. "I can defend myself if I need to."

With these new abilities, Archeas felt more confident. His pace quickened as he traveled, Air Walk carrying him swiftly along the road. He also spent evenings practicing Infusion, learning to control the flow of mana into various objects.

One night, as he sat by his campfire, Archeas reflected on his progress. "I've come a long way," he thought, feeling a sense of pride. "I'm not just surviving anymore; I'm thriving."

As the fire crackled and the stars shone overhead, Archeas felt a renewed sense of purpose. "The world is full of possibilities," he mused. "And I'm ready to explore them all."

After one week of travel, Archeas finally arrived at another city. The walls of Vargas loomed ahead, its gates bustling with activity. Archeas felt a surge of excitement as he approached, eager to explore this new place.

Upon reaching the gate, he was greeted by a stern-faced guard. "Entry fee is 10 brass coins," the guard said, holding out his hand.

Archeas nodded, pulling out the coins and handing them over. "Here you go," he said, watching as the guard inspected the coins before waving him through.

Once inside, Archeas marveled at the sights and sounds of Vargas. The streets were filled with vendors shouting their wares, children playing, and people bustling about their daily lives. It was a lively city, full of energy and opportunity.

"I need a place to stay," Archeas reminded himself, scanning the streets for an inn. He soon found one that looked decent enough, with a sign that read "15 brass coins per night." He walked in and approached the innkeeper.

"I'd like a room," Archeas said, placing the coins on the counter.

The innkeeper, a plump woman with a friendly smile, nodded. "Of course, dear. Room's upstairs, second on the right. Breakfast is served at dawn."

"Thank you," Archeas replied, taking the key and heading up to his room. It was small but clean, with a bed, a chair, and a small window overlooking the bustling street below.

As he unpacked his belongings, Archeas felt a sense of relief. "Finally, a place to rest," he thought, sitting on the bed and stretching his legs. "Now, to figure out what to do next."

He knew he needed to find work to sustain himself, but he also wanted to explore the city and see what it had to offer. "I'll start by looking around," he decided. "Maybe I'll find something interesting."

With a plan in mind, Archeas left the inn and stepped back into the busy streets of Vargas. The city was his to explore, and he was eager to see what adventures awaited him.

The next day, Archeas set out to explore the city of Vargas. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the bustling streets, and Archeas felt a sense of excitement as he wandered through the markets, taking in the sights and sounds. Vendors called out their wares, children played games, and the aroma of fresh bread and roasting meat filled the air.

As he was passing by a quiet alley, he heard a faint cry, almost like a whimper. Curiosity piqued, Archeas followed the sound, moving deeper into the alley. There, nestled against a wall, he found an injured crow. Its wing was bent at an awkward angle, and it cawed weakly, its dark eyes full of pain and fear.

Archeas knelt down, speaking softly, "Hey there, little guy. What happened to you?" He reached out gently, trying not to scare the bird further. The crow flinched but didn't try to fly away, clearly too injured to move much.

He looked around, wondering what he could do to help. "I can't just leave you here," he muttered, thinking quickly. Remembering his new ability, Infusion, he wondered if he could use his mana to help the crow.

Gently, Archeas placed his hand over the bird's wing, focusing his mana. "This might hurt a bit, but it'll help," he said softly. Closing his eyes, he concentrated, channeling his mana into the crow, hoping to mend its broken wing.

The crow cawed louder for a moment, then slowly quieted down as the magic took effect. Archeas opened his eyes and watched as the wing began to straighten, the bones aligning and the feathers smoothing out. The crow looked at him with a mixture of surprise and gratitude.

"That should do it," Archeas said with a smile, pulling his hand back. The crow tested its wing, flapping it tentatively before taking off and landing on Archeas's shoulder. It cawed softly, almost as if thanking him.

"You're welcome," Archeas replied, feeling a strange bond forming with the bird. "How about you stick with me for a while? I could use a friend."

The crow cawed again, seemingly in agreement. Archeas stood up, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He had come to Vargas looking for adventure and had already found a new companion. Together, they continued exploring the city, the crow perched on Archeas's shoulder, both ready for whatever the day would bring.