
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 73: Tragic Mother

"Hey Heena, can I touch your ears?"

Her eyes opened wide and she looked at him in slight shock.

He panicked and asked, "What? If you don't like it, then I won't do it, forget it?"

She shook her head and hesitantly asked, "Don't you find them disgusting, my ears and tail?"

Now he was surprised and said, "Of course not! They're so pretty and alluring!"

When he said that her ears flickered a little and they hypnotised Satvik and he fell in daze while looking at them, with wide greedy eyes and drooling.

She moved her face closer to his chest again and with flushed cheeks said, "Go ah-ahead!"


Satvik gulped and used his fingers to touch her ears. The moment his finger touched her ear, they gently flickered.

Now he was touching them with a huge satisfied grin and since they were only inches away from his face, he licked and bit them.

"Ahhmmm...l-lo-loooorrdd?" she stuttered while moaning.

He panicked and let go of her ear from his mouth.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were that sensitive!"

She held her ears in shame and said, "Well everyone's ears are sensitive, even humans!"

"Ha ha ha!"

He let out a dry laugh and muttered, "You are right!"

"You're weird, My Lord!" she said with a flushed face.

His expression sank as he thought, 'Well now I'll be branded as a pervert by her.'

But then he closed his fist with resolve and thought, 'It does not matter if in order to play, taste and touch them I would be branded as a 'Pervert,' I shall bear this title with pride.'

Unknown to his thoughts she hugged him and placed her face closer to his chest like a little meek girl and started speaking.

"Humans usually look at us, the beast-kins with disdain and disgust."

"I was once a slave bought by a noble a few years back, when he came to study in the Academy. He bought me to satisfy his lust and treated me like a pet with hole to fuck around."

"He would treat me like an animal, whose only purpose was to serve him. He never even looked at my face once."

"Then while in his final year, I got pregnant and he threw me out and bought another slave. He even gave me a mocking name, 'Heena Filth,' hahaha!"

"I tried to make a living out in this city somehow with my daughter."

"But the prejudice against slave beast-kins is high. Even though this City was supposed to be neutral, ever since Baimum Theocracy has been gaining power and pushing the other races below, this city is now far from neutral."

Her eyes were moist and she looked at his face and said, "And here you are, a human male, beautiful enough that any young woman would happily take you for a ride if you ask them even once."

"Yet you are embracing an old beast-kin woman, who most of the people would think of as garbage and if that wasn't enough you're sniffing her ears."

Satvik stopped his actions and looked away

"Hehehe! You're weird, My Lord!" she said and hugged him tightly.

He then caressed her back as well and said, "It must have been hard. But you're quite a strong and lovely woman yourself, raising a child alone."

"I'm blessed to be here with you!"

She enjoyed his caress and mumbled, "Mm!"

Then they both fell asleep in each other's embrace.


Satvik woke up after feeling a warm and wet sensation in his crotch.


When he opened his eyes with pleasure, the first thing he saw was Heena's cum drenched pu**y near his face and her tail swaying left-right.

*Slurp ~* *Slurp~*

Heena was giving him a head and stopped when she felt Satvik grabbing her ass and spreading her oven, where he had baked a creampie last night.

"Ohh Loold, You wavv Woobee!.... goooww Mowing" she mumbled while his rod was still inside her mouth.

He pulled her around and kissed her forehead. Then while caressing her head he said, "What were you doing?"

"I woke up and saw that 'Little master' was awake as well."

"My previous Master used to order me to wake him up like, so I thought to handle it!" she said shyly.

'Aghh! Not 'little Master' again,' he thought inwardly.

"Well unlike your previous Master, I prefer a good morning kiss," after saying that he gave her a love filled french kiss, which she happily accepted.

"Hey Heena, does Sneha wake up early?" he asked her.

"Hahaha! She's a lazy bummer and won't be awake until another 2-3 hours. Did something happen?" she asked him in concern.

He kissed her neck and then chomped on her ears after licking them, while licking his lips and said, "Oh nothing much, I'm just in the mood for early breakfast!"

Heena's eyes opened in shock and she then looked away with a flushed face and meekly said, "Breakfast is served, My Lord. I hope you enjoy it to your heart's content."

He licked his lips and leaned towards her ears and with a hot breath and sultry voice said, "Of course I will, the meal looks quite appetizing."

"Just the way I like it, breakfast in bed!"


I looked at Heena with a smile. She was laying down on bed while breathing heavily.

With her skin glistening with sweat and back facing me, she was embedded in my warm embrace.

We were still connected under the quilt in a lewd manner, which was given due to our recent recreational morning activity, not so long ago.

I couldn't resist the urge and now I am nibbling on her ear while she would moan in between. She might have become my favourite meal.


I stopped playing with her body once a low noise of her snoring reached my ear.

'Hehe, Maybe I went quite hard on you, didn't I?' I thought inwardly and shoved my face in her hair, while hugging her close to my body by her waist.

Then I used my third eye skill again to inspect her again.


[Name: Heena Filth]

[Age: 29 year]

[Race: Earth Wolf-kin]

[Level: 4]

[Title: Tragic Mother]

[Strength: 28 ]

[Attack: 18]

[Defense: 38]

[Agility: 44]

[Stamina: 48]

[Mana: 80]

[Spirit: 0 ]

[Skill (Active): Claw (Lvl 2), Earth Bullet ( Lvl 1), Body Strengthening (Lvl 1) ]

[Skill(Passive): Cooking (Lvl 4), Gardening (Lvl 3), Lullaby (Lvl 2), Bargain (Lvl 4), Spatial Awareness (Lvl 1), Heightened Senses (Lvl 3), Thick Skinned (Lvl 3) ]


She never used her active skill, even though they're quite good.

Even her passive skills are good. It must be her racial trait. With a little bit of training, maybe she can become a good party member.

Then my gaze fell on her name and title.

That bastard really hated her, huh? How can someone hate such a busty woman with 'Kemonomimi' fucking normie!

First I have to do something with her name or it will keep pestering me.

But for that she must become a slave again, to lose her name. How can I ask her to do so, when she has already suffered this much.

Maybe I can ask her later, if she is willing to come with me to the dungeon and become stronger for her daughter's sake.

While looking at her, I can't stop remembering Kavya, they both looked similar due to their racial features.

But both their beauties were different. Kavya was much more wild and confident. While here is Heena, a meek motherly woman.

"Oh my god, I want to eat her again," I blurted out unconsciously, while my dick hardened again inside her creampie.

"Go ahead then!" she replied and turned her face around, to look at me and started kissing me.

I was caught off-guard but happily welcomed her sweet tongue inside my mouth.

"Are you sure?" I asked her hesitantly.

Though I really like her, I don't want her to think of me as a sex-fiend if she wasn't already.

"Mmm, I really enjoyed being loved and caressed by you. It was.....warm and fulfilling," she said with a smile.

I was about to go on and ravage her again but suddenly something unexpected happened.

"Bhaiya, are you awa....!"

Senha was now standing at my door, with her jaw open, while Aria was casually standing behind her.

'Shit!' I thought. This morning is going to be quite hectic.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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