
Apostle of Destruction

Satvik, an average human was summoned to the summit of gods. Gods seek his assistance to save Medini, a fantasy world filled with magic, monsters, and Mysteries. One of his enemies was the previous prophet chosen by the Gods but things went south and he joined their opposing force. Fighting an enemy with lots of blessings and most important blessings that he can't be killed by a warrior or mage class of the world might be an impossible task. But the Gods found a loophole and the God of Destruction chose the MC as his apostle and granted him an unorthodox class. Join Satvik's journey as he finds friends, magical beasts, and MILFs. ---------------------------- The story might be too dark for some people and the pace of the story might seem too slow to some but please have patience. I will bit by bit try to introduce you guys with Indian culture. Story might bore some and some people might find it cringe but this is my first work so bare with it. And with this I welcome you to a journey. patreon.com/user?u=79563307 Discord: https://discord.gg/vS796k4Qaj

hen_pai_san · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
120 Chs

Chapter 28: How may I help you

Satvik was on his morning run which was part of his routine.

Today he had asked Vani to stay put at home. He had planned that today he would be try and practice his skills in the forest on some low-level monsters.

He convinced himself that it was time to test out the training he has done.

After resting for a bit in the grasslands and hydrating himself he moved towards the forest.

Although he knew that this might be dangerous, but there was quite a popular saying in his previous world;

'Fortune favors the Bold!'

He was ready to test if this saying would work in this world as well.

He needed to start using these skills under pressure, as soon he would have to use them under pressure due to his moving away from the protection of this town.

And, in order to use skills under pressure, he needed practice, a lot of it.

Satvik used the thick foliage of the forest that was dense with trees, moss and long grass to move towards the area where low levelled monsters are known to dwell.

Then he encountered his first monster group, Slimes.

Although they belonged to the bottom ranks of the monsters, dealing with them without a sharp weapon can be quite troublesome. The most annoying part of the slimes was their constituency.

A slime's body is filled with digestive juices so once you slash their nucleus they die right on the spot but with every kill the weapon starts to corrode.

That's why most of the adventurers and hunters just ignored Slimes as they were not cost-effective to hunt, be it cash or experience points.

Satvik concentrated his mana efficiently in his eyes and focused on the heads of slimes in front of him.

His skill worked and he could notice that the slimes had a white aura and the name of their species can be seen over the top of each one of them.

Satvik was satisfied that none had any unusual name like from one of his favorite slime anime.

After exhausting his mana, Satvik decided that it was time to head home.

When he was walking through the forest he heard a faint voice.

His steps came to a halt and he concentrated further to hear the voice.

"..#%.. @^..!"

Satvik was not sure what the voice was saying so he followed the voice. After a while, he reached what looked like a cave.

The entrance to the cave looked like a monastery entrance that was run down by the force of time and nature.

Satvik stood there for a few minutes mulling over the question of whether he should enter the cave or not.

He was stuck with a difficult choice, his gamer mind was telling him to look inside. In games, such settings only meant one thing, there would be some sort of overpowered artifact or weapon waiting to be discovered.

Meanwhile, when he thought deeply about it, his gut feeling was telling him that there might be some sort of trap in there waiting for some fool to trigger it and get killed.

"$!..* &!..!"

Satvik heard the voice again. He sighed and while cursing himself he entered the cave.

The cave walls had several paintings and hieroglyphs carved on them. Satvik had been learning the language of this world which was not an easy task for him.

Every race had its own languages, dialects, and hieroglyphs. The Language which was spoken by humans was the most commonly used because humans were the race with the largest population.

He poured a little bit of mana into his eyes by which he could read the mana flow inside the cave. The mana was moving outwards of the cave which was weird he thought.

Satvik followed the mana towards its origin while he continuously heard the faint voice getting a bit louder as he moved inside the cave.

When he entered the cave, after a while he was greeted by a huge room within the cave and his eyes became wide.

In the center of the huge room was a throne on which a person was sitting and he was glowing due to a huge amount of mana surge.

There was something written over its head on the roof and walls in the same hieroglyphs he had seen on the cave walls.

The amount of mana the body was emanating made Satvik's eyes hurt. He shut off his ability and the room was engulfed in darkness.

$!..* &!..!"$!..* &!..!"$!..* &!" the faint voice kept muttering the same phrase like a broken record.

Satvik could not understand the phrase or the language that was being used.

Satvik walked close enough to the throne and used a bare minimum of mana to see the outline of the person.

And when he was close enough, he heard the voice speaking in a human tongue.

"..at y... h..an"

"Sorry! I can't understand you" said Satvik.

When Satvik was only a few meters away, he could see that the person was chained to the throne and the person's face was covered by his long hair and his head was in a downcast position.

"What you want human? Here to make fun of us?" said the person.

Satvik was now able to understand loud and clear which made him realize that this person in front of him was in fact not a man but a woman.

Why he assumed that it was a man, he cannot say. Her body had lost muscles and her skin had crumpled up and had lost its smoothness.

She looked like a zombie which is in need of a good meal.

He thought that she might be some angel or something that might give him some powerful weapon or artifact if he helped her or fulfilled her quest.

"How may I help you, miss?" said Satvik with a businessman smile.

"ha ha ha ha!!" the woman started to laugh like a maniac and raised her head and looked straight at Satvik.

When Satvik looked into her sunken eyes he was lost in them. Her pupils were like rainbow-colored gems which had lost their shine.

"A human helping me, what a joke. Your greedy race only knows how to steal from others just like your God" said the woman with disdain.

Satvik raised his guard. The woman really hated humans and he was one of them. He tried to play safe and retreated a few steps back and said, "All humans are not like that."

"Oh want to change my opinion of your whole race? Fine, free me from these chains and my opinion might change" said the woman with a hoarse voice.

"Well if you'll put it like that I will have to reject. I'm quite sure that the moment I break these, you'll make an attempt on my life. You have those kinds of vibes" said Satvik while shaking his head.

The woman was quiet for a while and then said, "I already knew it. You are no different from the people who chained me in the first place."

Satvik sighed because he knew after asking this question he won't be able to turn back but he still went ahead and asked her, "Why were you chained to this place like this?"

The woman laughed and said, "Because I refused to partner up with a person chosen by your Lord Ashanti and he didn't feel very good about it.

Then he gave this human these chains which cannot be removed by people of my race. After chaining me, he took my people as a slave and I could not do anything" said the woman with sorrow and rage.

Satvik sighed and came closer to her and said, "I know it will be hard to believe, but I'm not a follower of Ashanti."

"I'm preparing to rise against him. Since we both have the same enemy, I am willing to help you because the enemy, of an enemy, is a friend. My only condition is that you won't attack me the moment I let you go free" said Satvik in a hushed voice.

"Ha ha ha. Do you really think that I would believe that? Fine, I will not attack you the moment I am free from these chains. I'm not like your human race and once I gave you my word, I will not go back on it" said the woman.

Satvik looked into her eyes and finally decided to play this gamble and asked, "What I am supposed to do?"

"You just have to willingly drop some blood on these chains and it will break off," said the woman.

"That's it! Your people could have asked any human to drop some blood. Heck! They could have easily kidnapped someone for their blood" said Satvik. He was thinking that her people were really stupid.

"You think that it was that easy? Unlike you humans, your blood never lies. The person has to give his blood willingly to free me from these shackles" said the woman while fuming.

"It has been made this way so that when I'm freed by that human I will be under his grace and accept him as my partner," said the woman in a hushed voice.

'Why does every time she speak I only feel pity for her' he thought to himself.

"Fine here it goes," said Satvik and bit his lips and spit a little blood on the chains. With a clanking sound, the chains broke apart and the woman was free.

She stood up from the throne and said "That was the most disrespectful and shameful way one could drop some blood over those chains" while complaining.

"Well as you can see I am short on limbs for poking my finger and another way would have been painful. I'm not ashamed of it at all, he he he!" said Satvik while laughing dryly.

The woman stretched her body and bit by bit like a balloon being inflated her muscles returned and her skin became smooth as butter.

Her sunken face had regained its glamour and her multi-colored eyes regained their light.

Her hair was white in color with a few multi-colored streaks such as red, dark blue, green, black, and golden and the length of her glowing hair almost stretched to the ground.

She was wearing a light blue color gown which was almost transparent in various places. She had a perfect hourglass figure and was quite endowed as well in her chest and bust area. Her height was around 177cm.

She was the most beautiful woman Satvik had ever seen in both his lives, goddess being the only exception. Her beauty was far beyond Mayuri as well. After seeing her in her full glory Satvik gulped.

"I hope you're done feasting your eyes, kid." said the woman with a sneer.

Satvik woke up from his daze and asked, "Which race do you belong to? I have never seen such a beautiful being as you."

"I am a spirit. I am quite surprised that you didn't even know that" said the woman in shock.

"Eh! This is my first time seeing a spirit up-close. Until now I have only read about them" said Satvik with a smile.

She nodded and said "As per my promise I have spared you so far. But, I'm in a severely weakened state. I will be needing a huge amount of mana to go and save my people from slavery."

Satvik was not liking the direction in which the conversation was going.

"But I can covert any person's soul into mana. And look at that, I don't even need to go that far" continued the spirit with a smug expression and eyes burning with hate.

Satvik started to backtrack his steps without waiting for her to finish her phrase. While running away he shouted, "You are not sticking to your words, that's quite a despicable thing."

"You humans deserve this" after saying those words she zoomed towards Satvik and shoved her fist in his gut. Her whole arm went into his stomach, but there was no blood.

It was like her fist was sucked in his body and soon Satvik passed out cold while she had a sneer on her face.

Then she laid him down and tried to harvest his soul but as soon as she put her hand over his body she was pulled inside instead.

When she opened her eyes, a person was sitting in front of her and he waved at her and said, "Yo!!"

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