
Another Young Justice Story

'Normal' Guy Reborn In the World where he knows nothing about With Some 'Powers'.

Rex_Zatch · TV
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14 Chs

Chapter-4 That's why he's the GOAT

Chapter-4 That's why he's the GOAT

'Ready to Rumble'

I came out of the pillar holding my hands up.

"You don't look like a trained spy, you look like a kid, show us your face" Gun holding bulky guy said while pointing his gun at me.

'Ok, Ryan, you can do this.'

"If you think you have the ability to, do it yourself"

'Ah, I said it, I don't know if it sounds cool or not. It sounded really cool in my head.'

"Ha, you want to see what I can do? Ha, ha, ha," With that each of the guys started laughing their evil laughter.

And a few seconds later "Ha, Ha, ha, ha" I also started laughing with them. I don't know why I was so scared, this guy only looks dangerous on the outside, but they are soft inside they will not aimlessly kill others. Especially a kid, right?

"Shut up, why are you laughing? Are you trying to make fun of me? You will die" Saying that bulky guys with the gun started running toward me.

'Oh, I misjudge, they are definitely bad guys all right.'

While I was thinking about the plan, suddenly it came to me, why is he running instead of shooting at me, is this a strategy? Or Is he just an idiot?

"Die motherFu@ker" saying that guy moved his leg and tried to do an axed kick.

Wait a minute, I think this guy was a fighter, mostly an MMA fighter. But surprisingly slow, or is it just me?

Seeing him trying to do the axed kick, I turned around and did the {back kick} in his groin.

After receiving my kick, he bent down, so I did a {360 Crescent kick} on his chin, and the instant he was KO.

"Phew, that was something, ha guys," I said while landing and looking at the rest after seeing the big guy unconscious.

"I think he is a trained fighter, we should attack him together, guys," a knife-holding bulky guy said to two other bulky guys who were holding an iron rod.

"Ya, we should, this guy looks dangerous, but he cannot defend against all of us"

"On 3 Ok guys, 3...2...---wait I was counting backward"

Hearing three, those two bulky guys ran toward me while shouting like

"We're going to kill you, Fucker"

"Ya, we are, and after we kill you, we go after your fam---"

{2 Touch 360 Spinning Back and front kick}

And Double KO

"Don't you Dare, You hear me, Don't you dare finish that sentence you piece of shit"

Saying, I turned to the last guy holding a knife.

"Ki...K..id Y..o..u don't know who you are messing with We are ---ugh-"

I throw a pebble, which I carried to hit the gun-holding guy, but we know what happen to him, toward this last guy's head. After he got hit, he covered his head.

"Shit that hurt"

While he was covering his face, I ran toward him and the moment he removed his hand he saw the kid flying and ----

{Flying sidekick} in the face

And Another KO

'oh my god, I was feeling so scared inside, but I remain so calm, wow'

[Ding, Host Gamer's Mind helped you to remain calm and regain your thinking capability]

'Oh, good, I did good, right? System'

[Dang, Host, you Nailed it]

[That's why he is the MVP]

[That's why he's the GOAT]

'Thank you for the compliment, System'

[And also Host, you should go home, Grandma has been calling you non-stop]

'Oh right, my phone, where did I keep it?'

[Host, Check the Inventory, You stored it before your exercise started]

'Oh, Ok, but what do I do with these guys?'

First, let's take this gun.

I walked toward the first bulky guy and took the gun from his hand. As I look at the gun, it looks familiar to me, oh I remember Beretta 92fs my first life dad's favorite gun, he had this when he was the chief of the police, not bad.

I always wanted this back in my past life, but it does not have much ammo left, and I can't just buy it willy-nilly.

[Ding, Host, I can be an assistant here]

'Oh ya, my support system'

'What can you do, system? I don't know much of your function as I only got you like 10 hours ago.'

[Host, if you put the ammo into the inventory I can make a duplicate of it and not just duplicate but also customize it however you wish it to be, these items include Guns, swords, clothes, armor, and gadgets]

'Wow, You can do all that, you really are the true support system anyone can ask for. Then that means I can repair this tear cloth, my grandma gave to me, right?'

[Yes, Host you are correct, but you need to put the sample or required items in the inventory for me to make it. Like if you need armor, you need to bring me something to make armor with but after putting in the required armor material you don't need to bring more to make one because I can replicate it, But if you need to upgrade the item, you have to bring more material for it.]

'Damn, Son'

[Also Host, I can not only make weapons or items, but I can also make H_Bomb if you provide me with enough material or even Super Serum if you provide me with enough materials, But for now, those functions are locked. Only basic functions are unlocked]

'Come on Son, now you are just showing off'

'But ya, you are cool as well as dangerous'

[Does Host want Batman Super Car, I can make it, Does Host want Wonderwomen Lasso, I can make one, Does Host want Aquaman Trident, I can make one].

(AN: Which function is locked by the way from the previous statement, don't worry it will soon be unlocked, but even after it is unlocked it will still have some limitations otherwise it will truly be OP)

"OK, Ok, I got it, you can make anything if provided with enough materials"

[No, Host I cannot make any and everything, there are something I cannot make like Lantern Ring, Dr fate Helmet, Mother Box, Father Box, I Cannot make Life, Etc, and many more]

(AN: there are the limitations)

'Oh ok, but some of the things I don't get like that helmet you said, that two boxes, and many more'

[Ding, Host it is a long story, It all started with a King of Apo---]

(AN: If some of you are wondering, Yes the system knows all about this universe, because This System has Lesser Nigh-Omniscient, but the system does not know the present or the future only the basic past like reading from the book or something, and also the system will not tell MC everything unless MC specifically ask for it, Think this system as a Rimuru's great sage)

'Wait I don't have time right now, some other time, now I have to run otherwise that skinny guy might come back with more people.

[As your Wish, Host]

After putting in the guns and ammo and a little cash I got from those bad guys in the inventory, I started running toward home faster than ever.




To be continued...

AN: Ya, I am a taekwondo fan. Fun fact I used to learn taekwondo when I was 14 to 15 years, I could have earned the black belt, but life, it hit like a brick toward the glass window. And now I am 6'2, around 215 pounds and lazy, and cannot do those awesome moves like before.

Another fun fact is the mentor from whom I used to learn taekwondo before. his name literally means disciplined, and that son of a brick used to hit me with a bamboo stick. It used to hurt like hell but also because of him I used to do those awesome moves but huh life what can we say cannot throw it away or destroy it just have to live with it.