
Apocalypse Ascend:Cataclysmic Contest

In a world that once knew peace, everything transforms overnight into a deadly battleground. The once untouchable wealthy officials? The peerlessly charming celebrities and campus beauties? In this savage and blood-soaked reality,only the truly powerful have the right to live, while the weak face subjugation or elimination. A calamity of celestial proportions, a conflict of gods and demons,it's the true apocalypse, but not the end of humanity!

WhisperingWinds · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

Blood Jungle

1​(Common Black Iron) - Level 3. Physical damage reduction: +1, Agility: +2, Durability: 15/15.

​2​(Common Black Iron) - Level 3. Physical damage reduction: +5, Magical damage reduction: +2, Durability: 20/20.

Zhang Mu instantly put on the Goblin Gauntlets. The equipment added 1 point of physical defense. Initially, he would have taken 5 points of damage, but with the gauntlets, he only suffered 4. Though it might seem trivial, every bit helps. The additional 2 points of agility, however, was quite beneficial, enhancing his speed considerably.

The Goblin Leather Armor offered impressive protection. What would have been 10 points of physical damage reduced to just 5 with the armor on. Monsters in Jiangcheng are generally weak. As long as one isn't swarmed by too many, life isn't in immediate danger.

"The loot isn't bad," Zhang Mu nodded in satisfaction. "Open the chest and let's see what's inside."

The chubby guy fiddled around for a moment, located the release mechanism, and rubbing his hands together in excitement, he declared, "I'm about to open the chest! Everyone, watch closely!"

​3​20 pieces


​5​(Common Black Iron) - Level 3. Physical damage reduction: +8, Magical damage reduction: +8, Durability: 30/30. Usable by: Shield Warriors, Knights, Swordsmen.

​6​- Restores 2 magic points per second for ten seconds.

Inside the chest, there's always a 100% chance for potions or gold coins. Equipment has a smaller drop rate, and as for skill books and special items, their appearance can only be described as extremely rare. Not only did they find a piece of equipment in this Black Iron chest, but also a skill book. Truly a stroke of luck!

Zhang Mu distributed the loot, saying, "The Goblin Leather Armor goes to the chubby guy."

The chubby guy responded in astonishment, "You're also without armor. Why are you giving it to me?"Zhang Mu glanced over and remarked, "Berserkers have high attack power and are the main damage dealers. They often charge into the fray, battling monsters head-on. If you feel the leather armor is cumbersome, fine, take it back."

The chubby guy grinned mischievously, "Who said I don't want it? I definitely need it! So I don't drag the team down again!"

The skill book and the shield were handed to Sun Bing.

Scratching his head and smiling innocently, Sun Bing said, "I don't think this distribution is fair. I'm the least useful one here."

"With a skill and a shield, a knight's strengths become evident," Zhang Mu explained, offering the skill book and shield to him. "These items are class-specific and we can't use them. Stop declining and just accept them."

Gratefully, Sun Bing took them and started studying the skill book.

​1​, a rank-F skill with a maximum level of Lv3. It petrifies the skin's surface, numbing it from pain. Overall defense increases by +5, but movement speed decreases by 20%. Activating it drains 1 magic point every 5 seconds. This skill has no cooldown.

Petrified Skin not only numbs the pain but also boosts defense. It's an essential early-game skill for shield bearers and knights. As a knight with high health and defense, Sun Bing can taunt enemies. Coupled with Petrified Skin and a decent shield, he can now easily tank elite monsters. Even without Zhang Mu, the four of them could probably defeat the Goblin Wanderer Mage.

Zhang Mu kept one magic potion for himself, gave one to Qin Min, and three to Leng Yun. As an Elementalist with a healing skill, Leng Yun could temporarily play the role of a priest, ensuring she had ample magic points to do so.The bounty from this battle was abundant. Zhang Mu didn't hoard any of the spoils for himself. Instead, he rationally distributed them to those who truly needed them, undoubtedly portraying a trustworthy image. It wasn't so much that Zhang Mu was overly generous, but that he was well aware of the perils of the Blood Forest. Nearly half of the players would lose their lives there, making Jiang City seem like a mere warm-up in comparison. With a reliable team, the chances of survival increased significantly. Moreover, they could tackle formidable monsters that one couldn't defeat alone, securing even better loot.

Such minor gains could be considered an early investment.

"This armor is really sturdy," the chubby guy commented, pinching the leather armor, "It would be great if we had more hauls like this."

Qin Min remarked, "Treasure chests won't be easy to find. You can't always expect such luck."

Indeed, finding a treasure chest required extraordinary luck.

Zhang Mu knew of several Black Iron chests, as well as higher-grade chests and special treasure locations. Most were located near the campsite and would soon be discovered by others. Thus, it was crucial to hurry to the Dawn Camp to secure the treasures before anyone else could.

The five of them pried open the door of a small supermarket and found a large stash of chocolates, candies, compressed biscuits, and drinking water, which they packed up. With these supplies, they wouldn't have to worry about food for a while.

As night fell, terrifying sounds echoed again. Screams came mostly from the direction of the city, while the west was filled with menacing roars, sending chills down their spines. The group found a storage room, where they set up a small campfire using broken chairs. The flickering flames lit up the dark, cramped space, offering a semblance of comfort.

The chubby guy opened a few bottles of Maotai and skewered some sausages with a wire to roast over the fire. Zhang Mu closed his eyes to rest, Sun Bing smoked silently, and Leng Yun seemed lost in thought. The room was filled with silence.

Breaking the quietness, Qin Min spoke, "Come on, guys, let's not stay silent. Captain, say something."Everyone's eyes were drawn to Zhang Mu, almost unwittingly. He was not just the captain in name, but he had also emerged as the spiritual leader of the group.

Zhang Mu casually asked, "fatty, where's your family?"

fatty was the first to respond, "Man, don't get me started. I can't even remember what my alcoholic father looks like anymore. Who knows which prison he's in now! In any case, if one is full, the whole family isn't hungry. I don't have any loved ones to worry about."

"It's been tough for Uncle Pang," Qin Min sighed, then turned to Zhang Mu, "Captain Mu, what about your family?"

Leaning against the wall and gazing at the flickering flames, Zhang Mu shared, "I'm from Yan City. I have a sister, but she's not my biological sister. I lost my family in a car accident when I was young and ended up in an orphanage. I was adopted when I was around ten. My adoptive parents are decent folks – kind and compassionate."

Qin Min said thoughtfully, "Captain, your past is filled with hardships. I also have a sister, her name is Qin Xiaoshi. She's still in high school but she's a real beauty. I wonder how she's doing now."

Suddenly, Zhang Mu said, "fatty, give me a cigarette."

"I thought you didn't smoke?"

"Just give it to me."

Zhang Mu took a drag from the cigarette. The sharp sensation filled his lungs, causing him to cough slightly, not being used to it.

Leng Yun, sitting opposite him, looked intently at Zhang Mu. Perhaps they shared a bond of mutual hardships. In her memories, her mother was a beautiful and gentle woman, while her father was the exact opposite - a reckless playboy. After her mother left due to his mistreatment, her father, bitter and resentful, treated young Leng Yun even worse, either yelling at or beating her. She only had Nini to rely on. This rough upbringing forced Leng Yun to mature quickly. Despite her countless admirers in high school, she never gave any of them a second glance."I have two children back home," said Sun Bing, his eyes slightly teary. "My son is eight, and my daughter is five. I wonder if I'll ever get to see them again."

Most young children lack the ability to fend for themselves, and the odds are they might not have survived.

Qin Min tried to console him, "Don't despair, Sun Uncle. As long as we're alive, there's hope."

Zhang Mu added, "Exactly, there's always hope when we're alive. We're heading to Shuguang Camp. It could be a new beginning for us there."

Reaching Shuguang Camp, however, is just the start.

Whether humanity can survive the numerous challenges and thrive in a harsh environment is uncertain. In his memories, the entire Jiangcheng city was decimated in just over seventy days. Can Zhang Mu, with his knowledge, change the course of history and help the people of Jiangcheng hold out longer?

Not to mention the distant challenges, even the imminent journey through the Blood Forest is perilous. Zhang Mu can't even guarantee his own safety, let alone the fate of fatty, Leng Yun, Sun Bing, and Qin Min. Sometimes, luck plays as big a role as strength.


The next morning, the group of five geared up.

Everyone packed a bag with food, water, and knives. They carried flashlights, lighters, and other essential tools. Leaving their shelter, they began heading west along the highway.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and a gentle breeze blew. The weather was neither too cold nor too hot. The expansive highway appeared to have been affected by an earthquake, with cracks everywhere and weeds sprouting up. Some plants grew over a meter tall. The outskirts looked desolate, with occasional abandoned cars on the roadside and no signs of human activity.

About an hour into their journey, the scene that unfolded before them left the group utterly astounded.The road stretched into a lush forest that abruptly appeared before their eyes, exuding a raw, wild aura. As far as one could see, the forest seemed endless. Behind them stood a bustling metropolis, and ahead, a vast untouched wilderness; the stark contrast was awe-inspiring.

"Man, how vast is this forest?" exclaimed the portly man, his voice a mix of wonder and concern. "Can we really find our way out?"

Zhang Mu pulled out a short sword from his gamer backpack. "Let's go in."

The five of them ventured into the forest, and within a few hundred meters, the road they were on vanished entirely, swallowed up by the dense woodland. The trees towered above them, their leaves so thick they blocked out most of the light. The forest felt oppressively hot and humid; after only a short walk, they were drenched in sweat. A faint musty scent lingered in the air, and the ground was carpeted with thick layers of leaves, causing their feet to sink with each step. The surface leaves looked fresh, but those beneath were decomposed from years of accumulation. Twisted tree roots surrounded them, and a fallen log nearby, thick enough that it would take all five of them to encircle it, was covered in a thick, slippery layer of moss.

"How can this place possibly have sprung up overnight?" someone murmured.

"We'll take a five-minute break," Zhang Mu ordered. "Qin Min, scout ahead."

They were all exhausted from their long trek.

As Zhang Mu was wiping away his sweat, he suddenly hurled his short sword. It whizzed past Leng Yun's cheek, embedding itself in a tree. To her shock, Leng Yun saw a thumb-thick venomous snake pinned to the tree by the sword. Its color was so similar to the bark that it would've been nearly impossible to spot. Had she moved any closer, she would've likely been bitten.

"Thank you," Leng Yun said, gratitude evident in her voice.

Zhang Mu glanced at her. Despite the sweat soaking her clothing and outlining her full figure, especially her prominent chest, there was an undeniable allure to her. Her cheeks were flushed, and strands of damp hair clung to her face, adding to her charm."Be cautious once we venture deeper into the forest; it's riddled with venomous snakes and insects!"


Leng Yun felt a warmth in her heart and nodded in response.

"Captain!" After communicating with a scout bird, Qin Min's face turned pale. "About 400 meters ahead, there's a creature!"

How could they encounter a creature just at the forest's edge?

"Let's check it out."

Led by Zhang Mu, the group carefully advanced and soon, in a thicket, they spotted the creature Qin Min mentioned. It was an enormous black bear, weighing at least 400 kilograms. With a length of around three meters from head to torso, it showcased an imposing figure. Its eyes glowed a sinister red, and its sharp fangs were visible, giving it an incredibly menacing appearance.

[Berserk Black Bear] (Iron-tier Elite), Level 5. Health: 320, Magic: 100, Attributes: ???, Skills: ???. Description: Initially an ordinary black bear, it became extremely aggressive due to the corruption of dark forces.