
Arrange marriage to the cold boss

Minnie_22_angel · Urban
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flashback part 2

Eric mom: Alex he fainted again

we are rushing him to the hospital ( said in Weeping )

Come fast son.

Eric: i am coming ..

Anna : I was so shocked hearing these I saw how Eric gone pale so I decided to be quite not to ask anything..

Eric started driving faster than normal speed.

In ten minutes we reached hospital ...

Eric rushed inside so as me .

We asked in reception about Alex after knowing where he is. We run there.

Eric's parents were standing near the room as soon as Mrs Smith saw Eric she hugged him tightly.

Eric's mom : I am scared son ..

Eric: don't worry mom he is brave boy.

Eric made her sit on the chair .

Mr Smith : son come with me to fill documents they need your signature.

Eric nodded and went with his father asking me to look after his mom .

Which i asurred him.

Anna: i peaked inside the room through the glass and what I saw made my heart crushed into millions pieces.

I gasped my breath hitches ..

Mrs smith saw me and came towards me asking what happened.

Mrs Smith : what happened daughter?

Anna: aunty why are they injecting him so many needless . He is so small for this much pain. ( Said crying)

Mrs Smith : it's because he is weak from his birth .

He is just 3 months and he needed mother's milk but unfortunately he... Lo..st his mother

( she broke down)

Anna : aunty ( i hugged her till she calmed) sh.. hh don't cry .

Mrs Smith: we even hired some nurse to feed him but it won't work they always are just for money . neglected him just making a show to us for money we found out about this three months ago when he fainted even after feed that he isn't feeded properly .. so he was always given some nutrition injected through needles..

Anna : how can they do that..

Door oped and doctor came we rushed to her and ask her ..

Mrs Smith: dr. Is he OK.?

Dr : for now he is .. fine we dripped him some nutrition and vitamin .

Anna : dr .. is there not any other way to give him nutrition .

He is so small but to be injected like these.

Dr : i know miss it's heart breaking to see a child like these.

but he really needed some one to feed him but because he can't be feeded properly he need these no other way to give him essentials.

Anna: not even a other single options..

Dr : let's talk in my cabin

( We went to her cabin)

Dr : we have miss but no one is ready to do these.

Mrs Smith: actually there is induced lactation process through which female can feed . we knew about these.

if I could I would have been doing it now

but because I take medicine i can't do that and

you know luna right

She asked me which I nodded

when she was here we took her here for these process in hope she would be helpful for Alex as a mother but she..

Anna: she what aunty ..

Then the dr replied

Dr: Well she denied saying that she can't feed someone else child and also don't want to be a mother so soon she made a huge seen here .

Mrs smith : my poor grandchild suffer because we thought she could be his mum .

My son was also devasted when he came to know these that she is not willing to be alex mother.

Dr : she could have rejected when we test her for the process but she did the test then at last when we were about to proceed she denied .

Alex is weak he really need a mum who can feed him properly .

Anna: (hearing these i decide something)

Can I go through the process.

I am willing to feed him .

I am going to be his mumma so its my responsibility to keep my child safe.

Mrs smith : no you can't Anna

Anna: why aunty ?

Mrs Smith: because you are so young for these you would be needed hormones injection it will affect you bad dear .

Anna: no aunty i did rather take pain than seeing him suffer like this .

You arrange me and eric because of Alex so i am his mother now i need to so these

Mrs Smith: but ..

Anna : no but. .

Dr can we do it now

Dr : if you are willing we can right away.

Anna : i am ready.

Dr : OK then i will arrange everything.

Anna : okay dr .

Mrs Smith: don't do Anna.

Anna : Aunty i will be good as well as Alex.

Mrs Smith: sigh... Seeing you so determine what can I say.

Anna: Nothing ..lets go dr when everything is done please find us near Alex ward.

Dr : okay .

( After an hour )

Nurse : Miss Anna please come with us .

Anna : okay

Eric : where ?

Nurse : for induced lactations process.

Eric looked towards Anna shocked.

Anna just grinned and went away with nurse .

After doing all the process Dr called mrs Smith and Anna .

Anna was already there but instead of Mrs Smith Eric came.

Eric : umm you don't mind me here right .

Anna : no but were is aunty.

Eric : she needs to go back home to take.her meds and have something to eat so I send her with dad .

Then the dr came inside .

She greeted Eric .

Dr : Hello mr Smith .

Eric : hello dr

Dr :Miss Anna the process is done and according to your report you can feed Alex within coming week . And that's a wonderful things.

Anna : really that's so good .

Eric saw how happy Anna was for alex .

Dr : Miss Anna please go and get your medicine with nurse i will explain Mr Smith about your report till then

Anba : umm okay.

Dr : Mr Smith you are going to be her husband right so these matters need your concent as well .

Eric :dr will these effects her body in any way .

Dr : not much side effects will be Miss Anna would face but there are some .

Eric : what are they dr.

Dr : firstly miss anna need to have a proper diet otherwise her body will go weak .

Secondly her periods might be painful but if that's happened we will prescribed her some meds .

Thirdly and most importantly her hormones will change so she can go through sexually frustrated .

Eric : what does that mean dr

Dr : you both need to maintain your sexual life .

Plus when we were doing this process Anna asked us to give her Long term contraception .

So we did the 2years plan one .

Eric: what?

Dr : Though she told us not to tell you guys but I thought you should know these .

Eric: why did she do that?

Dr : because she wants to focus on Alex .

Eric : will these could face problem in future like she loves kid so she wanted to have her own so does she will be facing any sort of any issue .

Dr : no we provide her with the least kind of side effects .

Eric as a family friend and doctor i can say Anna really like Alex .

Eric: thanks doctor

Dr : remember she would get sexually aroused so don't blame on her it was just side effects.

But you guys need to be active on your sexuall activities in future

Eric whose face is all red ..

He just nodded in yes .