
Arcenyx : Dreaded dawn

An unknown time ago, mana was introduced into the world it mutated some living things and created vile monsters that destroy everything in their wake. Years later, now the world is overrun by mana and divided by magic. The Monsters of pure mana called the Arcenyx run wild and with the nations placed under the iron fist of the council, a war is brewing. will the nations rip themselves apart or will the arcenyx destroy them first.

Zitari · Fantasy
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12 Chs


After the incident in the kitchen, Eleanor let Illira and some of the kitchen staff of for the day they were all instructed to tell no one about what they saw. Illira calmly walked back to their make-shift orphanage, which was just an old storage room in the castle that Elissa refurnished. Once she got there she laid quietly on her bed with her eyes wide open without saying a word.

Late in the evening when the other kids were back from their respective chores and duties they noticed Illira was home early but they thought nothing of if it and just assumed she finished early and was getting some rare sleep, so they didn't bother her. As all the kids were getting ready for bed a dark-skinned little girl with cyan hair walked in, as she walked in she felt this sad dark energy coming from Illira. She proceeded to walk straight to Ilira and touch her but Illira didn't move she shook Illira again harder this time and said "Illira are you ok", she kept shaking her, and when she didn't respond the little girl burst out crying.

"Naomi, stop crying I'm trying to sleep," said Felix who had just laid on his bed.

"Felix you don't have to be so mean all the time, you know she's sensitive," said a girl who had short reddish-purple hair as she walked to Naomi to console her. "Amethyst just get her to shut up so we can sleep", said Felix with one of his hands on his face.

"Naomi, what's wrong?" asked Amethyst as she cleaned Naomi's tears

"it's Illira she's not moving," said Naomi.

"Illira, Illira are you ok", said Amethyst as she patted her back. " that's strange she can't be asleep her eyes are wide open", said a brown-haired kid. "thank you, Trevor, for pointing out the obvious", said Felix as he rolled his eyes.

"Should we go tell lady Elissa maybe she'll know what to do", said a kid with ginger-colored hair.

"well Gerald lady Elissa's chambres is in the main quarters of the castle and were not supposed to go there", said Amethyst.

"yeah and let's not forget about the vampire night guard that would love to sink their teeth into us", said Trevor.

"wait to speak of lady Elissa have any of you seen her today". said Felix. All the other children proceeded to shake their heads.

"I think I might be able to do something. There is a spell the castle medic taught me when she was healing one of the servants that was bitten by a vampire. she uses it to calm her patients before treatment maybe if I can use it on Illira now it'll get her to snap out of it and tell us whatever is wrong with her". said Amethyst.

"ok, do it", said Felix. with no further comment from any of the other kids, Amethyst started the spell. She placed her hands on Illira's head and closed her eyes and summoned her magic then as her hands started to glow a bright golden-brown, she felt her magic flow into Illira's body after a couple of seconds Illira gasped and started shivering Amethyst proceeded to help her up and said "Illira are u ok?".

Illira responded by nodding her head and then Felix asked "what happened to you?".

"It's lady Elissa" responded Illira who was still frantic.

"what happened to lady Elissa?", asked Amethyst.

"She,.. she's a vampire" responded Illira.