
Hogwarts welcomes him

"Mrs. Jones this can't happen. Your kid has no magical abilities. I am sorry I can't help you." Headmistress Tiffany Weasley said while choking her voice by coughing lightly. "Don't wait for his letter from Hogwarts Miss. Jones." She moved from her place and continued "That thing isn't to lie in his hands." She said remembering what her neighbor said.

The 11-year-old with no magical powers remembered when he received the letter from Hogwarts.

He went to Ollivanders, a wand shop located in Diagon Alley hoping that he could get his first wand. Ollivanders is a wand shop founded in 382 B.C. Located in Diagon Alley South Side in London, England, it is owned by the Ollivander family, widely acknowledged to be the best wandmakers in Great Britain. The present owner of Ollivanders is Mr. Ollivander, who gave the fine and powerful wands during the second wizarding war.

Mr. Ollivanders saw Rahul and welcomed him with a warm smile and said "Oh kid! Come here. I was waiting for you to give you your precious wand. He walked near to that kid and said "This wand chose you when you were born. You might have forgotten what happened to your mother but we all..." He paused not wanting to continue his statement. So he changed his course he said: "Your mother will be proud of you if she was alive."

Rahul took the 10 inches blackthorn wand and whispered lowly "Thank you" and walked out heading to the main street. He wrote on a piece of paper a To-do List through his quill writing one thing.

He took his ticket from the letter and waited on the platform of Hogwarts Express. He noticed that other students, even the last years were watching him.

He was the only kid with no magical powers in the whole magical world. The Hogwarts express came to the platform from London. He quietly took his place sitting near the window and remembered what actually happened to his mother.

It was a piece of massive news on those days, that a woman committed suicide for her kid who was rejected from joining Hogwarts.

Then a voice snapped him from his trance of sadness. He opened the door only to meet an 11-year-old brown-haired girl. She walked inside his cabin and took her seat.

"Hello, I am Sofia Howard Duffers. What's your name?"

"I am Rahul Jones."

Sophia said, "I know you."

"Of course everyone knows me

on this train," Rahul said

"What?" Sophia squinted her eyebrows in confusion.

Rahul laughed " Yeah I got it."

Sophia sighed "You are certainly a funny guy.

"You too."

" Great I heard your voice for 5minutes."

"Don't joke Sophia I am serious about this."

"Ok fine but did you hear about the mystery of Mr. Kingson?"

He got confused by her sudden announcement "Sophia?"

"O...okay but one thing I love to use magic on others."

"Is there any kind of tricks you wanna play on me?"

"I am serious about this thing?"

"Okay, now you are making me confuse which one?"

"Magic m- Wait did you hear something?" Sophia asked.

Then he heard someone was knocking at their cabin. They opened only to reveal a young ordinary-looking boy with 9 inches wand casting a spell "Alohomora."

"Hello, I am Ben Minerva McGonagall. Now please change your robes and get ready for the stop. Soon we will reach the destination." The boy said. He was quite tall and his eyes were blue. His aroma shoots so much confidence. He was quite fascinating. Sophia was the first to speak "Oh okay. Come on Rahul let's go."

Hagrid, the friendly but too old, magical creatures caretaker and the keeper of castle grounds took the first-year students to the Hogwarts castle through boats.

Ben stared at Sophia until they reach Hogwarts. Many students with their black robes entered the castle.

Many students with their black robes entered the castle. The vice-principal and potion Mr. William stated about the rules and regulations. Just like any school, Hogwarts too had strict rules that students were bound to obey. Some of these rules have been in place for decades existing since the school formed.

Others were recently coming into effect were temporarily put into effect or were placed during dark times at Hogwarts.

The rules as follows

--All students must be in uniform during classes.

--No magic will be allowed in the corridors of the library.

--Students must be in their standard Room by 9 PM every night, and must remain there until sunrise,

--The Forbidden Forest is strictly off-limits to all students.

--Students are not allowed in the Restricted Section of the library without a written and signed permission slip from a Professor.

--First-year students ate not allowed to possess their brooms.

--School brooms are provided for flying lessons and Quidditch

--Any fighting or bullying will be strictly punished with deletion of expulsion, depending on the severity.

Seeing this list, Sophia nearly got a heart attack, she wanted a broom, but the thing is first-year students are not allowed to possess their brush. This is so sad for her. Mr. William guided the students into the great hall and placed the sorting hat on the first years to choose which house they belong

Hogwarts is divided into four houses, each bearing the last name of its founder: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff.

"I don't want to join in Hufflepuff, I hate them," said Sophia. Rahul was waiting for his turn. He thinks whether he may not be present in any of the houses as he is a non-magical student. "Mr. Jones, Rahul Jones!" called Mr.William. Everyone in the great hall along with Head Master Tiffany was eagerly awaiting this name for what the sorting hat going to announce. Rahul went near to the sorting cap, and Mr. William kept that on his head. The Sorting hat didn't speak anything for 5min. Then it slightly raises his voice and announces."Gryffindor!" Rahul can't believe that he is in Hogwarts. "This is not a dream Rahul you're really at Hogwarts," said Sophia, who made into Gryffindor. "Fascinating journeys are ahead of., told Rahul.