
Art of I Don’t Care

Living a life where people talked to you and you didn’t care? Asked you stupid questions and wish you can say I don’t care? Even if the world is ending? Well have no fear! I don’t care!

Daoist_Ornelas · Movies
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Learning to not care

Going through the thought of this and knowing yes you don't care anymore, but hear me out. There is a point in life of why you don't care anymore..

Nice day in high school at the lunch table, nothing going bad just hanging with your buddies, until that one person..

"Bro tell me why this fool Thomas got detention, ha ha,"

"Hey Joe like fr c'mon I didn't do no harm to her , not even close. He's cool with them that's the reason why he gets 15 minutes in it and I get 30,"

"But still Thomas your in the same room with him and he is bound to do something to you, just watch out, and the teacher there is Mr. Simon and he always falls asleep so good luck getting help if something happens,"

*sigh* " Yes I know Luke, Joe c'mon man i'm not in a good position at the moment, I hope I can at least reason with him," We have all been through this, bullshit at least once in our school career, but this will only get worse,

"Oh shit Thomas, here comes Eddy, he's always right in anything, he might bring up what happened, I mean him and Ethan are best friends.."Joe said that while he was playing with his food, Eddy is known to always be right in anything, he will piss you off with facts, but if you try to even come back, even when explaining he is wrong, he is always right, no way out, so another rule of not caring, is not to even include in what he is starting, just be quiet, and hope that pain will go away,

"Well boys get ready for some facts, Thomas you up to bat," at the time I thought, oh shit not again what am I gonna say? Future me knows, not to care,

"Oh ho ho, Thomas, why did you do that to a poor girl, big Ethan had to teach you a lesson, so you got him in trouble, you know society knows not to live with you, I don't know why you bully people like that," Joe, Luke, and I have never heard any bullshit like this before, so my dumbass tries to comeback of what actually happened, but remember, he is always right,

"Hey Eddy I didn't bully nobody, I just told her to be on her own, I didn't attempt to hurt her-"

"But you did Thomas, you just bullied her right on the spot, like do you even have a heart? So selfish of you," we are getting to the point of no return, I either respond better, or just take it,

"Eddy you weren't even there so how would you know the situation, why do you have to tell me how to be around people, me bully?? Currently your bullying me right now," you know, i've learned throwing something back that helps you, doesn't really, he is currently standing up and i'm just looking up, as Joe and Luke just try to eat without looking, as he leans in towards me,

"You don't even know how to be yourself, that's why your crush doesn't like you, you are to stupid to be with anyone, its proven that you are a bitch."



Back story time before we move on in this, what he used on me was a big insult, I wanted to talk to my crush Selena for the longest time, but I didn't have the courage too, today I learned not to care what happens, but this moment was different, he hit my feelings, I didn't hit him with anything to hurt him, he proves to be right all the time, that's why those people have no friends later on, arguments leads to ends of friendships, now I learned if you just stay quiet it'll piss them off, of course young me got mad and wanted to come back on him, He recently attempted to advance into All State UIL for Math, but got beat into going in, so I used that, but of course..


I took a slight breath and went ahead and said what I wanted to say,

"And that's why you didn't advance because of how cocky you are," At this point, Joe, Luke look at me surprised to even say that to our ranked 5th, but I had to come back somehow, my face was serious for once, I didn't feel scared to say anything, but this was the result,

"Cocky? Look at your dumbass, you are attacking me now, girls first now me? I didn't do shit to you I was talking facts to you, you want to hit me with that bitch move, all you'll be known for in this school is just a dumbass Thomas, you want to talk about you being right, which you aren't, you need to learn how to do things before you get your ass beat up again-"

"Hey Eddy chill out dude-"

"Hey Joe how about you shut up, sit your fat ass down, you have nothing in this-" Joe did not like that, and by the way, Joe wouldn't stand down from a fight, so he got up,

"What did you just call me you bitch?-``''Hey hey Joe, calm down" as Luke had to hold him back, he stayed, I wouldn't talk to only be seated with words, that just talked about himself, you can't be right if your wrong, only when your right, I sat that, I wanted to say more, but something kicked in, like nothing I could do anymore, he just explained himself in his words, so all I can do is shrug my shoulders,

"Oh OK, shrugging your shoulders like that because you think you are cool, you know what I don't have time for you, i'll let Ethan know what to do to you at detention, just you wait you bitch," and he finally walked off, Joe sat down as he tries to figure out what happened, they know he can be a prick and show he can be right, when knowing he is wrong, but did not show it, so I didn't want to say anything, we sat in silence after that not a word about it, until lunch detention hit, it was time I learned to put things into action, I sat with my food in front of me thinking, don't say anything anymore, just let it be, this world is not fair, so don't be fair to it..

/ 15 minutes later

I sat in class in the front row, I have to be here for 30 minutes and then go, would be awesome, but of course Ethan had to be in it, and Mr. Simon does not care, so I guess I shouldn't either, now thats character development, knowing by the mistakes other encountered,

"Oh hey, still breaking girls hearts or what? Eddy told me you talked back to him, and started to bully him too, what are you trying to be right about Thomas? Like first my girl now this? What do you want to prove bitch boy?" He said that as he leaned in closer on my face as I stared at the white bored, one way to tick someone off is not to respond, i'm learning now, huh bout time,


-tension grows-

"Oh so your not going to respond? What you did was stupid to my girl, want me to teach you another lesson for treating Eddy like that? Being a prick you are?" As he put his hands on the desk and gripped it hard,


-he started to get louder-

" So what your telling me is that you want me to beat your ass," as he walked back with his hands in the air as he figured anything of what I said,

*a big sigh*

-he grew tempted-

"Is that all your going to do fucker?? Just stare at the wall and not respond to me, what you did was fucked up you understand that? Say something you bitch."

At that moment, I realized, he got mad for me not saying anything, so talking wouldn't help, so instead of going on and on, I just need to end it, a couple of words, and then and there I realized,

"I, Dont Care,"

All of my emotions leaving my body saying that, it felt good, but I knew I was gonna get beat up for that so here it comes,

"You little bitch, Don't Care? I'll give you a lesson to care about!" He said that loud enough that Mr. Simon woke up and looked at the time, as he picked me up from my shirt,

"Hey, Mr Ethan, your time is up go back to class, you are to loud anyways," as he held my shirt my heart was beating, but I knew I won in the end by saying that, he let me go forcefully and walked out with words of hate,

"I'll remember this when I see you again Thomas, you are not free now, just you wait fucker," and he took off, Mr. Simon looked at me,

"Thomas what did you say?" and now that's the only thing I say,

" I don't care," and he nodded and went back to sleep as I crossed my arms and sat back down as I looked up knowing I don't have to care about being wrong or right, just not giving a shit..