
Apocalypse Ascend:Cataclysmic Contest

In a world that once knew peace, everything transforms overnight into a deadly battleground. The once untouchable wealthy officials? The peerlessly charming celebrities and campus beauties? In this savage and blood-soaked reality,only the truly powerful have the right to live, while the weak face subjugation or elimination. A calamity of celestial proportions, a conflict of gods and demons,it's the true apocalypse, but not the end of humanity!

WhisperingWinds · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

Goblin Wandering Warlock

Xi Hu Park is located in the western outskirts of Jiangcheng and is primarily made up of an artificial lake. When a gentle breeze blows across, the lake glistens beautifully, surrounded by soft green grass and gently swaying willow trees. It would be a picturesque scene, if not for the overwhelming stench of blood and decay in the air, casting a somber mood over the area.

A group of five cautiously entered a finely-crafted red pavilion, with their backs to the lake and a small plaza about a hundred meters in front of them. The cement ground was stained a dark red with dried human blood. Several mutilated bodies lay scattered in the middle of the plaza, surrounded by buzzing flies. Nearby, the faint presence of goblins could be sensed.

Suddenly, a sparrow flew into the pavilion and landed on Qin Min's hand.

Zhang Mu asked, "What's the situation?"

After communicating with the sparrow for a moment, Qin Min reported, "No imminent danger. There are twelve goblins ahead: five in the plaza, four around the plaza, and three in the woods to the left."

Zhang Mu nodded approvingly, "That's manageable. Once we eliminate this batch of creatures, we'll be able to level up."

Sun Bing laughed, "Just two days to reach Level 4. We're leveling up quite fast!"

The chubby member of the group quickly chimed in, "That's all thanks to our leader here. Without him, we weaklings wouldn't dare roam around hunting monsters!"

Sun Bing chuckled heartily, "True that!"

Qin Min couldn't help but retort, "Big guy, can you lay off the brown-nosing for once?"

Leng Yun covered her mouth, giggling. Her laughter was enchanting, though Zhang Mu didn't seem to notice. After assessing their surroundings, he raised his hand, signaling it was time to move.

Under Zhang Mu's leadership, this five-member squad managed to reach Level 3 in just two days of battling monsters – no easy feat. However, while the initial levels required fewer experience points, as they progressed, the experience required to level up would increase exponentially, making future advancements more challenging.Zhang Mu, along with fatty and Sun Bing, ventured into the small woods, tracking down the traces of three goblins. Goblins aren't particularly strong creatures. In close combat, both fatty and Sun Bing could easily handle one or two, given the right techniques. As for Zhang Mu, with his combat skills and tactics, he could take on five, six, or even more goblins.

However, aiming to train the group and enhance their teamwork and battle awareness, Zhang Mu used a familiar tactic. He first drew the monsters' attention, leading them around in circles. Sun Bing seized the right moment to taunt one of the creatures. A taunted monster would naturally break away, allowing the group to join forces and defeat it. Only when Sun Bing unintentionally lured too many monsters would Zhang Mu intervene.

Half an hour later, all the monsters were defeated, and the group leveled up sequentially.

Checking his experience bar, Zhang Mu remarked, "The experience needed to go from level 4 to level 5 is several times that of going from level 3 to level 4. Killing creatures below level 3 grants very little experience. If we continue leveling up in the city, it'll take us at least five days to advance again."

fatty casually suggested, "Then let's head to the Dawn Camp."

Zhang Mu looked up at the slightly dim sky, gauging it to be around 4 in the afternoon, "No rush. Let's rest for the night and gather some supplies in the meantime."

Sun Bing mentioned, "There's a small convenience store near the park entrance. We can find tools and food there."

"What are we waiting for?" Qin Min, who had a lively personality, exclaimed, "Let's go!"

The group slowly left the park. The store Sun Bing referred to was right at the main entrance. From a distance, there seemed to be some figures moving in the middle of the road. Zhang Mu discerned them to be three goblins. In Jiangcheng City, there were no formidable creatures. Though goblins had low health and defenses, they were ranged attackers, making them somewhat trickier to handle.

A sparkle shone in Leng Yun's eyes, "Look, everyone, there's a box over there."Several people followed the direction pointed out and indeed, behind the goblin, there was a large chest. This chest was made entirely of metal, dark and gleaming, perfectly squared with no distinct features. One could only guess what might be inside.

Zhang Mu revealed a slight smile, "This is a Black Iron Chest. We're really in luck."

Qin Min curiously asked, "What's a Black Iron Chest?"

Zhang Mu shrugged, responding vaguely, "Well, based on my gaming experience, these kinds of chests randomly spawn in the wild. They usually contain pleasant surprises."

Black Iron Chests are found in areas designated for players below level 10. Typically, one can obtain black iron-grade equipment from them. With a bit of luck, they might even contain special items. Stumbling upon such a chest is considered quite a fortunate encounter.

The chubby man excitedly raised his axe, "Great! Let's go."

Zhang Mu pulled him back, "When will you start thinking before you act?"

"Boss, I don't get it."

"Didn't you notice? There's a goblin there that's different from the usual ones."

Only then did the chubby man notice the goblin standing in the middle. It was different from the regular goblins. Instead of a short bow, it held a staff. Upon closer inspection, this goblin had a beard, seemingly older than the others.

[Goblin Wanderer Shaman] - Level 4 Black Iron Elite. HP: 100, MP: 200. Attributes: ??? Skills: ???

"100 health points? Damn, that's a lot!"

Zhang Mu paused before adding, "It's an elite monster. But its high HP isn't the main concern. It's a magic-based creature with considerable damage output. Without proper equipment, we'd be taken out almost instantly."Monsters are categorized into eight distinct ranks: Common, Elite, Boss, Overlord, Earth Spirit, Sky Spirit, Sacred Spirit, and Celestial Spirit. The higher the rank, the rarer and more powerful the monster becomes. Starting from the Elite rank, each is further divided into four sub-levels: Black Iron, Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

The Black Iron Elite might be the weakest amongst the elites, but for a novice player without any gear or skills, it's virtually unbeatable, especially if it's a high-damage mage.

"How should we tackle it?"

For some reason, seeing Zhang Mu's calm demeanor gave Leng Yun newfound confidence. Despite her delicate and gentle appearance, Leng Yun's tumultuous childhood and experiences had forged her into a competitive and determined individual. No man had ever made her feel safe before. Maybe Zhang Mu was an exception.

After a moment of contemplation, Zhang Mu shared, "I've researched the Goblin Warlock. It has two abilities. The first is a fast-moving Flame Missile with high damage. Apart from Uncle Sun, who might withstand one hit, the rest would be instantly killed. The second is a Magic Shield, which is slower to cast and provides about 25 defense points, essentially granting an extra 25 health points."

Leng Yun frowned, "How do we engage it?"

"With your current combat awareness, there's a good chance we'd be wiped out. Stay back, and let me handle this one."

"Just you against an Elite?"

"Elite? It's just an elite!"

Zhang Mu was the backbone of their team. If anything happened to him, the others would be in grave danger.

Leng Yun was about to speak, but she hesitated upon seeing a fleeting look of disdain in Zhang Mu's eyes. He swiftly drew his pistol, crouched, and dashed forward.

The sound of firearms was too loud to use in the Blood Forest, where monsters roamed freely.Weapons without attributes can't gain experience from killing monsters, making them virtually useless. Recognizing this, Zhang Mu decides to put it to some use. When he's about a hundred meters away, he suddenly accelerates, activating his "Speed Glide" skill. It feels as though he's riding an invisible skateboard, sliding at high speeds towards the goblins.

"Chirp! Chirp!"

Noticing Zhang Mu, the goblins screech out in alarm. Two of the regular goblins quickly notch and release their arrows, while the Goblin Spellcaster begins casting a spell. A blue light appears around its staff, solidifying into a protective shield. Spellcaster-type monsters with shield abilities will instinctively cast them first, especially when opponents are at a distance with no chance to interrupt.

Tilting his head slightly, Zhang Mu narrowly dodges an arrow that grazes past his cheek. He raises his hand and fires two quick shots. As a level 4 ranger, Zhang Mu possesses exceptional physical prowess, maintaining incredible balance and aiming skills even while moving at high speeds. However, the bullets only deflect off the shield, reducing its value by 21 points.

Now with only three bullets left and closing the gap to under fifty meters, Zhang Mu takes aim at a nearby regular goblin. "Bang!" The bullet finds its mark, hitting the goblin in the head and causing 32 points of damage. The creature drops dead instantly. Another goblin, just about to release its arrow, is similarly taken down with a single shot.

The Goblin Spellcaster's next spell is ready, a flame emanating from its staff, forming into a fireball slightly larger than a fist. This is the Flame Missile - a direct hit and Zhang Mu would likely be instantly killed. The goblin shrieks hideously and points its staff at Zhang Mu, sending the fireball hurtling towards him at an astonishing speed.

Reacting quickly, Zhang Mu pulls the trigger, releasing his last bullet. The blue shield shatters, and a blossom of blood erupts from the goblin's chest, but it only reduces its health by 8 points. Elite monsters, like this Goblin Spellcaster, have much higher defenses than ordinary ones.Magic isn't impossible to evade. Given Zhang Mu's reflexes and combat instincts, he could discern the trajectory of the fireball the moment it was released. As long as he wasn't too close, he had the capacity to dodge. However, eager to close the distance with his opponent, Zhang Mu charged forward without any attempt to evade. With a loud boom, the fireball exploded on his chest, and flames instantly engulfed him.

Qin Min cried out in alarm, "Ah!"

Others were also taken aback.

Wrapped in a gentle golden glow, Zhang Mu emerged from the flames unscathed. With his right hand gripping a short sword, he delivered a fierce strike, inflicting 12 points of damage. The Goblin Wanderer Sorcerer shrieked, raising its staff defensively. Its invincible status remained, so Zhang Mu's attack didn't cause any harm. Unfazed, Zhang Mu activated a skill called "Assassinate", landing two more slashes, dealing a total of 20 points of damage. By now, the sorcerer was down to 60% of its health.

Seeing the tides turn against it, the Goblin Wanderer Sorcerer, being a mage-type creature, knew it was at a disadvantage in close combat. If it could just create some distance, it would have a chance to cast a spell potent enough to finish Zhang Mu off. But as a ranger with enhanced speed gifted by the gods, Zhang Mu wasn't about to let it get away easily. Before he could act, two allies, fatty and Sun Bing, rushed in from opposite sides. Sun Bing taunted the sorcerer, drawing its attention. The creature stopped in its tracks, glaring furiously at him. Its staff surged with fiery energy, quickly forming another fireball.

"Barbaric Charge!"

fatty, like a wild boar, charged at the sorcerer and rammed into it. Swinging his axe forcefully, he dealt 28 points of damage over two hits. Due to fatty's sudden charge, the fireball missed its target, hitting only Sun Bing's right shoulder. Flames enveloped his arm, causing him to cry out in pain. Leng Yun and Qin Min quickly rushed to smother the flames.

After several combined strikes from Zhang Mu and fatty, the Goblin Wanderer Sorcerer finally met its end.This was the first time the group had taken down an elite. Staring at the residual burn marks on the ground, they could hardly believe that it was real.

fatty exclaimed, "Look! There's loot!"