
Arcenyx : Dreaded dawn

An unknown time ago, mana was introduced into the world it mutated some living things and created vile monsters that destroy everything in their wake. Years later, now the world is overrun by mana and divided by magic. The Monsters of pure mana called the Arcenyx run wild and with the nations placed under the iron fist of the council, a war is brewing. will the nations rip themselves apart or will the arcenyx destroy them first.

Zitari · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


The birds chirped near the window as rays of sunlight hit Illira's face as she opened her eyes exhausted in a sleepy haze she wondered why she was so tired she shrugged it off as she thought to herself that she was never a morning person she looked towards the window and saw it was bright outside' wait is it bright outside' she thought she looked around to see all the other kids still asleep in their beds all except for Felix she immediately got up in a panic and screamed "everyone wake up were late miss Eleanor will kill us!" all the kids immediately rolled off their beds and threw on their patched servant's clothes not even bothering to bathe in the servants quarters and ran out the door to get started on their various chores and assignments Illira ran towards the kitchen where she was posted to help the cook as she ran she contemplated why Lady Elissa didn't wake them up. As she approached the kitchen the first thing she saw was the frowning face of Lady Elissa's second in command Eleanor. Eleanor helped lady Elissa managed the Ascelin castle but she was always jealous of Elissa as she wanted Elissa's title of head maid for herself.

"You're late," lady Eleanor said with an angry look on her face

"Sorry miss Eleanor I wasn't feeling well this morning" she lied

Not wanting to push further and punish her just to get a lecture from Elissa about how they are just children she dropped the matter and said "well get to work and sick or not if u slack you'll be given extra chores tomorrow". 'What am I going to do with these brats Elissa brought here' Eleanor thought to herself. She then wondered where Elissa was as she hadn't seen her all morning.

Meanwhile, in the lord's chambers, Elissa woke up with a headache and only a vague memory of what happened last night she noticed that Lord Nikolai had already left so she picked up her scarf and assumed the Lord had just drunk too much from her and she left as she was late for her duties. As she walked through the corridors she got strange looks from servants and guards alike and she thought nothing of it as she was walking without her scarf on so she just assumed they were seeing her scars for the first time. Then a servant accidentally bumped into her and then for a second she was dazed as she heard his heart beat she was immediately overrun with an excruciating thirst and hunger she had never felt before it was torture. she then started darted to the kitchen to eat anything she could get her hands on. She burst through the kitchen doors and dug her hands into the food putting any food and drink she could find into her mouth but nothing was working as all the food tasted disgusting for some reason she looked around to find Illira, Eleanor, the cook Hélène and all the kitchen staff staring at her with a shocked expression then one of the human castle guards who was in the kitchen going about his daily pastime of bullying the kitchen staff into giving him their rations walked up to her trying to restrain her but she felt feral instincts overcome her and she easily dogged him and then bit into his neck with every atom of force in her body and after violently gnawing on his neck like a piece of bread she proceeded to rip his head clean off his body with her bare hands she came out of her euphoria when she heard the screams of everyone in the kitchen and when she looked towards them and caught a glimpse of herself in the kitchen window she now had bright red eyes and two long fangs her greyish brown hair had turned chestnut brown and she looked like she was in her twenties. She realized what was happening to her and then her neck was immediately snapped by one of the vampire guards who heard the commotion.