
Anthology of a Demi-Goddess

A book of free verse poetry that tells the stories of a girl that’s more than man.

Chloe_Grace_Winter · Teen
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7 Chs


I am well beyond my wits as how to fix my life. I have tried enduring and doing my best. I have tried self medicating. I have tried making all of the people in my life happy. It seems that I don't have many answers left. If things continue on this road, I can likely guess the outcomes.

I will have to drop out of school. This will likely lead to a falling out with my father and well break deeper into my low.

I will begin canceling our on social events.

My lover will likely be cranky with me and my paranoia will run my friends off.

I feel as though my only place to look for help is in the barrel of a gun, but my death would cause more inconvenience than my life is worth. Therefore, I will live out these days until I die by hands other than me own. While I will not kill myself, I will likely search for crutches to keep me going. This will likely lead to my death.

Wish me luck as god forsakes me.