
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 27: Anything you want?


"Bhaiya"- Hindi for elder brother


Doina town, situated near the border of Kaziranga kingdom and Rissa state had now emerged as the center of the world of Medini.

The black pepper has brought big merchants and nobles knocking on Doina's door. The town's prosperity was evidence of it. Now the town have somewhat transformed into mid-size city due to the flow of capital within its wall.

5 years back when the people of Medini were first introduced to the black pepper, they were quite reserved about it. They couldn't understand how something that looked like dirt can be mixed in food to make it delicious.

Within the first few months, the people didn't even realize when but they became addicted to its taste and now every kitchen had a bottle of black pepper next to the salt.

The discovery of black pepper brought great wealth and praise to Haldi Vasoo, the person who first introduced black pepper in the markets of Medini and is the newly appointed Mayor of the Doina town.

His ghostly weathered house was now replaced by an extravagant mansion filled with exotic maids and caretakers.

Haldi woke up and sat up on his bed.

"What happened darling?" said the woman on who was now sitting next to him on the right side?

"Nothing, it's time to rise and shine" said Haldi after kissing her lips.

"Oh look, something else is rising as well" said the woman from the left side who was still wrapped around Haldi's torso.

Haldi kissed her as well and then said with a sneer. "Are you both ready for morning exercise?!"

"I was born ready" "You can bet on it"

Said both of them. Haldi thanked the kid and his father from his heart for making this possible and started his labor filled day.

"Aaah!" "Aaaaahh...!!!!

Then moans filed with pleasure were heard by all the maids due to which all their cheeks had turned red.



A person was running near the newly renovated walls of the Doina town. The walls now were manned by soldiers with good quality equipment's to ensure the safety of new Doina.

"Sati Bhaiya!" shouted a girl aged around 4-5 years old while waving her hand. She had brown twin braided ponytails and blue eyes and fair skin.

Then Satvik looked at her and started running towards her. When he reached near her he questioned, "What are you doing here, Vani?"

Vani was Satvik's younger sister and was 4 years old. For the past one year, she has been following Satvik like a duckling chasing after their mother. She absolutely enjoys the stories that Satvik has been telling him and loved accompanying him everywhere.

"I brought a towel for you, Bhaiya," said the girl while beaming with an innocent smile.

"Thanks, kiddo," said Satvik while rubbing her head and then took the towel from her to wipe his sweat off.

"Sati bhaiya, why do you work out every day at such a young age?" questioned Vani.

"Every person should work out without prejudice to their age," said Satvik while puffing his chest.

"Oh! But mom said that you've been working out to woe the girl that moved last month with her family" said Vani while tapping her chin.

"Ha ha ha! don't listen to what mum says. She's always in a joking mood" said Satvik with a dry laugh.

A few weeks ago a new family had shifted into their neighborhood, consisting of father-mother pair and two daughters.

One of the two daughters was around 8-9 years of age and the other one was around Satvik's age and her name was Shivani.

Shivani had copper-colored hair that she used to keep in a neat bun and green eyes. Satvik was never interested in ladies around his age as it had been already established as well known fact in the town.

All the women in Aisha's friend circle had come to know recently that Satvik had been observing them with quiet passion. This made the ladies somewhat happy and they felt appreciated, as for most of these women their husband always go running after 'new flowers' so to speak.

But since he had never attracted any woman's attention throughout his previous life, the young Shivani's attention did pique his curiosity and that was all to it.

He was not from the club of gentlemen but had not completely turned to the dark side due to fear of the FBI coming knocking over his door for being a lolicon. He loved all the women, beyond legal age.

After whipping his sweat he started to do some training such as sit-ups and one-arm push-ups. The sole reason he was having his training montage was because of the day he lost his left arm.

After that day he never once slacked off in his training and since he was already 11 years old things will only get tough. Children around Satvik's age will be soon getting their status unlocked and Satvik had some different arrangements.

After completing his training he put Vani over his shoulder and started to jog back to their home. This was the best part of Vani's day getting to ride over his idol's shoulder.

Satvik never had any siblings so from the start he spoiled Vani like a princess and also ensured that Vani doesn't lose her humility toward others.

When they returned back Aisha had already prepared the breakfast table. Everyone sat at the table to enjoy breakfast.

Aisha then looked at Satvik with an evil smile. Satvik's skin started to tingle. By now he was very well aware of what that smile meant.

'She is up to something' thought Satvik.

"Did you like your toast and jam, Sati?" questioned Aisha with a beaming smile.

Satvik stopped chewing his food and looked at her with a questioning gaze.

"Shivani said that she prepared this freshly today morning and she really wanted you to have some," said Aisha while giggling.

'That's what it was?!' thought Satvik while looking at her. He heaved a sigh then he smiled at her mother. Though sometimes he found this annoying, but he really enjoyed Aisha's teasing.

"Then I need to thank her" after saying that Satvik finished his toast and left his house.

He went to meet his tsundere friend, Danny in the library. For the past year, he had been visiting the library to know as much as he can about this world to make sure that he never get caught again with his pants down, so to speak.

Satvik had gained the knowledge regarding kingdoms, monsters and his enemies as well. Any being after gaining enough strength can evolve into a demigod within few decades, the world of Medini had a reasonable number of such demigods.

Once a person reaches the tanks of demigod, people in order to seek their protection start to pray to them. Once they have enough followers they slowly start to rise to the next level that is godhood. Although people who have reached Godhood are only numbered between 15-20.

Most of the races on Medini prayed to these Gods, further fueling them with power.

Ashanti, the deity who had most of his believers in human race was his main target. He used to be a human who reached to the ranks of demigod several centuries ago and then few decades ago reached Godhood. Most records about him have been tampered with.

Satvik was a person who had himself tampered with evidences a lot in his previous life for the sake of his clients. So he could easily make out that the documents about Ashanti cannot be treated as dependable.

As if that wasn't enough, Nastik the prophet of Ashanti had also joined the ranks of demigod under his lord's guidance.

'Haah! What am I supposed to do against such OP enemies' he thought while closing the book he was reading.

Then Satvik felt a pair of eyes on him so he turned his head and looked in the direction of the gaze he felt. Then he saw that Shivani was holding a book upside down and stealing glances at him. Satvik turned his head around and sighed.

He could not understand what he has ever done to gain attraction of the young girl. From the day they moved in their neighborhood, they have been greatly interested in Satvik and his family, especially Shivani.

Satvik was an average looking youngster with one missing limb. He started to wonder did he unintentionally made such young girl fall for him or something.

'May be I'm handsome according to the standards of this world' he thought with a smug. Then he looked at his Tsundere friend.

Danny was at least twice as handsome as Satvik. Danny had a lot going for him looks wise apart from having two hands. Which made Satvik cringe that he was finding other guys handsome.

Satvik stood up from his chair and started walking out of the library after bidding Danny goodbye.

Shivani also rushed after him. When she was following Satvik he started walking briskly which made his pursuer step up her speed as well.

Then he stopped abruptly and turned around in order to confront Shivani, "What you want, Shivani? Are you stalking me now?"

"Of course not. I'm just returning to my home. It was just a coincident that we bumped into each other" said Shivani while shaking her head in denial.

'Wow! Is she a tsundere too' thought Satvik but said "Fine!"

"Wait you'll be turning 12 soon right. Is there anything you want as your present, anything!?" asked Shivani with a blush.

'Hell no! Does she have a few screws loose' thought Satvik. He could somewhat understand what Shivani meant from 'Anything'.

"I already had delicious jam you prepared today morning so you don't need to give anything else" after saying that Satvik zoomed towards his house and never looked back.

He entered his house and shut the door. Vani came to look what happened and found her brother panting.

"What happened Bhaiya? Were you being chased by someone? You look tired" questioned Vani in concerned voice.

"I was being chased by the most dangerous being in the world. It was a thot" said Satvik.

"What is a 'Thought', Bhaiya?" questioned Vani with curiosity.

"Let it be, you won't understand" after saying that Satvik left her alone and went straight to his room.

"Aree!" exclaimed Vani in confusion and exasperation.

Time for Volume 3 !!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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