
Art of I Don’t Care

Living a life where people talked to you and you didn’t care? Asked you stupid questions and wish you can say I don’t care? Even if the world is ending? Well have no fear! I don’t care!

Daoist_Ornelas · Movies
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11 Chs

Into ones demise

My way home from school wasn't normal as always. Cars going over the limit, people packing their houses and taking off somewhere else, for me I would feel scared. But after realizing something, it kicked in to not care anymore.



The mysterious aircraft is on its way to North Dakota, officials say that it is going at a rapid rate and don't know what to do about it, we advise all people to stay indoors while we get more information.


As I got home I was already tired of everyone's bull shit, so for my mom to yell at my face to pack up is no different,

"Thomas about time! Hurry up and back we need to leave now, I already packed for myself I just need what you need to pack," and she took off into the house once more to find anything else, as I stood out of the car, I can hear many sirens, and I look up into the sky to see what is a giant purple aircraft, not a UFO, but like a giant object in the sky that pertains a vehicle, all imagination included.

As I walked inside to go to my room you may have wondered who are my family members and if I have a dad or not, I have neither it's just me and my mom right now, I've noticed if I don't care I go into more detail, huh how caring,

"Thomas please hurry, why aren't you scared or in a rush cmon this is real!!" I just didn't feel the need to move faster than I am walking rn. At this rate we all be dead,

"Thomas please! Hurry before!-"

-You know timing in this book really gives me bad vibes-

"Get on the ground now!" - "You now!" What looks to be a swat team came in on us, I don't know why. Still don't care,

"What is it that you want from us! We are trying to leave officer!-"

"Is this the one?!" I see a white male in a lab coat come in with a scanner that looks like a scanner from Walmart, yes that cliché,

"Yes it is, alright boys pick him up and tame him into briefing. He may be the cause!"

A lot can happen in one day and this in particular can happen mostly because either it's fan fiction, or I just don't care,

"No, don't take my son please!" - "Ma'am please calm down it'll all be ok, what's important is for you to leave while we take care of your son!" They picked me up and almost dragged me as I looked towards my mom as she tries to get up and grab for me, knowing I don't know what's happening, even I can't do anything,

*Knock knock* "OPEN UP!"

I felt like I was going to jail for a crime I didn't commit, I was being put into a swat truck with all these high tech gears around me and as they put me in they slam the door shut, and they put me in this chair and strap me down, after that they had many questions,

"Hey hey son, I know there is a lot going through your head and I know you are shaky from all of this and I need you to calm down ok?"

I wasn't even shaking at all they just said that for me to feel like I'm important. Are there any cameras around me?

"Sir we don't have enough time for this he needs to answer, the aircraft is leading towards us!"

"Look Thomas, we need you to answer us now, we have been getting passed readings that this aircraft is heading towards your house of the community area, we need you to tell us why!"

Do they think I'm an alien or something? I just got out of school, and now im getting asked questions from government officials, but you know like I said before answering questions does not help, either way they won't believe me at all if I just say I don't know or,

"I Dont Care"

Instead of him you know, prying more words out, he begins to comprehend,

"Oh no the aliens are going in his head, they are controlling him! Get the sleep stim now! Look Thomas we can't have you like this under there control" after he said that I felt a sharp pain on my right arm, and of course one of his helpers had to stim shot me, to sleep, I think I made things more dramatic when it started to hit me I just said,

"I... I..."-


"Moore You dumbass! You should've waited, no aliens could do that to us humans like that. He is an ignorant child, I know he knows something that we don't, driver!! Head off to base Alpha X!"

Sorry for character control on whos who, wait, I don't care.

During my drug event, I could feel the bumpiness of the road as I dreamt of something weird, I saw myself and about two other people in front of me, a female and a male, I couldn't see their faces because it was bright, but I made out their body, and on the left the female said, "Who Asked?" and the male on the right side, "Ever Heard of Joe?" I sat there and looked at them as I could tell they looked at me and asked me the same questions, hoping for me to fall for it, but I blew them down, "I Dont Care" and both figures turned around and walked off into the light, and of course timing,

"Thomas you are finally awake!" as I slowly moved my head and looked around all I could see is that I am in a room that looks like I could get probed if I was dead, but i'm not,

"As you can see you are in room XA1, you my child, are up for a ride, you see this?" he pulled up a tablet at me to show me, before I could even lean forward, I noticed I was strapped down from upper to bottom, now this is serious,

"This aircraft is changing courses and is heading towards us right at this minute, it wants you Thomas, we don't know why, and yes I can tell you are too nervous to talk, I know you want to go home with your mom, I promise it'll all be ok," Every cliche in most movies, how pathetic,

"Thomas if you do not abide by these terms, you will mark a tally, unless you answer me right now!" I was hoping something else than that was said,

*he grew more tense*

"THOMAS" he got closer to me and started spitting in my face, like that would help,

"OUR LIVES DEPEND ON YOU, YOUR THE REASON FOR THIS, YOU NEED TO TELL ME WHAT THEY WANT!!!" Again with all this its my fault, is this the theme author?

"Sir! The aircraft is getting closer!!" One of his assistants is telling him as he goes to his table of probable items, I feel like I better have plot armor.

"Look Thomas we don't have time for this," he got closer with a knife to my neck, for once i felt worried,

"You better answer right now or you will die!" and I just laid there with a stare of " fuck you '

"DAMN YOU THOMAS!!!" he lifted his arm up as if to come down to stab me, but then a hand grabs stops his arm, no wait almost metallic like grabs him,

"What the fuck are you??!-" this thing snapped his head right infront of me, I nearly pissed myself,

"What the hell are you!!!" I look to my right to see the assistant pull out a pistol and started to shoot at this thing in front of me, and I blinked and it was gone,

"Whtat the fuc-" and that the snapped his neck as well, and I blinked again and it has gone in front of me again, it stepped closer at me, I saw its face, think of the terminator, but more sharp, and glowing of green, and started talking in its own language, what am I supposed to type out like some goonga ganga type shit?

After what was said, this thing pulled out this sharp object and cut the metal straps off of me, and then this thing held its hand out, I don't even know what to call it. Because four fingers is abnormal. But of course I didn't care and lifted my up and touched it and I blinked and noticed I was in the ship. Going from human like computers, probes, to a giant room, glowing green, metallic pillars surround me, as I look down I look to see an image of the earth, more of the city they are above. I looked up to this thing and pointed at the capsule thing, almost telling me to lay down. Of course not caring about anything else I do listen, and go to it. I lay down in it, and this thing presses a button, and my eyes grow into darkness, of course awaiting another dream of sorts...