
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
120 Chs


On a snow-covered mountain peak drifting somewhere in the cosmos, a male was seated on a throne made of ice, dressed with a bare minimum piece of clothing with his eyes closed.

Next to him was a woman with long jet-black curls swaying slightly due to chilled air passing through them. A very annoyed expression could be seen all over her face.

Due to her annoyance and slight anger, the whole peak was trembling.

"What is it now? It seems like you're not happy with something" asked the man.

"You already know the reason for annoyance very well. It is so hard for me to believe that a person as loving as Jayanti, being a mother herself would say and do something like that!" said the woman.

"She's being influenced by the powers of Ashanti, these kinds of things are just the beginning. In the future while drunk on the power they will do far worse things" said the Man.

Then suddenly a portal appeared and another man came out from the other side. A smile adorned his face while he simply gestured his greetings to the other two.

"So what's new with our 'A pot star', Pinaki?" said the man who came out of the portal.

"Do you remember Jayanti, Tharun. Well he just had an encounter with her, in consequence, to which he lost his left arm" said Pinaki with a sigh.

"Sheesh! talk about tough luck. Now we are short on hands. Did you get it?!" said Tharun while giggling.

Veins started to pop on the woman's forehead present there.

"Wow! it wasn't that bad," said Tharun with a shrug.

"Leave her be, she has a soft spot for that woman and the child as well. But I got to say this, that joke was too dark even for you Tharun" said Pinaki while shaking his head.

"Fine! So is Ashanti aware of Satvik's existence?" asked Tharun with a serious expression.

"Not yet!" said Pinaki.

"Well let's see how long it stays that way," said Tharun while looking at the horizon of the Cosmos.


A few days had passed after Satvik's unexpected encounter.

Satvik was sitting in a grass field while calmly observing his missing limb.

"You know it won't grow back even if you look at it like that," said the person sitting next to him.

He then turned his face to look at the person with a poker face and said, "So why are you here, your majesty?"

"Oh come on, don't look at us like that. We are just here to take good care of our son-in-law" said the woman while winking at him.

Satvik didn't give her any response and just continuously stared at her with a poker face.

"Tch! You are not fun anymore. What happened to that lovely and shy child?" said the woman.

"He lost a limb" replied Satvik.

"Haah! we are here because we wanted to discuss the question you asked me a few days back. That our real name isn't Mayuri" said the woman with a sigh.

"How did you come to know that?"

"Well, I don't exactly how it happened. But if my guess is not wrong, I think my sight skill evolved or leveled up or something similar to that effect" said Satvik while his pupils turned to Scarlett color.

"During my struggle and helplessness against that b**** of a priestess, I suddenly started to see more than auras of other people."

" I can see their names as well. In your case, I can see what seems to be letters that I can't recognize" Satvik finished his explanation and waited for Mayuri's reply.

Mayuri went into deep thought and after a while nodded her head while saying, "It seems that you might be right and your ability has evolved. You use that ability on daily basis, right?"

"Abilities can be like muscles, the more frequently you use them, the stronger they get."

"The words you see over our head is the language of monsters"

"Although monsters don't have sentient thought processes at earlier levels, it's a different story at higher levels."

"We don't know how we monsters can adapt this language instantly once we level up, it just happens. Gods work in mysterious ways, don't they?"

Satvik nodded while agreeing with her. The Gods indeed worked in mysterious ways, especially in his case.

"So want to learn the language of monster, from us? It will be quite useful for you in the future" said Mayuri.

Satvik shook his head and said, "I'll pass. I am supposed to hunt and kill monsters and not make business deals with them. So knowing their language will do me no good."

To Satvik monsters were nothing more than experience points pinata. All the animes he had watched and games he had played, all had one main rule killing monster will grant great rewards.

"Fine, but it would've been great you know, you could've avoided conflict with monsters who are stronger than you," said Mayuri while playing with her hair.

"Alright! if you will put it like that I will give it a go," said Satvik with a smile.

"Great choice, now we can spend some quality time together. We will not charge you anything for the lessons. You are lucky that you will be personally tutored by a great person such as us " said Mayuri while winking.

Satvik's smile was now gone. His self-proclaimed mother-in-law would never let go of an opportunity to tease him even if the whole world was burning.

Mayuri just stared at him with a beaming smile for a while and then she saw some hesitation in his eyes.

"Is there something else you want to know? It seems you still need some guidance from us regarding something?" questioned Mayuri.

Satvik nodded and said, "Well there's one more thing that has been chewing me from the inside since that day."

"Oh! want to discuss matters of your heart to your lovely mother-in-law?" said Mayuri with sparkling eyes.

Satvik sighed and said while nodding, "After that day's encounter I have a feeling that it won't be the last time, that my parents have to go through something like that because of me."

"And especially now, as I'll be having a young brother or sister very soon. I'm afraid I might attract unwarranted attention which is dangerous for them"

"I might have to move away from them, very soon. For their safety" said Satvik while looking at the horizon.

Mayuri followed the same suit and looked at the horizon while saying, "We can understand why are you thinking like that, and let us tell you, that you are not wrong. That was just a beginning, it will only become far worse from here on."

"You were lucky that there was a dragon with them. Our clan detest reptiles, that's why we came here to see which brave lizard had entered our territory."

"Otherwise you would have been on your own. We cannot conclude, that lady luck hates you or loves you" Mayuri said with a serious expression.

Satvik nodded his head. He had known that peafowls detest snakes from his previous world, but in this world, they hate all the Reptilians, especially dragons.

"We wish we could've taken you with us, but our people hate outsiders, especially humans. Your life will always be in danger as prejudice against humans in other races is quite deep" said Mayuri.

Satvik nodded. He was aware of this fact, that due to atrocities of humans and Baimum Theocracy the other races despise humans to the extent of their very core.

"It's fine your majesty, I just have to go away from here and lay low till I'm 18. I would have loved going to some university or other institution, but I guess that arc was never meant for me" said Satvik with a sigh.

He wanted to enjoy a school arc where he would meet young girls and create his harem, gain Cliche love rivals, and have a few accidents with some klutz teachers.

Without his status unlocked he could never get into this university and even if he somehow got in, his missing status and a limb will only make him nothing more than a useless mob character.

Mayuri didn't give any reply because she could not understand what he was talking about.

In their clan parents and elder pass on knowledge to their children.

She never knew what he meant by school or university.

Satvik then coughed and said, "We are getting sidetracked. So should I discuss this with my parents, that I would be leaving them soon?"

"We don't know much about your parents, but you have to tell them one day. And, don't even think of leaving without saying your goodbye" said Mayuri with a dead serious gaze.

Mayuri had somewhat of an idea, that he might just leave them one day without telling them and hoping that they would forget about him.

But after seeing Aisha's reactions so far she knew that if he left without saying anything, she would be devastated.

Satvik lay down on his back while looking towards the sky and sighed. There's so much that happened in a short while and he had to start planning out for future contingencies.

"How's your daughter doing these days? Did she kill someone recently?" asked Satvik.

"Look at you, already worried about your bride killing someone," said Mayuri coyly.

"Eh! I owe you so much for helping me out. I'll meet her In the future and try my best to establish a good foundation. At least I can do this much, for if it wasn't for you me and my whole family would've died" said Satvik with a thankful expression.

"Kyah! look at you acting all mature in that tiny body," said Mayuri while she pulled him in for a hug. Satvik's head was lost in those valleys of her.

"Sheesh! get over it," Satvik said and enjoyed the opportunity heaven had granted him and waited for her response to his question.

"Well she's is doing fine and hasn't killed anybody if that's what you really wanted to know at all," said Mayuri.

"Hmm, have you mentioned anything to her about me?" questioned Satvik.

"Not at all, we love you and don't want you to die that early at the hands of your own bride."

"We will wait until you get stronger, otherwise she would just, you know" finished Mayuri while making a gesture of slitting her throat.

Satvik gulped and while laughing dryly said, "You know what, I will pay you for your kindness in some other way."

"Hey! a man should never back out once he made a commitment," said Mayuri while puffing her cheeks.

"Well, I'm not a man, your majesty. I'm just a kid" said Satvik with a smug.


Mayuri started pulling Satvik's cheeks in order to get rid of his cheeky smirk.


"For god sake! just take a good rest, mum. Leave cleaning and cooking to me and father" said Satvik while shoving Aisha back in her bead and nicely tucking her in.

"If I have to eat your father's cooking one more day, I might die," said Aisha while making a grossed-out face.

Dhruv just looked them away. He never even wanted to argue about his cooking. He knew very well where he stood in the culinary field and that is at the bottom.

Satvik shook his head and said, "I know, if he cooked something again I might join you in the afterlife as well."

Dhruv's gaze was now downcasted. These mother-son pair have no regard for his feelings.

Satvik then patted his chest with pride while declaring, "Today, Masterchef Satvik will feed this beautiful lady some great meal."

Aisha clapped her hand together like an excited kid with a happy smile and then questioned, "So what's in today's menu chef?"

"Hmmm! let me treat you with Chef's secret special," said Satvik with smug. Then he turned around and looked at Dhruv and said;

"Come with me, Sous Chef."

"I'm what now?" said Dhruv while pointing towards himself.

"Do you really think that I can cook with my one arm missing?" said Satvik while waving his single arm.

Satvik dragged Dhruv to the kitchen, while insured that Aisha remains in the bed.

Then Satvik started to prepare the meal and after a while, he coughed and said, "I wanted to talk with you, man-to-man father."

"Pffttt! 'man to man' you.."

But after seeing Satvik's serious expression he stopped in mid-sentence and said, "fine go ahead."

Satvik nodded and begin, "I have come to a decision."

"That I will leave this town once I reach the age of 12. That day's incident, it has made me realise that if I stayed here, in this town with you and mum, it will be dangerous for you people."

"I know you might find this decision stupid, but I'm not strong enough to protect myself let alone you guys."

"People of this town and you both have already done enough for me. Even though she didn't give birth to me, she went far beyond and took care of me."

"Heck! she went as far as attacking a demigod and priestess of some nutjob kingdom."

"Now that a child of your flesh and blood will be born soon, I don't want to be the reason why he or she lost his parents."

"Haah! how did you arrive at this conclusion that you will become the reason for our death?" asked Dhruv with a sigh.

"Because that woman was right," said Satvik.

"Huh?" Dhruv said in confusion.

"She was right, I've been sent by the false gods for what they claim to be 'for protection of their innocent believers', I guess," said Satvik.

"Ahan! sure," said Dhruv.

"Fine, I will tell you everything," said Satvik and started narrating his whole story from his previous life to this one in one go.

After narrating his story Satvik thought this has now become some sort of ritual. He thought he just put it down in writing and just pass it on to others at least it would save some energy.

"So why are you telling me this now?" said Dhruv after listening to his story.

Satvik was dishing out the meal he had prepared for Aisha and then he said, "Because I would be needing your help. Mum won't allow me to leave just like that. I need you to find me a way in which I can leave this town without hurting her."

"We have five years to come up with some excuse so that mum has to let me go," said Satvik while taking the dish away with him.

Dhruv was left behind deep in thought. He had too much to process. Then suddenly Satvik came back.

He cleared his throat and said "And never think that all my actions far was me just acting. I appreciate that I had both of you as a parent and I really love you guys"

After saying that he rushed away with Aisha's meal towards her bedroom.

Satvik came next to Aisha and presented her with the dish.

Aisha's eyes became round in delight and she asked, "What's the name of the dish, MasterChef?"

"This is what I call chicken kebabs. There is minced chicken meat and some other seasoning to satisfy your taste buds, my lady" said Satvik with a bow.

"Oh! sounds delicious, MasterChef" said Aisha and started digging in her meal.

Moans of foodgasm can be heard throughout their house which broke Dhruv's daze and he returned to Aisha's room as well.

"Try this Dhruv, it's so amazing," said Aisha with pleasure.

Dhruv walked next to her picked up a piece of kebab and bit into it. The juices started to flow down his throat and his eyes closed with ecstasy.

"It's great right?" said Aisha.

"Sati you have to feed things like this to your mother, forever," said Aisha with glee.

Dhruv stopped binging on his food and looked at Satvik. He was looking at his mother with a painful smile.

'I wish it was possible, mum' thought Satvik.


End of Volume 2

With the story so far I hope you have formed connections with the characters, especially our protagonist.

I hope you find that my writing has improved a little bit.

I really enjoyed writing about new characters, especially Mayuri. I'll be taking a short break from writing and will comeback with new energy.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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