
Potrait of Albus Dumbledore

"This is my first day, and I wanted to make this day better by starting with portions class," said Rahul with a small giggle on his face. "You're speaking of the same thing since yesterday," said Sophia.

When they moved to the potions classroom, he heard some sound; he received an owl from Head Mistress Tiffany. The result of this owl is to meet her after his potions class. He doesn't want to talk to her as he thought that she is the main reason for his mother to be found dead on the castle grounds.

"Hurry up!" said Lily. A charming girl who's sorted into the Gryffindor and wants to be in the first place in earning the house points." You look so cool today Lily, " said Sophia hoping that she may join with her during the lunch. "Enough, let's attend the class," said Lily with a pleasant voice.

The first lesson in the potions class is about "Cure for Boils'', Rahul opens his To-Do List and note the list of ingredients-750 ml of water, six snake fangs, Four-horned slugs, Two porcupine quills, and Three measures of Flobberworm mucus. Rahul has completed the potion without using the "Halo" charm. We use this charm for auto stirring the solution, but he thought that this might be spoiling his drink.

His potion is perfect, but Professor William is a bit unsatisfied with completing it without using Magic." One of the best drinks I have never noticed." said Professor Willam patting at his back and continued, " Five points to Gryffindor!"

"This is unfair; My potion is better than yours," said Lily and continued, "You didn't use halo charm to complete the potion." Rahul's mother is a potions expert and created many potions without using Magic; maybe this might be the reason for his excellent potion brewing. " She's jealous of you," whispered Sophia. But her bad luck, Lily heard this and picked up a fight with Sophia. Rahul slowly escaped from the class and went to the Head Mistress Tiffany office.

The Greatest Wizards like Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Professor Severus Snape, and Professor Minerva McGonagall served as the Head Masters of Hogwarts, and becoming a headmaster brings you glory. Rahul felt some heavy after looking at Head Mistress Tiffany. She gave a small smile on her face and welcomed him." Welcome, Rahul Jones, Have a look around the office for a while. I will join you soon," said Headmistress Tiffany Weasely. Rahul went near to the portraits of the various headmasters. While staring at them, he heard a voice from one picture.

"Looks like you're confused, Mr..." said the old man in the portrait." "you are Professor Albus Dumbledore, aren't you?" said Rahul looking at the Golden words inscribed below the portrayal."Yes, I am Albus Dumbledore, and lovely to meet you, Mr.Rahul," and continued, "Looks like you are in a bad mood today what happened?".

Rahul heard about Albus Dumbledore in the new edition of Madam Sparkel's Chocolate frog, Albus Dumbledore is portrayed on one of many Chocolate Frog Card. This Chocolate Frog Card listed some of his accomplishments, including his duel with Gellert Grinderwall, his discovery of the uses of dragon blood, and his alchemical work with Nicholas Flamel's and played a significant role in the extinction of death eaters.

Rahul thought that it would be good to explain to him about his none magical ability(almost a squib) and seek some advice from him.

He said about his journey to Hogwarts, being non-magical, and his mother. Dumbledore stood up from his chair, which is golden in color, and went to the other portrait. Rahul knows who he is, it's Merlin, the legendary wizard of all time( also Dumbledore). Rahul was so confused about his behavior after what he said about his disability.

"He's nice, isn't he?" said Tiffany Weasely. Rahul looked around and saw Tiffany Weasely, who was standing near to him and brought a parchment with her." This is for you, Rahul," said Tiffany giving that to him and continued, "How's your life with Muggles in these all years." He hesitated to say about his orphanage details, but with some courage, "Er..just, I am ok with them." Look at the parchment your mother wrote this to you when she was working with the venom of Hungarian Horntail, but she failed to send you," said Tiffany weasely. Rahul opened his letter and started reading it.

Dear Rahul,

How's your day with Aunt Cassie? I am sure that I will return in the next two days because I want to talk to Miss Tiffany about the progress. She's the Head Mistress of Hogwarts, and I am sure that she will be your headmistress. Be careful with those muggles, and don't show them this letter. Feed this owl and sent your reply to me

Don't eat those stupid every flavor beans, last time I nearly fainted eating those things, and don't play with the ingredients in Aunt Cassie's potions room they are dangerous too. Mom loves you always. See you soon.

Your Mom

Rahul stood in the same place, looking at the parchment for nearly an hour. He's feeling so good looking at his mother's handwriting." I think you have a flying class Mr.Jones, you may leave now," said Tiffany Weasely. Rahul was thinking about the letter when he was seven years old. His mother found dead on the castle grounds. Aunt Cassie was so shocked about her death and put him in an orphanage and disappeared. Then he saw that someone is calling him "Hey Rahul, Flying class is next," said Sophia and continued "You are in the potions class, can you please teach me those things, I amp with the homework." "Sure," said Rahul. "By the way why Professor Tiffany called you Rahul?" asked Lily and Ben. "Hello, Miss, and Hi Ben," said Rahul.

"You can call me Lily, Rahul," said Lily. Rahul saw her during their first class, who urged them to get him and Ben into the potions class. She is a fair looking girl, with blue eyes and black hair. "I am Rahul Jones,1st year, Gryffindor house, I think we met in potions class-Er-yes?" said Rahul. "Yeah, you're amazing at potions, Will you teach for Ben and me," said Lily looking at Ben." I am Ben Minerva Mc Gonal Rahul I think we met in Hogwarts Express," said Ben taking out something from his pocket and continued, " I think this belongs to you." "Oh thanks, Ben," said Rahul looking at his schedule and said, "Is headmistress Mc Gonal is your relative Ben?" asked Rahul thinking that he has an end name of Mc Gonal." No!" said Ben with an astonishing voice and continued," My parents are half-blood. They are in Hogwarts during the end of the Second Wizarding War, she saved their lives, So to thank her they gave me this tag, if I am a girl then it will be useful but look at my name Ben Minerva Mc Gonal? Very bad, I don't like it". Rahul saw his eyes became red. He can feel the warmth that coming as anger from his body."Don't worry Ben, We won't call you Mc Gonal," said Lily and Sophia chuckling and asked, " Why Professor Tiffany wants you in her room, Rahul?". He spoke about his whole talk with Albus Dumbledore and Tiffany Weasely.

"WHAT ALBUS DUMBLEDORE SPOKE WITH YOU!" said Ben. "Are you sure, Rahul?" questioned Lily. "Yeah, What's wrong with that Ben, Any problem, Lily?" stated Rahul and thinking that they were mad. Lily proceeded," Hogwarts portraits can talk and move around from picture to picture. They behave like their subjects except for Dumbledore."

Rahul astounded by her reply. Is he daydreaming ?. If it's a daydream, why Professor Tiffany Weasely will say that he's cute. Then there's a noise from a portrait. "Dumbledore will meet you around morning one o clock in your common room," said the man in the picture and went off. "Did you hear anything?" said Rahul looking at his new friends, but to his surprise, they become a statue. "Don't worry, they will join you in a minute, and don't forget to meet Albus Dumbledore lad," said the man in the portrait coming back to reverse his spell.