
Arcenyx : Dreaded dawn

An unknown time ago, mana was introduced into the world it mutated some living things and created vile monsters that destroy everything in their wake. Years later, now the world is overrun by mana and divided by magic. The Monsters of pure mana called the Arcenyx run wild and with the nations placed under the iron fist of the council, a war is brewing. will the nations rip themselves apart or will the arcenyx destroy them first.

Zitari · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Elissa's newfound bright red eyes opened as she looked around confused soon she realized she was in her room. She stood up and went to look at her image in the mirror, she admired her chestnut-brown hair and the fact that she looked thirty years younger. After staring at her image for a while she opened her mouth to see two pearly white fangs staring back at her. 'maybe I could do without the fangs' she thought to herself and immediately she thought that her fangs receded. Still, in awe of her newfound vampirism, she instinctively whirled around her room to grab a glass of water. she had already reached the cup when she realized that she was a vampire now and that the water probably won't quench her thirst unsure what to do she reached for the door handle and stopped herself remembering how she killed someone earlier she hesitated as she didn't want to hurt anyone else. She stood there staring at the door when it opened from the outside it was lord Nikolai.

"Good morning milord" greeted Elissa as she assumed it was morning by his attire.

without responding to her greeting he said "you took a long time to wake up, your body resisted the transition more time than I expected". after saying that he waved his hand and a maid walked in with blood gushing out of her neck from a fresh bite.

With no control over her newfound vampirism, Elissa attacked her and bit deep into her neck at the same spot as the previous injury. After some minutes passed the girl turned unconscious. upon realizing that the girl was about to die from her fading heartbeat Elissa forced herself to stop feeding while resisting every urge in her body.

Lord Nikolai noticed this and said, "truly impressive to fight the urge to kill at only your second feed". He quickly ripped the maids head off and proceeded to say "but it's not as much fun if they're left alive".

Elissa wasn't shocked by this as she knew that in vampire culture any human of lower title who was to fall prey to the noble vampires was to give their life up as a sign of respect.

Elissa was still staring at the maid's lifeless body when lord Nikolai said "you will be accompanying me to the feast tonight", after that statement he promptly walked away leaving Elissa to wonder which feast he was talking about.

After cleaning herself up and calling the castle staff who didn't recognize her at first to dispose of the maid's body she checked the time and decided to go wake her children.

She reached the door to the orphanage and stopped when she remembered that she looked completely different now and she also remembered that Illira witnessed the whole incident in the kitchen. She mustered up some courage and walked in to find all the kids who had stopped everything they were doing once they saw her.

All the kids stared at her wide-eyed and to her surprise ran up to hug her. She was about to speak when Felix asked her "are you ok lady Eleanor told us you were going to be gone a few days and that your vampire now".

"I'm fine" Elissa responded.

"Wait does that mean you'll drink our blood now," said Illira to receive a horrified expression from Elissa. Illira laughed and said, "I'm kidding I know you'll never hurt us".

Elissa still not convinced said, "Look Illira about the incident in the kitchen.....".

Illira cut her off in a confused expression and said "what incident".

Before Elissa could explain further Eleanor burst into the room and said "Elissa can I speak to you" to which Elissa responded yes and proceeded to walk out of the room with her.

"The Lord ordered that everyone who witnessed the incident should be silenced, I didn't want to have to kill the children so, I erased their memories," said Eleanor in a calm tone.

"How? any magic that alters the psyche is in the moon element, wait don't tell me you used dreamshade," Elissa replied.

"I did, it worked efficiently," said Eleanor.

"Dreamshade is a poison it could have killed them," said Elissa.

"Don't pretend to know anything about magic all you know is what you read from the castle library. Unlike you, I can do real magic and stop giving me that crap they're fine. They were sick for a couple of days but all the memories went away even the memories of the sickness and I wouldn't have had to poison all of them if that bratty little elf didn't go about blabbing her mouth" said Eleanor in an annoyed tone.

Without giving Elissa a chance to speak she continued. "you should be thanking me, now you don't have to explain to your beloved children why you ripped that man's head off and I could have just killed them and saved myself the stress".

"You're right I'm sorry, thank you but why are the children up so early?" Elissa asked.

"Today is the blood festival" replied Eleanor.

"But that's three weeks away," said Elissa in a shocked tone.

"No you have been asleep for three weeks" replied Eleanor.

After a pause, Elissa said, "Have they found someone for the young master's blood bond yet".

"No, wait are you still recommending that elven girl?" asked Eleanor.

"Yes, what do you suggest you and I both know all too well what happens to anyone with elven blood once the council gets to them," Elissa said with a concerned expression on her face.

"I mean I dislike the little one but no one deserves that fate, my mother was a quarter elf like you were and I saw them take her and experiment on her she died a horrible, painful death soon after. Considering the fact that little girl is of pure blood the council's lackeys might be here any day now" said Eleanor.

"That's why I need to talk to lord Nikolai about it"' replied Elissa.

"Lord Nikolai has a thing for elves so there's no way he won't agree the question is if she can survive being bonded to a vampire and you and I both know the lord's second son is exceptionally destructive not to talk of all the human nobles who would love to assassinate her so their children can take her place," said Eleanor.

"She'll just have to survive it's the lesser of two evils" Elissa replied.

Eleanor hummed in agreement and asked, "Is the lord taking you to the feast?".

Elissa replied, "Yes that's what he said but why? you're the one who usually goes with him to these things".

"yes but I'm not the only one who is a vampire now plus since he turned you recently this is his chance to show you off to the council". said Eleanor.

"Ok, I'll tell the children to stay out of the castle grounds and go to the festival," said Elissa.

"Good Idea nobles and councilmen from both this kingdom and other kingdoms will not tolerate the sight of your peasant children, some might even ask they be added to the main course. When you're done with here meet me in the kitchen we have to make preparations for the feast tonight. said Eleanor just before she walked away.

Elissa turned around and walked into the room. She called the children who wore their best clothing and said "As you all know it's the blood festival today and as much as you guys want to have fun, I need you to promise me you'll be safe today ok".

To which they all nodded their heads and she replied"Good, don't stay out late, and when you return to the castle come through the back door in the kitchen for no reason should you go to the halls or anywhere on the castle grounds ok," they all responded "ok".

Elissa nodded and turned to leave the room but before she left she stopped and said "Felix and Amethyst are in charge" then she left the children alone and went to attend to the matters of the feast.