
Arrange marriage to the cold boss

Minnie_22_angel ¡ Urban
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flashback part 3

Time skip to the next day .

{ Marriage day}

Anna was getting ready she is feelings dizzy .

But she didn't tell any one because its her big day..

After getting ready she waited for her father to come and take her.

Anna was taken to the main hall. Were her father took her hand and walked to the aisle .

In stage Eric was standing looking so handsome.

As soon as he saw Anna He was amazed his heart was beating fast . Her veil was covering her face .

Anna was looking like an angel in her wedding dress.

Anna saw Eric was starring at her she was nervous now is she not looking good .

She thought.

Mr John brought Anna on the stage and gave Anna's hand to Eric which he gladly accepted.

Mr John : take care of her son she is my everything that I am going to give hee to you now take care of her. 🙏

Eric: Please don't dad . I promise you she will be happy with me .

Anna cutted Eric's word and said .

Anna : Not just with you you forget my baby . Said pouting 😚 and looking at Alex fondly.

Eric was happy to here that so as there parents they all chuckled seeing Anna .

Eric : Yes ..

Priest : hmm. Now lets start the wedding shall we ..

Getting nod from everyone .. he started reading the vows .

Priest : Mr Eric Smith Do you take Miss Anna John as your lawfully wedded wife .

Eric : I do

Anna sensed and was so happy that Eric didn't hesitate .

That means he was happy with this wedding.

Priest : Miss Anna John Do you take Mr Eric Smith as your lawfully wedded husband .

Anna : I do . Said smiling little bit.

Priest .: I here by announce you both husband and wife Now groom may kiss the bride .

Hearing that Anna's face got pinkish tint .

Eric moved forward and lifted Anna's veil

And put his hand on her waist and pulled towards him

He saw her nervousness and said to her .

Eric: You look beautiful wife .

Hearing that Anna shot her Head up . But her lips felt soft touch .. at first she didn't kiss him but later put her hand on his neck and deepens the kiss .

Everyone cheered for them.

They un attached there lips and stared at each other .


Eric : welcome to my life wifey.

Anna : you too hubby.

Time skip*

( They had a little celebration and then Anna and Eric went to there new house .

Anna : finally I can relax .

Eric: You must be tired in this gown get a change i will change in other room .

Said Eric , Anna nodded her head .

Eric : call ne if you need any help .

Anna : sure .

Eric went to get his pajama and went out of the room anna didn't bother to lock the door .

She removed her veil .. hair ornaments .

Her hair fall down to her back .

She then starting to remove her gown but her zip was out of her reach she was struggling from long time .

Meanwhile Eric got changed and he came back to the room he saw Anna was struggling .

Eric : I told you to call me if you need anything .

Anna: huu. That I thought you were changing so i am trying but these zip is not going down.

Eric : let me help you .

Anna :ok

Eric removed Anna's hair from her back and un zipped her dress ... He saw Anna's milky whote bare back .

He traced his cold finger on her back .

Anna's heart was beating fast Eric saw how Anna was looking breathtaking with her hair open he pecked her neck and started leaving wet kisses.

Anna was feeling butterflies are dancing inside her tummy .

Eric slowly removed her gowns straps down and once the dress fall from her body .. Anna quickly turned around and hugged Eric .

Eric saw anna was just in her undergarments he picked Anna in his arms and slowly took steps towards there bridal bed which is covered with rose petals he slowly put her on the bed and hover above her . Anna was blushing mess first time in her life she was in these state in front of a men who is now her husband.

She was nervous yet excited . She always dreamed of her forst night to be sinful and full of love .

She looked at Eric's doe eyes which is asking permission to which nodded , as she felt Eric's hot breath near her lips she closed her eyes and next moment they shared a passionate kiss and soon they both became two soul as one .



Breathing heavily Eric collapsed other side of bed he snuggled Anna in his Arms and wentbin dream land in each other arm .

Eric wole first and saw how cutely Anna was hugging her .. soon Anna opened her eyes she smiled and said

Anna : good morning hubby ..

Eric : morning wifey


Eric : Are you okay did I go rough on you .

Anna : ( shyly she said ) No it was amazing thanks for being my first .

Eric : (Chuckled ) I want to be last as well can I be .

Anna : okay you will be my first and last I promise you. Said lifting her body little from which her duet fall and her naked body covered with Freshly being marked with Hickeys . She didn't realise that at first but when Eric saw her and smirked she followed his gaze and saw her self naked she quickly covered herself and hidded her face in duet .

Eric : I have seen everything ( he whispered)

Okay now lets go to shower we have to pick alex from mom's place

As soon as Anna hears Alex name she popped her head out of duet and smiled nodding her head as yes.

Eric smiled seeing her reaction.

Eric: Now lets go together for a shower he said and carried anna with duet along towards the bathroom ..

Anna : no i can do it my own .

Eric : nope lets make memories here as well .

He said smirking ..

Anna face turned red .. she burried her face in his naked chest .