
Arrange marriage to the cold boss

Minnie_22_angel · Urban
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flashback part 4

We picked alex from mom's house and we went to our home. I wore a beautiful grey dress which has high neck . Choosen by eric . So i can hide my hikkies

But ....

now we are sitting in doctors cabin ( you must be thinking why )

Well its because i started leaking milk from my breasts Eric saw my dress suddenly getting wet he asked me if I spilled water on my self but no I didn't.

so i checked for the reason and i started lacting milk ..

I was so happy I was one step ahead to be close to my baby alex .

But according to doctor I should be lacting in few weeks ..

I heard Eric knocking bathroom door so i went out and told him the reason of these . He also thought why just in a day i started producing milk he doesn't want any bad to happen me so ,

That's why we are in doctors place we told her about my lacting milk .

So she checked me and everything was normal .

She told me to feed alex so they can see if he is fine with mine milk or not .

The nurse took us to a private room .

She aked Eric to be present there so she can show him how to help me as i am a roorkee one to feed a baby .

She asked me to remove my top which make me remember that I have hickkies in my neck and upper chest area ..

Nurse : remove your top mrs smith .

Anna :. Uhh ... I ..

Eric understood my hesitation as he knew what masterpiece he has created .

Eric : yeah do it baby ...

I glared at him he just chuckled ..

Anna : Mm.. can i just lift my shirt i would be uncomfortable with removing my top ..

Nurse :its alright .. now lift your shirt and bra so i can guide you..

I did what she said to me and i eyed Eric who was starring at my breast ..

I glared at him which he licked his lips .. gosh he is really a flirt .. but I don't hate it , though he is cold person

Like everyone says but he is trying so hard to love me i know .

And i don't mind now because he is giving me respect and care that's all but I know he would love me some day ..... Then

Nurse handed me alex i attached his little mouth and he started sucking it nicely .. It was a blissful moment for a mother .. feeding your child .

The nurse left the room so i can feed him in silence she instructed me how to hold him.and the how to put him in his cradle . Eric was seeing me with out most adoration.

Anna : Why are you staring me like that .

Eeic : it's so nice to see my wife is feeding my child .

Anna : so why are your eyes teary .

Eric : its just I got little emotional.

Anna : don't worry I would take care of him.and .. you as well I promise.

I will love him the most

And I love you as well said these part as mumbling.

Hearing these ...words Eric didn't said anything.

Anna felt little disappointed but didn't say anything .

Anna:( in her mind .) Oh god Anna how can you say I love you now and even expect to say it back .. he can't love me now but will do he said that

Eric came forward and seated infront of Anna .

He gently rub Anna's cheeks and leanes forward to capture her lips which anna responded immediately the kiss was pure adoration no form of lust or anything.

Once he pulled he connected his forehead with Anna and said.

Eric: I will love you I promise for now I can't reply you but in near future I will OK .

Anna just nodded knowing what he said he will mean it .

They both silently watched alex fondly

He was the reason they met . Which they both love very much.

Anna ..: i a feeded him properly ..after a while Alex fell asleep .. so i put him in cradle present in the room and about to fixed my dress

the nurse again came and saw Alex was fast asleep.

Then the nurse came beside me and asked eric to come forward to see what help he can do to me in future .

Nurse : Mr Smith . Please look carefully and listen what I am instructing .

Eric : Okay .

She asked to to lift my shirt again which I did she started teaching us how we can to hand express and if my chest felt ache sometimes how to massage it .

Eric was very carefully listening her.

After a while she told me to my diet plan.for few days .

After all what I will eat would directly alex would have .

Finishing everything we were heading back home.

I put alex to his car seat and i sat besides Eric .

He was starring at me i asked him why he was doing that with out saying anything he leaned towards me

So I thought he is going to kiss me so I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to touch mine but .he was just

buckling my seat belt . I awkwardly sat there .

He was still near my face just inches apart.

Eric: is my wifey thinking something naughty.

Anna : no not never ..hihi.. why would I think anything .. i said awkwardly.

Eric : you know I was not planning to do this but you... Want so you will have it .

Anna : what...

Before Anna could further say eric capture her lips with his Anna instantly replied back ... They were fighting for dominance which was won by Eric . For few minutes sucking each other lips they unattached there lips .

And breathing heavily .

Eric : my wife is a good kisser .

Anna s face was red because she was blushing hard remembering there kiss .

Eric pecked Anna's lips again before seating back to his seat properly.

They drove to there home.