
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 75: Dungeon dive

Heena chose to spend the night with her child, unlike the previous night, while Satvik was bound to share a bed with his adored pussy cat.

Satvik was still rustling in his bed and waiting for drowsiness to embrace him while the pussy cat had long since passed out.

Even though it was challenging to constrain oneself after tasting the mature fruit renowned as MILF, he did believe it was for the best.

He was relieved that he wasn't going to pass away a virgin at least in this life. This was the significant accomplishment that he had missed out on in his previous life.

It was a pleasant morning, and he headed for the dungeon after eating breakfast that Heena had prepared.

The mother and daughter pair asked him to return safely to them and to him this situation reminded him if he was a soldier making his way across the border after bidding farewell to his family.

When he arrived at the dungeon's entrance, there were plenty of adventurers lying in wait for their turn, both solo and in groups.

Spellcasters, melee combatants, priests, and a wide range of other class adventurers were present. Adorned in various pieces of weapons and armor.

Satvik was waiting in line to enter the Etna Dungeon, while Aria remained inside the backpack slung over his shoulder.

The entrance to the dungeon was like a cave, and one had to descend to each floor to go deeper and battle bigger and more powerful monsters.

( Have you put on weight, Aria?)

He wondered aloud, mildly shaking his now stiff shoulder.

[I'm in the process of maturing]

She snarled. Satvik was surprised that she was conscious of being questioned about her weight.

[I suspected you'd be bringing that wolf-woman with you]

She asked with curiosity.

(She seems to have no training, so it would be dangerous for both her and us to bring her with us if she couldn't even use her skills. She'll remain nothing more than a minor inconvenience.)

He responded while the gears in his head were already turning to develop and implement the best approach for having to put Heena to use.

He could have asked Sandhya and Usha to accompany him, but they were far away, and even if they did arrive after 2 months of travel, it would only impede his progress.

'Since both of them are far too powerful for this place. Well maybe if they had been with us, Kavita....' While he was lost in thought, Aria's voice brought him back to reality.

[Is she now your wife or just a mate?]

She asked him a question, to which he replied.

(It has nothing to do with you, kid.)

It was now their turn to enter the dungeon while they were bantering.

Near the entry gate, a middle-aged guard awaited him. While looking at Satvik, he frowned.

"Kid, are you diving alone?" he investigated, particularly bothered.

Satvik nodded and handed over the guild's dungeon entry pass.


With a defeated expression, the guard sighed and handed the pass back to Satvik.

Then he started speaking, "This dungeon has a total of twenty floors. Since you're physically weak and alone, I suggest sticking to the first 2-3 floors. In the first three floors, monsters are weak in strength and numbers so you can somehow manage."

"Beyond that, it's your death wish, as their numbers increase and you would need someone to watch your back."

"If you want to go deeper, I highly suggest joining a party or something."

Satvik gave a nod.

"Another party will be sent out to dive after you, so keep moving. It is prohibited to murder other adventurers or attack their prey."

"Keep in mind these points. Good luck with your hunt! "The guard patted his shoulder as he spoke.


When I entered my heart was already beating like crazy with excitement and a hint of nervousness.

"You can come out now," I told Aria and she happily popped out of the bag and started stretching.

[Finally, some fresh air. Inside was so smelly due to your clothes.]

She rejoiced in response to which I rolled over his eyes.

Nowadays she acts like a spoiled princess and all that sometimes bothers me. How can the air in the dungeon be fresh?

"Focus! We are now inside and have to watch each other's back, "I told her.

She nodded and we carefully started walking down the dimly lit passage.

This was the first floor and if my research was correct there should only be low-level monsters around levels 3-5.

[Bhaiya! I'm sensing 2 monsters ahead.]

I nodded and readied my Katar. Even though they were weak, no one should ever tread carelessly in a dungeon.

Then I finally saw two frogs that were similar in size to a house cat with grainy brown skin and instantly analyzed them.


[Race: Earth Toad]

[Level: 2]

[Strength: 8]

[Attack: 9]

[Defense: 7]

[Agility: 8]

[Stamina: 8]

[Mana: 10]

[Skill: Tongue bash (Lvl-1), Hardened skin (Lvl-2)]


[Bhaiya, they're quite weak right? We can instantly kill them]

She said excitedly while licking her lips to which I shook my head.

(It would be much more profitable for us if we kill them while their 'Hardened skin' skill is active)

(Their hard skin can be used to make low-grade Armor for novice adventurers, which is light as well.)

(We can use some extra money don't we? We now have two more mouths to feed)

I told her while watching the two monsters' pattern to formulate a plan.

[All that because you wanted to mate]

She said with a cunning smile.

Should I leave her here, in this dungeon? Maybe then she'll stop acting so cocky.

Then I picked up a stone from the group and told her the plan.

(Listen well, I will go left and you go right. Then I'll throw this stone at the monster on your side and then it will activate its skill)

(Once the skill is activated try to kill him without damaging his skin. Go for underbelly or head, it's your choice)

(Do you understand?)

She nodded and while using her skill crawled towards her target. I hope she doesn't get hurt.

Although we're quite strong compared to them, their attack won't kill us but it will be painful.

Then after signaling her I threw the stone at the road Closest to her and its skin immediately took changed to a slightly rough texture.

Then it signed its companion as well. They both were looking in my direction while their skill was active.

(Aria Now!)

I told her and she immediately pounced on the road. They both were caught by surprise and as soon as Aria's claw dug deep into one of the toads instantly killing it, the other one panicked.

It opened its mouth to attack me with its tongue which I dodged easily and then instantly rushed toward it and with a simple thrust in its mouth, killed it.

"Our first dungeon kill," I yelled while rejoicing.

[We have already fought monsters stronger than these and you're celebrating now?]

Aria questioned me in response to which I told her.

"This is our first dungeon kill as an adventurer. If you don't want to celebrate, at least let me do it. I've wished for this for too long."

Then I started skinning the monster. Although the meat of this monster can be consumed as well and so we could have made a few more bucks.

But I would prefer carrying more valuable loot than carrying this cheap meat. Our party is already small. Aria needs to be carried out while hiding in the bag as well.

So we have to carry precious materials to increase our profit margin. Maybe if Heena joins us in the future things might become easy.

While I was skinning the second toad I heard someone chewing meat. Then I turned my head around and found Aria gulping down the first toad.

Well, it isn't poisonous and many people eat that meat in this city, so it should be fine I guess.

I can't believe that this toad meat is a delicacy over here.

After cleaning the bones with her tongue Aria came towards me with a huge smile and said.

[Raw meat is fine but cooked meat is much better]

I shook my head while laughing. I can't even remember how many times I had to stop her from gulping raw meat.

Maybe I was pushing my lifestyle on her but now she has realized that cooked meat is better. Then it would be much easier in the future to control this gluttonous.

(Let's move forward. We could try to clean this floor today)

My initial plans for the first two-three days were to get familiar with the first floor and then another two-three for the second and third floors each.

[Let's go. I'm still hungry]