
Anthology of a Demi-Goddess

A book of free verse poetry that tells the stories of a girl that’s more than man.

Chloe_Grace_Winter · Teen
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7 Chs

I Fear Him

When he put his hands on me

When, my father, put his hands on me

One hand on each shoulder

Face to face

And says

"You Are Wrong"

I realize that I still fear him

The man who raised me

The man whose temper I inherited

His eyes

His breath

He's so much bigger than me

It's so dark

Please, Move

I can't believe I lived like this for 17 years

Under this dark cloud

I was so afraid of him

I was so afraid of, my father

That I couldn't be left alone

That I couldn't ask for things

That I feared the disappointment in your voice, more than the stitches I would need

You scared me

You, my father, scare me

The only thing that scares me more

Is thing that you won't walk me down the isle.

You won't give me away

My father

Won't support me

I only ever wanted your compliments

Your child, only wanted you to praise them

I'm so scared

I cry when you text me

Your words sting so bad

I'm so sorry

I'm so sorry

Your daughter...is so sorry