
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 26: The sun always shine after the storm passes

In a castle of the Baigarh, the capital city of the Baimum Theocracy a tall woman was walking through corridors.

The facial expression of the woman made other maids and caretakers avoid disturbing the woman. She was quite famous among the staff for being short-tempered.

"Well it looks like someone had a very bad day"

Then suddenly a feminine voice made the tall woman to stop and look in the direction from where the voice came. At the end of the corridor was a woman standing. She had honey color straight hair which reached her waist and azure eyes.

The tall woman's expressions then softened and she nodded and ran towards the woman. She then got on her knees, due to height disparity.

The tall woman then hugged the short woman and shoved her face in the woman's stomach. It looked like a kid was consoling an adult. The short woman then caressed the other's head with a gentle smile and questioned her.

"What happened to you Jayanti, I never thought that I'd be seeing you this sad like ever."

Jayanti was quiet for a while then she looked in the person's eyes and said, "I made a huge mistake today, Aneeta."

Aneeta sighed and said, "care to give me details?"

Jayanti was a bit hesitant at first and then she said, "But first promise me, you won't reprimand me!"

"Why would I reprimand you? You're not a kid and I'm not your mother" said Aneeta.

"Well I have a feeling you will definitely scold me," said Jayanti.

"Stop being a kid. You're a mother of a 15-year-old kid" said Aneeta while smacking Jayanti's head.


"Now feel like talking?" asked Aneeta while glaring at Jayanti.

Jayanti sighed and narrated the whole story to Aneeta about her encounter with an unusual kid. By the time she was done narrating her story, Aneeta was glaring at her with contempt.

"Are you sure he had no connection with the false gods?" questioned Aneeta.

"Except for his unusually high mana, there was not anything that different about him. I guess he had some kind of artifact or sort to boost his mana. He might have got lucky and found some good artifacts from the previous wars" said Jayanti while thinking.

"He was too weak to be sent here by those numb nuts" finished Jayanti.

"But I still can't believe that you did something like that to a kid. To him you might be nothing more than a demon lord" said Aneeta with a sigh. She really felt sorry for the kid.

She could not even imagine how much pain mentally and physically he would be facing now due to his lack of an arm.

"Don't say it like that. I already am ashamed of my action. But these powers granted by lord Ashaanti, sometimes they make me feel invincible and I lose my reasoning a little bit then" finished Jayanti with a downcast gaze.

"I hope I can ask for his forgiveness," said Jayanti.

"Forget about it. Just make sure of one thing, whenever you see him next time make sure to kill him" said Aneeta while walking towards the empty corridor.

"That's a very cold thing to say, even for you," said Jayanti while looking at Aneeta with wide eyes.

"That's how it is. Imagine yourself in his place, would have you forgiven the person who did that to you?" said Aneeta turning her head.

Jayanti bit her lips in frustration because she knew Aneeta was right.

"Your silence means I am right. Remember this, 'A wounded lion is more dangerous than a hungry one, he runs after his prey not to satisfy his hunger but to gratify his anger."

"I don't know what happened to his mother but, to a child, a mother is like a Goddess and once you tarnish an image of a goddess, you must be ready for the vengeance of their believers," said Aneeta.

Aneeta walked away after saying that, leaving Jayanti alone to reprimand herself for her actions today.

While walking in the corridors, Aneeta could not let go of the thought about the kid Jayanti met today. She had an uneasy feeling deep inside her heart that this instance of today will bite them in the a** someday.


Back in Doina Town, Satvik was sitting next to Aisha's bed while she was still sleeping.

After having a long chat with Mayuri, Satvik's father was the first one to wake up. At first, when he saw Satvik's missing arm below his elbow he thought he was still dreaming.

After Satvik told him what all had happened, Dhruv dropped to his knees and asked forgiveness for not being able to be a good father who couldn't even protect his child with tears running down his cheeks.

Satvik hugged him and told him that he was the best father anyone could ask for and blamed the priestess for his condition.

They both carried Aisha and their neighbour back to the town.

While Satvik was looking at her mother's bit pale complexion he felt deja vu as something similar to this happened after their encounter with the demigods for the first time.

Although she was not the person who gave her birth, but she was his mother through and through.

She never cared about her life and her main goal has always been to ensure Satvik's well-being.

While he was thinking in a daze, Aisha's eyes popped open, she sat up on the bed and shouted, "Satiii!!!"

Satvik covered one of his ear and said, "geez mum! I'm here you don't have to shout"

Aisha turned around to look at him and she hurriedly grabbed him a hug and started crying while thanking the Gods for he was safe.

Then she broke the hug and observed Satvik and said, "Thank the gods you are alright."

Satvik used his right hand to wipe her tears and said with a gentle smile "I'm fine mum you don't have to worry anymore."

Aisha nodded and then her gaze fell on Satvik's missing limb. First, she thought that Satvik was trying to prank her with something.

But when he tried to hide his arm at least what was left of it, she grabbed Satvik's shoulder and pulled him in for inspection.

"NO!" "NO!"NO!" "NO!"

She repeated those words like a broken record and started to shed more tears while looking at his arm.

"Don't cry mum, I'm alright now, it doesn't hurt. Life was getting easy with my both arms, so I'm just trying the hard mode" Satvik said while consoling her while laughing dryly.

He has never been good at these kinds of things. Someone needs a divorce, he could handle it very well. But someone needs consoling, he would've just passed such things on to others.

Aisha kept crying while hugging him close for what seemed an eternity. Then Dhruv came in with a downcast gaze.

He also was ashamed of himself, for his son was missing a limb but he came out unscathed.

When Aisha dried her eyes out and calmed a little bit Satvik whipped her tears and thought of a way to change the mood and then an idea popped into his head.

He cleared his throat and with an innocent expression he asked, "Mum, from where, do children come?"

"huh?!" He caught Dhruv's attention.

"Why do you want to know that out of blue? " questioned Aisha in a bit of panic.

"First you answer my question," said Satvik.

"Well... parents pray to the Gods and when the God give their blessing, a bird brings the child to the parents," said Aisha while looking at Satvik with a nervous expression.

"Now I have to wait for the bird, sheesh!" said Satvik with a sigh.

"Haan? what do you mean by that?" questioned Dhruv with a confused expression.

"I'll be getting a young brother or sister soon. At least that's what the demigod told me right after she cured you and mum" Satvik dropped the bomb on both of them.

"" WHAT??"" both Dhruv and Aisha yelled in unison.

They both could not believe what Satvik was saying. They have known that although Satvik sometimes spouts nonsense but this was something next level.

Aisha had a serious expression while she said, "I hope this is not one of your pranks."

"Of course, it's not a prank mum," said Satvik with an innocent expression.

Aisha covered her mouth with both of her hands and then looked at Dhruv was still looking at Satvik in Daze.

Dhruv stood up and left the house in a hurry.

Aisha's dried eyes welled up again with tears.

After a while, Dhruv returned with a healer in tow.

The healer then diagnosed Aisha with her magic and gave her affirmation while nodding.

Dhruv sat on the chair and sighed. Then with a big smile, he said, "Looks like we will be having two troublemakers on our hands."

"Hey don't call my new sibling a troublemaker, that title is mine and mine alone," said Satvik with pride.

They all started laughing and then Aisha pulled Satvik for another hug and muttered in a hushed voice, "Thank you for coming into our lives Sati. You have been our blessing. I love you"

"Love you too mum" said Satvik.

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