
Apocalypse Ascend:Cataclysmic Contest

In a world that once knew peace, everything transforms overnight into a deadly battleground. The once untouchable wealthy officials? The peerlessly charming celebrities and campus beauties? In this savage and blood-soaked reality,only the truly powerful have the right to live, while the weak face subjugation or elimination. A calamity of celestial proportions, a conflict of gods and demons,it's the true apocalypse, but not the end of humanity!

WhisperingWinds · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

Horrifying Creature

The Black Bear and the Goblin Shaman were both elite creatures, with the former just a notch higher in rank than the latter. Yet, astonishingly, it boasted a staggering 320 hit points.

Typically, an average black bear weighs about 200 kilograms and measures approximately two meters in length. This particular bear, however, stretched over three meters and, by visual estimation, weighed around 400 kilograms. Even when it was on all fours, it stood taller than the chest height of an average person. Its sleek black fur shone, and its muscular limbs indicated that its destructive power was undeniable.

"Given its thick hide and high vitality, it might actually be easier to handle than the Goblin Shaman," Zhang Mu remarked, turning to Qin Min. "But before we engage, have we thoroughly scoped out the terrain for potential hazards?"

Qin Min replied, "Yes. It's mostly woods around here, with a river to the northwest. I didn't spot any immediate dangers within a 500-meter radius."

The chubby team member piped up enthusiastically, "Elite creatures drop loot, and we can't let that go to waste. Boss, I want to give it a go. Let me take the lead."

His recent leveling up and newfound superhuman abilities had clearly bolstered his confidence. Engaging in combat with an elite creature would be excellent practice. Zhang Mu agreed but, for safety's sake, asked Sun Bing to assist.

With Sun Bing at his side, the chubby guy emerged from the bushes and approached the bear. The Black Bear, standing in front of a large tree, was busy peeling off bark in search of insects or ants to satisfy its hunger, oblivious to the approaching duo. Seizing the moment, the chubby guy suddenly sprinted forward, launching his signature move - the Savage Charge!

Hearing the commotion, the bear roared and turned, only to be hit head-on by the incoming assault. The impact of the charge, comparable to the force of a rhino's ram, threw the bear directly against the tree. The tree's bark splintered, and countless leaves rustled and fell, the loud noise startling a flock of birds nearby.

Despite the grand display, the bear only lost 21 hit points. Wasting no time, the chubby guy swung his axe, slicing through the thick fur and fat of the bear's chest, causing significant damage.

"Roar!" the bear cried out.The black bear roared with a fury akin to thunder. Its terrifying growl echoed as it lunged forward on its hind legs. fatty was too close and couldn't dodge in time. The bear pinned him down, biting through the tough leather armor on his shoulder. Thankfully, the armor prevented the bear from ripping off fatty's entire arm. Even so, fatty's health was rapidly decreasing every second. He roared in defiance, swinging his axe with one hand, furiously hacking at the bear's head, causing it to bleed profusely.

Sun Bing quickly cast a taunt. The black bear, diverting its attention from fatty, charged towards him. Unlike fatty's reckless bravery, Sun Bing hesitated slightly when confronted by the bear. Instinctively, he activated his "Stone Skin" skill, turning his complexion into a stone-like, dark gray texture.

The bear stood on its hind legs and struck with its paw. Sun Bing used his shield to block the blow, staggering back half a meter. His left arm felt numb, but thanks to his Stone Skin, he felt no pain.

Only 5 health points lost!

Such strong defense!

This boosted Sun Bing's confidence. Losing 5 points was insignificant to him. As he was about to raise his hammer to strike the bear, the beast lunged again, standing tall and striking with both paws. The sheer force knocked Sun Bing to the ground. He rolled a couple of meters, covered in fallen leaves, looking quite disheveled.

Before he could get up, the bear was upon him, pinning him down, and his shield was cast aside.

Real-life combat is not like virtual gaming. In video games, equipping players with powerful weapons immediately boosts their damage, turning them into formidable fighters. Wearing high-defense armor makes one as stable as a mountain, transforming them into a sturdy tank for their team.

But reality is different.

In smooth, colloquial English, the text can be translated and embellished as:

"Having high defense doesn't necessarily mean one can effectively tank. And possessing high offense doesn't guarantee you'll be a powerful damage dealer. Beyond just offense and defense, attributes like strength, agility, constitution, and spirit play a crucial role. Imagine a kitchen knife in the hands of a three-year-old: it's not going to do much damage. Similarly, even if you have the best gear with high attack and defense, if your attributes aren't up to par, you won't reach your potential. Conversely, with strong attributes, even mediocre equipment can yield impressive results.

Take Sun Bing, for instance. As a tank, his defense might be decent, but his constitution clearly isn't high enough. Paired against the overwhelming strength of a black bear, he was easily knocked down.

Suddenly, a burly man charged in, shouting angrily, and struck the bear with his axe, leaving three or four gashes on its back. The blood stained the bear's dark fur. The man had commendable strength and attack power, but the bear was too resilient, still having 85% of its health remaining.

The black bear, deciding Sun Bing wasn't worth its attention, lunged at the burly man. With his previous experience in mind, he cautiously maintained a distance, dodging the bear's bites and landed a deep cut on its belly with his axe. Although the bear's bite missed, the man's dodging was clearly amateurish and full of openings. The bear, with its immense strength, slapped the man on his chest. Even with armor, the blow dealt almost 20 points of damage, and his health dropped to below 50%. Some of his ribs were even broken.

Sun Bing quickly engaged the bear, momentarily distracting it. Despite being bloodied, the burly man kept swinging his axe with determination. After a few minutes of intense combat, the bear had 70% of its health left, while both men were significantly injured and clearly outmatched by the bear.

Zhang Mu commented softly, "With their gear and skills, they could totally defeat the black bear. Their problem is that they don't coordinate well, failing to leverage their strengths and adapt to the creature's attack patterns."

Leng Yun nodded thoughtfully.

Qin Min exclaimed, "Captain Mu, the big guy's in trouble!"Zhang Mu drew his short sword, declaring, "I'll handle this creature. Watch closely, it's not as strong as it appears."

Emerging from the bushes, Zhang Mu stepped onto a fallen tree trunk lying beside him. Using his agility skill, he swiftly slid along the length of the trunk. A black bear was fiercely attacking Sun Bing, who was retreating step by step. The bear, hearing a noise from the side, turned to see Zhang Mu propelling himself into the air, gliding above like a soaring eagle, aiming directly for the bear.

Before the bear could let out an enraged roar, the airborne short sword was thrown, embedding itself into its eye. Although Zhang Mu might not be as strong or as offensive as some of his heavier comrades, a critical strike from him took away 10% of the bear's health. The black bear covered its eye, letting out a mournful cry as it staggered backward.

Quickly retrieving his sword, Zhang Mu's blade danced in the air, slashing and stabbing seamlessly, inflicting successive damage. Making the most of the bear's retreat, he pressed his advantage. The bear's right eye was punctured, possibly affecting its brain. A nauseating fluid oozed out, but the beast wouldn't die until its health reached zero.

The black bear managed to stabilize itself, attempting a ferocious counter-attack. But Zhang Mu deftly dodged, utilizing the blind spot from its injured eye, continuing his relentless sword assault. The bear, beaten and battered, took about sixteen or seventeen slashes, bleeding profusely, with only about 40% of its health remaining. Throughout the onslaught, it couldn't touch Zhang Mu even once.


When its health plummeted to 30%, the black bear let out a frenzied roar. Its body seemed to inflate, its black fur tinged with a faint red hue. From head to toe, it emanated a berserk aura.

"It has a rage skill?"The black bear activated its rage mode, significantly boosting its agility, strength, and attack. Not only did its strength and attack surpass before, but its agility now matched that of Zhang Mu. However, Zhang Mu remained unfazed. He had mastered the bear's combat rhythm, always evading just a moment before its attacks. He strategically retreated into the forest, using rocks and trees to hinder the bear's movements. Seizing an opportune moment, he swung his sword and blinded the bear's other eye.

The gravely wounded bear let out a mournful cry before collapsing, dropping an item.

Picking it up, Zhang Mu realized he was in luck. It was a piece of armor.

[Bearskin Armor] (Common Black Iron) - Level 5, Physical Damage Reduction +6, Magical Damage Reduction +3, Max Health +5, Durability 20/20.

It's a level 5 black iron armor, making its attributes superior to the leather armor that Fatty had. Due to its level, Zhang Mu couldn't use it yet. By defeating the black bear, he earned a substantial amount of experience, roughly about 50%, which was twice as much as others.

He stored the armor in his player's backpack, planning to use it once he reached level 5.

Leng Yun tended to the injuries of Fatty and Sun Bing.

With an admiring look, Fatty exclaimed, "That bear was way tougher than the usual creatures! It hit hard! But Boss, you're something else, handling it as if it was child's play."

Having fought a challenging battle, Zhang Mu was somewhat weary. "Did you all catch that?"

Leng Yun's bright eyes sparkled as she nodded, "I did get some of it, but I doubt I could replicate it without your skills."

"The key is to develop a combat mindset," Zhang Mu responded. "Once you have a strong mindset, skills can be honed quickly." He paused before adding, "Your profession is that of an Elementalist, which differs from physical melee fighters. However, the mentality of a true warrior is universal. Remember the feel of the battle and grasp the timing of attacks.""Mastering the rhythm allows us to easily defeat enemies that appear more formidable," said Zhang Mu, his voice echoing wisdom. The crowd pondered over his words, their faces a mask of contemplation.

In the recent skirmish, fatty had shown remarkable prowess, embodying the spirit of a berserker—brave and ruthless. Even after facing setbacks, he was quick to adapt his fighting style. Sun Bing was decent too. At critical moments when fatty was in danger, Sun Bing managed to divert the monsters' attention.

True strength is forged in the crucible of life and death. Zhang Mu had only instilled some philosophies in them. Their fate, whether they would survive or be culled, was beyond his control.

Tidying up, Zhang Mu cautioned, "The scent of blood will attract more trouble. We can't linger. Let's go!" Just as the five of them prepared to leave, a series of urgent noises came from the northeast.

"Something's approaching!"

Suddenly, a group of about nine individuals—both men and women—burst out of the woods. Their bodies were covered in wounds, their clothes tattered from running through the thick underbrush. Fear was evident on every face as they sprinted as if their lives depended on it, as if pursued by some unspeakable horror.

With a fierce roar, a grey silhouette leaped over the dense bushes. It lunged, biting into a young woman in her twenties who had a graceful figure and attractive features. Her scream pierced the air as she fell, and within moments, several similar beasts pounced on her. In less than two seconds, she was torn into three pieces, her blood and entrails staining the forest floor.

The creature stood about 90 centimeters tall, with a long tail that stretched out over 3 meters. Its forelimbs were stubby, yet ended in razor-sharp claws. It ran on its powerful hind legs, its eyes cold and teeth sharp. Its appearance was identical to the legendary Velociraptor!

fatty yelled in disbelief, "Damn, it's a dinosaur!"

[Velociraptor - Bronze Elite Beast] Level 7, HP 450, MP 200, Attributes ???, Skills ???Here's the translated and polished passage:

A Level 7 Bronze Elite creature!

The exact number is unclear, but at a glance, there seem to be over a dozen!

Suddenly, a middle-aged man was attacked. The razor-sharp claws of the Terrorclaw Dragon ripped him open, his entrails spilling out. Bloodied and desperate, he screamed in horror, "Help! Please, someone, save me! Please..."

He couldn't even finish his plea before the ferocious Terrorclaw Dragon tore him apart.

Zhang Mu's face turned pale and he yelled, "Run!"

It was inevitable.

Being just Level 4 players, they stood no chance against a pack of Level 7 Bronze Elite creatures!

Known for its speed, the Terrorclaw Dragon, a Level 7 Bronze Elite, has average defense and health points. At this stage, players couldn't possibly outrun it. If panic clouded their judgment and they scrambled away recklessly, they'd only end up being prey to the Terrorclaw Dragon.

Quick-thinking Zhang Mu had an idea, "There's a river to the northwest! Terrorclaw Dragons can't swim!"

Grasping at straws, everyone dashed northwest.

An exhausted middle-aged woman was overtaken by the Terrorclaw Dragon, which ripped flesh from her abdomen. She fell with a horrific scream, and in just a few moments, was devoured.

Fear gripped the group.

Out of nowhere, another Terrorclaw Dragon ambushed them from the side. With a powerful kick from its hind legs, it lunged and bit onto Leng Yun's backpack, knocking her to the ground as more Terrorclaw Dragons charged from behind.