
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 74: Your plans for the future?

"So Bhaiya was feeling cold last night?" Sneha asked innocently while munching on her eggs and toast.

Heena nodded while she put another toast on Satvik's plate, who was sweating while looking at Sneha.

It had only been in a few moments when Sneha had found her mother and Satvik in a compromising position.

Although Heena covered up while cooking the story that Satvik was feeling cold and she had to stay with him, like how she stays with Sneha when she gets a fever.

"I hope you don't fall ill, Bhaiya," Sneha said with concern. This made Satvik feel more guilty.

Then Sneha further said, "I thought Satvik Bhaiya will now become Sneha's father."

"Only mother and father can sleep in the same bed or so have I heard!"

Satvik's eyes opened wide but Heena came to his rescue and talked to her daughter.

"Haha! No no, child. How can Lord Satvik be your Father?"

Sneha nodded and said, "Right! I don't want bhaiya to be my father."

Although Satvik was relieved of how the situation was going on, he felt uneasy inside. He wasn't that bad of a person, that Sneha outright rejected the idea of him being her father.

'I wouldn't have minded adopting her as my daughter,' he thought inwardly.

"Oh why is that?" asked Heena ignorant of Satvik's thought.

Sneha gulped down the food in her mouth and declared, "If Bhaiya becomes my father, then how will I marry him in the future?"

"Princesses can only marry Knights, Princes, and Heroes. I've never heard about a princess marrying her father!"

Satvik's body froze. He could already hear the FBI knocking on his door.

"Pfffttt!~ hahahahahahaha!"

Heena couldn't control herself and started laughing while looking at the duo in front of her.

Even Aria's gaze was now on Satvik. She was resting in the corner of the room but she was not happy about what she was hearing.

"You want to marry Lord Satvik?" asked Heena in amusement.

Sneha nodded frantically with a huge grin while looking toward her mother.

"Ohh! Then Mumma has to make sure that she doesn't fall in love with the Young Lord, doesn't she?" said Heena while acting as if she was sad.

Sneha panicked while looking at her mother's crestfallen gaze and said, "No-no! Mumma can love Bhaiya as well. We both can Marry Bhaiya together!"

Heena then looked at Satvik who was still finding it hard to digest, the conversation going on between the mother-daughter duo.

She then in a sultry voice said, "It seems I got the blessing from my daughter, My Lord."

"We both will be in your care, Dear!" after saying that she leaned near Satvik's ear and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

Sneha puffed her cheek and said, "Mumma not fair!"

Heena looked at her daughter and teased her a little more.

"You just wait, Mumma. Sneha will grow up and become more beautiful than you. Then she will have Satvik Bhaiya all to herself. Hmph!"

Heena laughed while raising her hand in surrender and said, "Fine! Mumma will wait for Sneha to grow up and we will marry him together."

"Till then Mumma will try her best and make sure that our husband doesn't run away from us, okay?"

Sneha again nodded with a smile.

'Oh lord! What the hell is happening over here!' Satvik was already losing his mind.

He never wanted to be branded as a loli lover.

He then looked at Heena with a poker face and said, "Heena, please don't fill her head with weird Ideas."

"Hehehe~" Heena only giggled while covering her lips. She was really enjoying this scenario.

She couldn't even remember when was the last time she had seen her daughter this happy.

On this day, she decided that she will serve Satvik forever and treat him as her master and make sure that he was stuck with them by hook or by crook.

Until she could see her daughter fulfill her dream and marry him. She wouldn't mind sharing her daughter's husband.


I was sitting on the ground with my legs folded in the garden, while the ladies were tending their flowers.

I must say the flower in Medini has an uncanny similarity with the flowers from Earth or the author is too lazy to name them.

Then I saw Aria walking towards me with an evil smile. Though I already have an idea of what she's going to talk about.

[You mated with her didn't you, Bhaiya?]

There it is. I knew this pussy cat was maturing too fast and I wished she would have stayed like young innocent Aria, from a few weeks back.

{No I didn't}

I replied telepathically, I don't want to discuss my sex life with anyone right now.

[Liar! I could smell her all over you. Oh lord I wished my nose wasn't that good]

I ignored her statement.

[And to think the daughter is well within your grasp as well. I must say bhaiya, I never expected you to be this good]

She said while stretching and purring.

{No one is within my grasp. Would you shut up or should I start rationing your meat}

This kid is testing my patience.

[Spoken like a true anarchist]

She said and walked away towards the duo and started sniffing flowers.

Then after a few moments, Heena came and sat next to me with a smile while looking at her daughter playing with an annoying pussy cat.

"Is something bothering you, My Lord?" she asked while her tail gently caressed my back.

I looked at her and said, "Wow you went back to 'Ky Lord' after calling me 'Dear' not very long ago?"


She covered her mouth with her hand and started giggling and said, "Was that bothering you?"

I shook my head and said, "I'm not flexing or anything but I've been proposed to by many mature women, since my teenage years."

"It felt weird but being proposed by a child, my values are being challenged."

She shook her head with a smile and said, "You know it very well, that her feelings for you are of reverence for saving her and me."

"This feeling and stories she has heard made her feel like she must marry you. This is normal for kids and once she grows up, she won't have any feelings for you. Other than respect maybe."

"You're thinking too much, My Lord."

Maybe she's right and since there's no FBI in this world and it's not a crime, being proposed by a child so everything will be fine.

Then I looked at Heena and asked her, "Hey Heena, what are your plans for the future?"

She panicked and said, "Well that's sudden."

"I don't know, our goal so far has been to survive the other day and sleep with our belly full. I've never thought about the distant future if I'm being honest with you," she finished with a sorrowful expression.

That makes sense, their lives so far have not been easy to think about in the distant future.

When I met them, their condition was so deteriorated, that for them even surviving a week would have been their ultimate goal.

I grabbed onto her hand and suggested, "Why don't you become an adventurer? You must have a good racial trait to fight?"

She looked at my hand and said, "Adventuring brings you a lot of money but at the same time might take away everything from you."

"I don't want to die in some creepy hole and leave my daughter behind with nothing. She is too young to live on her own right now."

That makes sense, though I would have appreciated it if she accompanied me to the dungeon and watched my back.

Then while caressing her head I told her, "You don't have to worry now."

"Since, I'll be starting dungeon diving tomorrow and will be needing a place to stay. Where would I find such a warm environment and tasty meals other than this house."

"So if you're okay with it, I'll stay with you two for the time being and pay rent for my stay."

Heena's eyes lit up and with a smile, she said, "I would love to serve you, My Lord. I'm pretty sure Sneha would love to have you around as well."

I nodded after looking at her dazzling smile and said, "But first we need to train you. I won't be able to save you both every time, I'm not omnipresent."

She shook her head with a defeated smile and said, "I can't defend myself against humans. My previous master never really freed me from my status as a slave."

After saying that, she showed me her slave seal which was still present on her nape behind her thick hair.

"He threw me out with a specific condition, that I can never harm any human," she said.

So that's why she never retaliated to those three douche bags assaults.

Well, this can be taken care of, if she's willing to follow up on my plan.

I hesitantly spoke, "Heena, I can help you with that after I've made enough money for a slave seal removal ritual. So don't worry about it."

"But you know how that works right?"

She nodded and said, "I've to become your slave."

I nodded in approval and continued, "But you don't have to worry. Once....."

She interjected me again and said, "I have nothing to worry about. You don't have any prejudice against me and my daughter even though we are a beast-kin. To be honest I would love to serve you with my body and my soul."

I was caught off-guard. She didn't have to say that while blushing.

"If you're sure about this, then it's fine," I said.

She nodded with a smile and with a stutter said, "I'll be in your care, Master."

Heh, how long it has been since I've heard that?

"Then let's begin with slight physical training. Once you're done with basics you're coming with me to the dungeon," I told her.

"Ehhhh?" was all that she could mutter before her crucial training began.