
Destruction in Charms Class

"What just happened,'' said Sophia. They became statues when the man in the Portrait want to talk about Professor Dumbledore. Rahul said, " Let's move; we should not lose any house points for the flying class." He doesn't want to discuss what happened between the man in the Portrait and him. Soon they attended the Flying class, which is on the Training grounds.

Katie Bell, Student of Hogwarts, Quidditch player, and a survivor of the Battle of Hogwarts, was their Professor. "The first term includes just basics, but I need more perfection in flying. So we will be a bit ahead. I mean both the lessons in the terms will be completed in one term only, " said Madam Katie Bell. She is nearly six feet high with reddish-brown dress robes, and a stylish winged platinum whistle is seen around her neck. Still, her voice is so hard as Mandrakes (A Mandrake, also known as Mandragora, is a magical and sentient plant that has a root that looks like a human, like a baby when the plant is young, but maturing as the plant grows. When developed, its cry can be fatal to any person who hears it.)

"We have some students who are late for the first flying class," said Professor Katie Bell and continued "May I know the reason, Miss Lily". Lily face become too red and started grunting with some fear about her tone." I am your House Head Lily, and it will be a shame if you lost points for the Gryffindor" said Katie Bell with a loud voice. Students of Slytherin House were started chuckling looking at Lily. She's almost sick with the present situation. Then Rahul came forward"We are sorry, Professor, but we lost our way". Professor Katie Bill suspected him, but she allowed them to her class.

Rahul got a lot of homework for losing to elevate his broom. It's not his mistake, but still, Madam Katie Bell was not satisfied with his result. It's afternoon, and all the students gathered in the Great Hall to have lunch."Charms class is the next" said Ben who sat beside him and eating a grilled sandwich, and turned to Lily "That was close Lily, Thanks to Rahul". Lily is so upset about what happened in their flying class. "Sorry it was my mistake," said Rahul giving some pineapple juice to her. But still, she's too sad about this situation, thinking about what's going to happen to her pride, dignity, and respect. "Let's go for the charms class before the bell," said Sophia patting her back. She's in really a lousy mood still.

After a while, they went to the charms class, which is located on the third floor. That's a big classroom with many books at the desk. Each book seems to have nearly some millions of pages. Then a man who is just 3 feet short emerged out from the office and standing on those books. He has round spectacles and blue eyes with light brown hair." Is Professor Flitwick" asked Rahul. (Professor Flitwick is the Charms Professor of Hogwarts in the early 1980s and played an essential role in the Battle of Hogwarts). "No, he's not him. It's his son Jr. Flitwick. He is a student of Hogwarts and wanted to continue in Hogwarts like his Dad" said Ben with a proud face.

The class began about how to hold the wands and hand movement. Professor Flitwick is so proud of Rahul when he answers his mind-twisting questions. "Ten points to Gryffindor and you're excellent Mr.Rahul," said Flitwick. Then they moved to the practicals of the levitating charm '" Wingardium Leviosa". "Everyone pair up. Miss Xiang and Miss Alvina, you better sit near the desk and submit the written form of this charm. Students for a line and don't push yourself. Remember Wingardium Leviosa. Don't put so much force on the feather. Please demonstrate the levitating charm Miss Lily." said Professor Flitwick. She successfully elevated the feather on her first try. After many hours Rahul found that Lily's face is with a smile." Five points to Gryffindor" said, Professor Flitwick. The turns went on, and at last, Rahul got his chance. He wished that he could escape now, but there is no chance. He's frightened. There is a good conversation between the students about him that what he's up to. He heard what they were muttering about. He said with a shivering voice "Wwwinngg-aardium Leviioosaa".

The spell went wrong, and within a moment a magical white ball appeared from his wand tip, and with a more significant extant force, it began to hit the walls. The whole class screamed for a long time. Professor Flitwick is trying to control it, but it destroyed his class. With rage in his voice "Everyone leaves this class and shut the doors. We will meet again" said Professor Flitwick. The students ran out of the class and making fun of him (Rahul).

"It's okay, Rahul there's no need to feel about that," said Lily."We already thought that something might happen in today's class and this squib proved it, " said a Ravenclaw girl. "Let's move out of this place. I think I need some rest" said Rahul.

They went to Gryffindor tower, and Rahul helped them to handle the potions with ease." You better steal a job from our professor" said Sophia chuckling. Even Ben, Rahul, and Sophia were laughing at her joke. "Rahul we would like to hear about your past, where do you live? I mean we're friends, and it will be better to know more about you" said Lily. "About him? I think I heard most of his past in the Daily Prophet" said Ben. Rahul stood up and went near to the window and fell into his thoughts.

"Rahul, are you coming for dinner?" asked Sophia. He's standing in the same place till evening."No, I'm not hungry. You, please carry on. I will be in my dormitory." Said Rahul. " Rahul are you still thinking about what happened in charms class" question Lily showing sorry on her face. "No, absolutely not" replied Rahul and went to his dormitory.

He completed his homework which was given by all wand-waving teachers except Transfiguration and Defence against dark arts. He has those classes tomorrow, and he's sure that there will be a lot of homework this time. He spent most of his time writing those things about the history of Wingardium Leviosa.

He looked at his muggle watch; it's nearly one. He went near to the portraits in his standard room and searching for Albus Dumbledore. Precisely at one o clock, there's a sound he heard from the doors. He went back to his dormitory and saw that something is standing near his bed. The thing put its hand in the pocket and take out its wand and said "Avada Kedavra ".

The whole room woke up and screamed along with Rahul. The masked thing was so furious about it and started moving near to the Portrait. Then all the students woke up with fear and came along with Madam Katie Bell. Then something is slowly disappearing from the Portrait by saying their password.

Madam Katie Bell cast a spell on that thing, but it's too late, it disappeared. "Alert the Hogwarts and close the gates. IT'S MR KINGSON" said Madam Katie Bell running towards the staffroom.

Rahul stood there and amazed "WHO'S THIS KINGSON? WHY did HE want TO KILL ME? WHERE'S DUMBLEDORE?" these questions are revolving in his mind which are needed to be answered. Professor Katie Bell said, "In the headmistress office right now, RAHUL JONES".