
Arrange marriage to the cold boss

Minnie_22_angel · Urban
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still in flash back

Anna: what how.. I mean you love her so much then ... Sorry for asking it but i ..

Eric: no don't be sorry.. actually it happened 3 month ago when I adopted him I thought me and luna { his ex }

Will get married soon and take care of him but her parents didn't like me because I am a singer.

They beat me with few of there bodyguard humiliated mom and dad they called him with filthy names which cannot be tolerated .. and luna was sent to america because

she didn't fight back for me for herself for us ..

Anna: didn't luna said anything...

Eric : (he chukle ..) she said she would have convince her parents if i didn't say or bring my so called son.

Anna : what.. how can she blame you she

might have known the truth then also...

Eric: yeah.. she new but steal wanted to be a good daughter didn't fight for us.. actually she was opposing me from adopting Alex because she is not ready for taking care of him 24× 7 as his mother..

{He said pain was visible in his eyes}

Anna: hey sorry I just got curious to know didn't want to make you sad.

Eric: no Anna actually I said yes to arrange marriage because my Alex needs a mother .. you know these is the first time some girl is holding him without having any

Disgusting thought.

Anna: You know they just don't know that how precious a child can be you just need to know that if you are the right person or not and I can hold him forever .

These poor soul deserve love and I will give him


Eric looked me towards a smile ..

Eric: didn't know that the 19 year had can say these ..

Anna: so what if I am nineteen it doesn't take much time to became mature.

Eric: you don't have to force yourself for these marriage you have full Right to say no . Actually mom dad didn't told me you are a teen still.

Anna: So what if I am a teen .. i can be a good mother and wife if.. you want.

Eric : you sure about this it's not a small things .

Anna: i know and i am ready .. but are you ready to be someone's husband like are you ready to move on

Eric: i... I will be.

Anna: look it may sound little over to much but... I will give you time but I don't want my husband to marry me but have some one else in his heart.

Eric: ....

Anna: i know its not you can forget in few months but i will give you time but its.. just..

Eric : i will be fully devoted towards you i promise all duty of a husband i will fullfil i promise. Plus as a father for our son ( said with Little smile)

Anna: okay then lets go back to our family i can't wait to be his mumma ( admired the sleeping alex )

Eric: umm... Before going can i ask you something..

Anna: sure

Eric: do you have a boyfriend.

Anna: no in everything you will be my first..

i mumbled last word ..

but he heard and gave me a sweet smile.

Eric : great you will be mine as well .

Anna: ohh.. really ..um..

Lets go then he should sleep properly in his bed.

He hummed and we went to our parents.

They saw us and smiled which we returned a small smile.

Mr john: we were thinking if eric and you move together now then..( he waited for my reaction but continued)

alex is comfortable with you. So anna ... Will you go there .

Anna: OK dad ..

Eric : no she will be there in two days let her be with you guys.

They looked each other and said OK to Eric's suggestions

We went back to our house.

The next day me And Eric went to try wedding dress ..

I tried few of my choice but didn't like it ...

But Eric choose his suit in few trails..

He came to me after these and saw my grumpy pout...

Eric: are you not liking it.

Anna: i am so confused i do like it but it feels something is missing.

Eric : let me help you then.

He search few rows until he saw a beautiful gown ..

Eric : umm excuse me .. can you let my fiance try this one

( Sure Sir staff said)

Anna: i was waiting for Eric to pic me some gown .. suddenly the consultant lady came and showed me the dress . It was really pretty..

Pearl beads ... Pattern everything just wow...

Following her just in minute late eric entered the room where i was sitting.

Eric: try these one let me see then.

Anna : okay wait here i will come quickly

Eric : ok

I took the dress and went behind the curtains.

Staff : ( beep..beep she got message)

Umm. Excuse me sir but i need to go to different department they can't find one of the brides dress..

I will send some one in a minute.

Eric : it's alright ... You.. you don't have to send some other person.

I am here so you can go .. if we need something I will call you.

Few minutes later I was struggling to wear the dress now

I can't zip it up ..

So i called the staff but no one replied ... So i peaked out the curtains there Eric was sitting surfing through his phone.

Anna : ummm... Is tgere no one else here .. the staff

He looked up to me ...

Eric : No she was called by someone..

Do you need anything?

Anna: actually I can't zip up the dress by myself its too low from my reach so i need help .

She said that and again moved back to tge mirrors area and tried to zip up her dress

Eric stood up from his place and walked towards Anna..

He moved curtains little bit and walked towards struggling Anna.

His breathe hitched seeing Anna in that gown

It look absolutely beautiful in her even more

Her exposed back was milky white.

Without making any noise he went towards her.

Anna felt cold hands on her back which gave her chills ..

She saw Eric behind her ..

Anna : what are you doing here.. ?

Eric : I came here to help you.

Anna: i will mange its okay .

Eric: Let me help my would be wife.

Anna: umm... Ok ( her face was red as tomatoes ..)

she was holding her gown tightly as it might fall down .

Eric ziped her gown and saw her flushed face .. he chuckled and said

Eric: It's my duty to help you and see you like these


.. Anna looked shocked .. Eric came near Anna ' s ear and said in husky voice..

Eric : I am looking forward for our wedding night.

Anna: wha...what?

Eric : you heard me baby

Anna: you moved on ...

Eric : I told you I will not take much time so i thought it through and the moment I hold your hand as your husband I will be loyal to you there will be only you in my heart and soul.

Anna: ( she didn't expected Eric to say these )

I looking forward Mr Smith.

Eric : yes would be wifey.

So let's final these dress .

Anna: yes i really like it.

Eric : okay.

As they paid for there dresses they made there way towards the parking lot.

As they seated themselves and started the car engine and going back home.

Suddenly Eric got call from him mom.

Eric : mom is calling can you put it in speaker because I am driving.

Anna: sure .. here you go

On the phone call

Eric : hey mom ?

Eric's mom: Eric come to xx hospital asap .

Eric suddenly pull the break

Eric: mom what happened.. you guys are OK right.

Eric's mom: we are OK but Alex he ...