
Art of I Don’t Care

Living a life where people talked to you and you didn’t care? Asked you stupid questions and wish you can say I don’t care? Even if the world is ending? Well have no fear! I don’t care!

Daoist_Ornelas · Movies
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11 Chs

And so it begins...


BREAKING: Information on the whereabouts of an unidentified aircraft is beyond us at this time, our government is trying to figure this out at the meantime, please stand by for any further safety protocols.


I just looked at my phone looking at this with a default of, I don't care, but seeing this of course everyone around me will be scared, even my own parents,

"Thomas did you see the news?!" as my mom entered the room,

I nodded, she knows when i wake up I get grumpy,

"Oh my goodness I hope this is fake news, the picture of the aircraft looks weird, oh my goodness, I made you breakfast go eat, and have at school, I need to go to work, maybe they'll talk about it." She took off in a hurry, she works for a communications office, and knowing that she might get some intel. Knowing that I need to hurry before i'm late to school.

/ 30 minutes later

As I pulled up to the school parking lot as always, Joe always parks next to me, he rolled down his window and i do too,

"Hey I heard about the detention, you really pissed Ethan off huh, yesterday Eddy looked all over for you, looks like he has a little rat to track you down, but remember you have a P.E. with him so just wait," usually I would talk to Joe about it and go in depth of what happened, but I just looked at him and shrugged my shoulders.


Later on during the school day when it was time for P.E. Our coach wanted us to play dodgeball, boys against the boys in the class, and of course who is on the other team walking up to me as I took out my water to drink?

"Hey Thomas good luck, too bad I got Eddy on my team but eh who cares right?" It was Joe, if you thought Eddy you thought wrong.

*WHISTLE* "ALright everyone it's 5 on 5, who ever loses has to run 5 laps, alright?" It was coach Jones as he lined up the balls on the centerline, usually for me I go up front to try and get the balls quicker, but knowing not to care, many of my teammates noticed, even Eddy,

"Hey Thomas, you realized you messed up, so you're in the back because you feel bad, hahahah gold figure!" as he yelled that from the court my teammates looked at me knowing something is different about me, but of course I didn't care, and it was time,

"Alright on go the game starts, ready? Three, Two, One, GO!" and both teams went in on it, going back and forth, and where was I? I just stayed in the back until it was time to do something,

"Hey Thomas? Can you move or do something, like try throwing, we really don't want to run,"

Knowing that was Kyle, the athletic kid in our school to actually tell me something was not helpful. He is good at everything, he should be winning this.

/2 minutes later

As it came down to just me and Eddy, yes i'm too lazy to explain, I don't care, he had to say a couple of words,

"Oh look the last one on the team left behind, you didn't do nothing Thomas, you realized what you done was bad so you just sit there and morn about it, how pathetic, alright guys ill win this so we don't have to run," I didn't have a single ball near me, took look even more pathetic i just stood there with my hands down, and just waiting for him to throw it,

"Thomas c'mon man, at least try? What's up with you today-"

"Don't even try Kyle, he is about to learn his lesson," and he picked up a ball next to him and started doing some anime type shit, spinning in circles waving his arms that might look cool, I just stood there and waited for it, why do I get One Punch Man vibes?

"This is for disrespecting my friends!" and he chunked the ball at me with full force, to fast for anyone to see, as it was coming all I could think is, dont care, and the ball hit my chest, and I fell back hard, after that everyone looked at me, Eddys team being joyful, because it was a wonderful tactic, but not knowing I caught it I stood up with the ball in between my hands, Kyle and the rest of the team started cheering and gathered around me and picked me up, like a crowd surf, and knowing they didn't have to run,

"WHAT!!??" as Eddy yelled aloud, I could see Joe go up to him to tell him they have to run the lap now, but it didn't stop him,

"No way did you catch that!! You cheater! Why do you do this Thomas? Do you think this is funny?!" as he walked towards me and the guys around me put me down and stood behind me, as I crossed my arms, waiting to hear more,

"Oh here we go again Mr cool, why aren't you cheering? You beat me right? You cheated, but still beat me-"

"Hey Eddy chill he beat you fair and squ-"

"Hey shut it pretty boy i'm not talking to you, look Thomas I don't like your attitude why do you act like this? Breaking a girl's heart? Pissing off Ethan like that? And now Cheating, why do you do this? What purpose do you go for to be right?"

I just sat there to hear what more bullshit he has to say, but I didn't want to say anything let, I wanted to see if he can handle it,

"Oh so the quiet game huh? That won't work on me bitch boy, why wont you tell me? The soul purpose of being a dickhead like yourself?" after this the guys on both teams realize more and more of the bullshit he tells me about, knowing I didn't do nothing but catch a ball, and for him to be like this, he grew louder,

"HEY, IM TALKING TO YOU, YOU BETTER FUCKING ANSWER!" as he picked me up by my shirt, hey almost Deja Vu, the guys around started to question him, on why he is getting physical,

"Woah hey Eddy chill out, he didnt do shit," "Eddy what the fuck, lets just run, we are gonna be late to our next class-"

"ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" I can tell he grew tired of this, so one last time he said something,

"Thomas, I will beat your ass here now, why did you do it? Cheat like this? Knowing you would get caught and now look at you, worthless piece of shit, tell me why you did thi-" the perfect time to butt in, I felt good,I lifted up my finger and pointed myself,

"I Dont Care" and I put down my finger as he held me there as he looked at me as he was gonna kill me,

"I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOUR BULL SHIT!! I DON'T CARE? WHEN I BEAT YOUR ASS THEN YOULL FUCKING CARE!!!" as he lifted his right arm to punch me, the guys around me held him back, and even Joe was there to push him down to calm him down, he let go of my shirt, and i stood there just looking at him, and even Kyle noticed,

"Damn Thomas I didn't know you went through this with him, if there is anything I can help let me know ok?" He felt happy like he was glad he said that, but of course I didnt care, so after than I took off to change back into my regular clothes, and I looked at my phone again and noticed the news,


BREAKING: We have gotten word that the aircraft has started to move towards the upper inner United States, please stay inside and wait for further notice.


Huh moving up the United states? Well I hope it doesn't hit North Dekota, and of course as soon as I get dressed everyone panics,

" Thomas why aren't you running we need to go to our homes and get ready!" as Joe stormed passed by me, in a hurry? Well I wasn't really, but I guess I can go home for the day, I had enough bullshit for today, so maybe I can be alone.