
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch14: The city of Syphilis.

The morning sun filtered through the trees as Archeas sat by the ruins, examining his newfound treasures. The ingot fascinated him with its unusual properties. He tested its hardness, discovering that it was sturdy enough to be used as an anvil, and its edges were perfect for sharpening tools.

"This could be really useful," he muttered to himself, running a blade against the ingot's edge and watching as it sharpened effortlessly.

Next, he turned his attention to the mysterious book. The pages were filled with intricate illustrations, depicting various alchemical and magical procedures, but there were no accompanying explanations. Archeas studied the drawings intently, his curiosity outweighing his caution.

"I have to try one of these," he decided, flipping through the pages to find what appeared to be a basic procedure. The image showed a simple setup: a small flame beneath a glass vial filled with a liquid, with a series of hand motions over the top.

"This looks manageable," he said, setting up his equipment. He found one of the empty rectangular glass bottles from the briefcase and filled it with water from the nearby river. Then, he lit a small fire and placed the bottle over it, just as the illustration showed.

Corax watched from a nearby branch, cocking his head in curiosity. "Let's hope this works," Archeas said, performing the hand motions as best as he could interpret from the image. He could feel the mana flowing through his fingers, a tingling sensation that was both familiar and exhilarating.

The water in the bottle began to shimmer, a faint glow emanating from it. "It's doing something," he thought, his heart racing with excitement. He continued the hand motions, focusing his mana into the liquid.

After a few minutes, the glow intensified, and the water transformed into a thick, luminous substance. Archeas carefully removed the bottle from the flame, staring at the contents in awe. "I did it," he whispered, feeling a surge of accomplishment.

He took a cautious sniff of the substance, noting a faint, sweet scent. "I wonder what this does," he mused, but decided it was best to be cautious and not consume it until he knew more.

"Corax, I think we're onto something here," he said, turning to his feathered companion. The crow cawed in agreement, flapping his wings.

Archaes was gliding effortlessly through the air, the cool wind brushing against his face as he used his Air Walk ability to travel swiftly towards his new destination. Below him, the landscape stretched out in a tapestry of greens and browns, the rolling hills and dense forests providing a picturesque backdrop for his journey.

He couldn't help but smile, thinking about the discovery he had made with the potion. The water he had created could imbue objects with mana, much like his Infusion ability. However, he had learned that the process had its limitations. The time it took to create the potion determined its effectiveness, and while higher purity resulted in a more potent concoction, it also meant producing a smaller quantity.

"There's still so much to learn," he muttered to himself, his thoughts racing. "But this could be a game-changer."

His destination was the city of Syphilis, a place renowned for its bustling markets and trade in all manner of goods, both legal and illegal. Merchants spoke of it in hushed tones, their voices tinged with a mix of awe and caution. For Archaes, it sounded like the perfect place to further his knowledge and perhaps find a mentor or ally who could help him understand the book's mysteries.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the land, Archaes spotted the city in the distance. Syphilis sprawled across the horizon, its tall buildings and intricate architecture standing out against the twilight sky. He descended gently, landing just outside the city gates, his cloak billowing around him.

"Time to see what this city has to offer," he thought, adjusting his bag and heading towards the entrance. He paid the modest entry fee and stepped into the bustling streets, immediately overwhelmed by the sights and sounds around him. Stalls lined the roads, merchants shouting out their wares, and people from all walks of life moving through the crowded thoroughfares.

Archaes moved through the throng with ease, his sharp eyes scanning for anything of interest. He overheard snippets of conversation, his ears pricking up at mentions of rare ingredients and precious ite.

"This place is a goldmine," he thought, excitement bubbling within him.

He eventually found a modest inn and secured a room for the night. As he settled in, Corax perched on the windowsill, watching the bustling street below.

"This is going to be interesting," Archaes said to the crow, who cawed in agreement.

The next day would bring new challenges and opportunities, and he was ready to face them head-on. For now, he would rest and plan his next steps in the enigmatic city of Syphilis.

The next day, Archaes found himself navigating the sprawling expanse of Syphilis, his eyes wide with wonder and curiosity. The city was a labyrinthine marketplace, with every street and alleyway bursting with activity. It seemed as though the entire city was dedicated to trade and commerce, a place where anything and everything could be bought and sold.

"This place is a giant market," he muttered to himself, marveling at the sheer variety of goods on display.

Every corner was occupied by inns, stalls, shops, and the grand auction house at the city's center. The air was thick with the mingling scents of exotic spices, freshly baked bread, and the tang of metal from the blacksmiths' forges. Vendors shouted out their wares, eager to attract the attention of potential buyers.

Archaes wandered through the crowded streets, passing stalls that sold weapons, herbs, food items, trinkets, ores, clothing, and even animals. Yet, as he moved from one vendor to another, he noticed a conspicuous absence.

"Where are the books?" he wondered aloud. "And why isn't there anything related to magic?"

His curiosity piqued, he began asking around. Most of the vendors and townsfolk gave him similar answers.

"Books? Too expensive for the likes of us," one merchant said, shaking his head. "Only the wealthy can afford those."

"Magic items? Those are strictly controlled by the upper class and the mage towers," another explained. "They don't want just anyone getting their hands on that kind of power."

Archaes frowned, absorbing this new information. "So, if I want to learn more about magic, I'll have to find a way to get access to these towers or the upper class," he mused.

"Or, I could find a way to sneak in," he thought, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

For now, he decided to focus on gathering more immediate resources. He continued to explore, his sharp eyes scanning the stalls for anything that might be useful. As the day wore on, he made mental notes of the locations of various vendors and the kinds of goods they sold.

By evening, he had a clearer picture of the city's layout and the opportunities it offered. He returned to his inn, his mind buzzing with plans and possibilities. Corax fluttered down to perch on the back of a chair, tilting his head inquisitively.

"We've got our work cut out for us, Corax," Archaes said, smiling at his feathered companion. "But I think we can make this place work to our advantage."

As the night settled over Syphilis, Archaes lay in bed, staring at the ceiling and plotting his next move. He was determined to unlock the secrets of magic and expand his knowledge, no matter the obstacles in his path. The city might be a giant market, but he was more than ready to navigate its complexities and find what he needed.