

What happens when, a sleep deprived, caffeine high teen decides to sent an application for adoption to a rich, but kind man with a serious adoption problem, after reading a post titled "APPLY NOW FOR FREE ADOPTION", made as a joke by some unrelated person? Will the sleep deprived. not so good plan end well... Set before Ladybug... I have no rights to the characters in this story, and they belong to their respective creators..

Ray_9195 · Others
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Bruce was not sure why a filled adoption form along with details of a 15 year old girl, who as way too many qualifications and connections was sent to his laptop.. Richard just smiled and said " B, we all know you.. You could have adopted her accidentally or so on one of the times you accidentally got drunk... She looks French-Chinese or so.. Cute.. Cass would not mind a baby sister, may be we will have to remind Dami not to stab her.. Alfred will be upset you did not inform him.. But he knows you too well.. Fashion designer.. hmm.. Steph will like her, so will Kori... wonder what Jaybird will say.. Do you think she will like acrobatics, B? I bet she will find the Batcave in 3 weeks top... B, are you in shock... Its ok you know... I don't mind.. The others.... lemme handle that... I would love to have a new baby sister.... Do you think she likes pink? She looks nice... smart too.... might get along with Tim, speaking of Timmy... we can run a background check on her..."

Bruce sighed," I was about to ask Tim about a background check.. She is from Paris, we both know that ladybug has banned anyone of us from even entering Paris... Thankfully we can use their servers.. The kid will be safer in Gotham as well.." "If she has this much achievements in a city which is bad for negative emotions, think how much she can do here..."

Richard smiled, only to jump startled when a voice said, "I already did a background check up, I am shook"

"Timmy, what did you get Baby Bird.." Richard asked calming himself down... 

"Well, There was a complaint about she being a liar, thief bully and so.... before you panic, I was curious and checked their cameras, a brunette with sausage hair was framing her. All her friends believed the Brunette, whose name is Lila.. She lies about everything, about knowing celebs, illnesses, that tissue can gouge eyes, about extravagant travels, and so on..

Then it seems Marinette tried to expose her or so, and Lila turned against her and turned Marinette's own friends against her.. She took Marinette's sketchbook saying that it was hers... She also lied about Marinette bullying her, while Marinette's friends and Lila are the actual bullies and they call it "karma for what she did".. apparently she got messages with threats and her design blog was shut down by the students...

Poor girl... She is not bad, she is the wronged one.. and oh.... she likes coffee... I approves of her adoption.. Demon Spawn will too as she seems to be good with animals... Her cooking will be a selling point with Alf and about Jason...... I might have sent him everything I found out... I am sure he will try to adopt her....  Cass will like her, she is a strong woman... and Steph would love her designs... so would Starfire... oh... and i bet 2 weeks top...."

"Whoa, Timmy... you.... I ... nevermind... good work... Oh and sent me the details in full... i want to know the details..." Richard said with a proud smile... "Done" Tim grinned.

"Mn, good job Tim, it is good that you keep an eye on my mail.... keep it up..." Bruce said before leaving the room..... 

" Looks like the therapy works..." Richard grinned.. "Yup, Jason is next... then the demon spawn" Tim nodded to himself... Richard ruffled his hair and smiled.. 'We are almost ok now.. only if they stopped calling Dami names.. Baby steps.... baby steps.."