
Art of I Don’t Care

Living a life where people talked to you and you didn’t care? Asked you stupid questions and wish you can say I don’t care? Even if the world is ending? Well have no fear! I don’t care!

Daoist_Ornelas · Movies
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How not to care

How not to care, maybe it's best to say no from the start an just let them be. Do not be intrigued to talk anymore than you have to, it may get you in trouble, hell I'm only 18 and I still don't care

"Oh hey Thomas! How are you doing???"

"I'm fine just tying my shoes, how are you?-"

"Oh you know I'm about to go to math and I'm getting ready for this pop quiz, wait didn't you have the period before me? How was the test how did it go? Do you know if you passed or not? How many questions were there? Because honestly, I just studied the quadratic formula and not the graphs because I thought we would have graphs as a bonus, but I totally forgot-"

Hey guys, my name is Thomas and this is what you have to learn about the art of not caring, not a rude way but in a fashion manner, this is Tanya a book smart but yet not common sense thoughts a person, she is soft but I had to stop and tie my shoes while she came in, yes I just had math and a pop quiz, I know I did well. But to be honest who likes people like this? Ask you a lot of questions and go on and on, and you would like to answer but there is a point in time where you just don't care, step one is not to keep going about it, you should just leave immediately, but I had to take it the hard way,

"Ok ok ok, Tanya calm down, one I did well, two you need to be prepared, don't ask me a lot of questions I don't know everything-"

"Oh so your just saying that because I don't have the right to ask? So you can turn me down of my questions and think it's ok? To interrupt me like that? You boys are so unfaithful I swear, you and your acne face, when are you gonna clean that up? That's why no girls like you, I shouldn't even have asked you, I hope you failed you stupid nerd, 'hmph'"

And in your mind you just think I'm just tying my shoes, but after that you know you can't go back and fix it, it's best to leave it alone and should have just walked off from the start, but no you didn't want to be rude, so now you know how to be straight forward yes? Ok let's begin


"Hey bro tell me why Tanya was heated during the pop quiz, even before she had a mean look, I think she failed,"

"Hey Joe like honestly I don't think I even passed, it was pretty hard,-"

"Well Luke if she failed it then everyone failed it that's how it works, right Thomas?"

Sitting in the cafeteria was different today, same O'l chicken nuggets and fries with milk, but a much more broad conversation, not talking about Pokémon, or Naruto. Talking about a girl that I got her in that position in my mind I knew I messed up, but in the end,

"I- I caused it. I pissed her off,"

Saying that felt a weird look from both of them, Luke and Joe knew I was honest, but didn't think I could piss off a smart popular girl,

"Wait Thomas you are telling me you pissed off Tanya? How'd you do it? Did she hit you?-

"Joe he wouldn't be that rude for her to hit him, besides I'm pretty sure she took it the wrong way right Thomas?"

The comedic sense in me wanted to say 'I don't care' but these are my friends so I shouldn't be rude,

"Uh, no she asked me a lot of questions about the quiz and I told her to calm down, and that I don't know everything-"

"Thomas, you do realize that if she tells her boyfriend you are dead meat right?"

I know what your thinking, I don't care right? Well I was serious about this one, I should care because I don't want to be hurt as bad, but how stupid can I be right?

"Well it's not like I touched her or anything, I just told her the truth, she mouths too much and that's what she needs to watch, I was just vibing-"

"So you vibing means to break my girls heart?"

I gulp my sip of milk to see Joe and Luke in fear, knowing what I have said and done, probably would have been better to say I don't care, but in this situation I do not want to be hurt, somehow,

"Uh, how would I do that? I was minding my own business, I didn't attack her she asked to many questions-" at that point he smacked the milk down and picked me up by my shirt, I felt a little tempted to cry for help, but mama ain't raise no bitch, I win by talking my way out,

"So you think talking to my girl like that would help any?-"

"Well no not really, I just didn't want to answer all of that-"

"So what you're saying is you're not respecting anyone asking a simple question?-"

"Well it wasn't simple it was a lot to call for, and honestly I didn't feel like talking-"

"Well maybe I should beat your ass for talking back to me, and breaking my girls heart-"

"One I answered your question, and two I didn't break anything, you are the one breaking my personal space here so you need to be respectful-" at that point in time, I wondered, Thomas why did you say it like that? You are gonna get beat up for talking smart to a man who is a dumbass and is only good at football, stop just stop, it's all I ask myself,

"Oh your gonna get it Thommy!-"

All I thought was, 'oh fuck' and he shoved me back to the back of the cafeteria over the tables, of course everyone looked, I don't care,

"Hey hey don't do that to him babe!" After my ass has been thrown I looked up to see Tanya yelling at her boyfriend, I guess she finally realized she was wrong of what she told him ,

"Babe not like that! Harder than that he broke my heart remember?-"

"Oh shit you're right honey boo boo-"

In my mind I think honey booboo is a stupid name. And that well sometimes you can't give people second chances,

"Looks like I gotta beat your ass harder this time Thomas!-"

"Stop it there Ethan." A wonderful sound I waited to hear, yes the principle of course,

"Oh thank god principle Golson-" Tanya went ahead and talked to him about what is going on and why I deserve this, she goes on and on while I'm being held on a wall being told by Ethan I shouldn't have done that and he has yet to beat my ass more. Like he is being controlled when to beat my ass,

"Hmm. I see, Ethan drop him-"

"Arghhh. Yes sir.." he dropped me like a rock in a pond. Yes he fucking threw me on the ground,

"Owwww, bout time I was about to break,"

"Mr Thomas come into my office please," all I thought was yes I can leave this hell hole and avoid them, but I had to walk pass them, with all these mean looks I proceeded to his office, there we talked about the situation,

"So, Thomas I understand the situation, and why Tanya and Ethan are doing this to you, and it is rude of them,"

All my mind was the impact of the fall, my hip really hurts, and maybe he knows what happened is stupid so I have a chance to get out of this,

"By your actions of the beginning of the day, I have to inform you that you have lunch detention!"


It's literally all I could think. Words, change people of the mind set. All I could do was say, I don't care, and go on the day regularly, but step one is when you have the chance to say it. It is now or never, rude or true. You shouldn't feel for how they feel only yourself no one cares about you, unless you are popular and get away with it, but lunch detention may have be different than usual, maybe just me,

"By the way Mr Thomas, Ethan is joining you for his behavior of throwing you around like that and messing up the school grounds,"

Well shit more problems to deal with...