
Another Young Justice Story

'Normal' Guy Reborn In the World where he knows nothing about With Some 'Powers'.

Rex_Zatch · TV
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14 Chs

Chapter-5 Hero Suit

Chapter-5 Hero Suit

While running, I called the police on the location with the burner phones of the bad guys and threw that in the river.

Also, while running the System already made my tear cloth new again, and now I am back to normal again.

Let's see the Status, shall we?



Host Name: Ryan Summers

Title: Host, Meta-Human, Honey, Dear, Kid

Species: Meta-human

Birth Year: 1995, September 03

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Blond

Eyes Color: Green

Relatives: Adam Summers (Grandpa), May Summers (Grandma)

Affiliation: House of Summers

HP: 350/350

MP: 60/60 {Locked}

STR: 20 (Average 10)

VIT: 35 (VIT * 10 = HP)

AGI: 20 (Average 10)

INT: 30 (INT * 2 = MP)

LUCK: 15 (Average 10)

Gamer's Mind (Passive): MAX

{Gamer's Mind: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Resistance to mental attack.}

Gamer's Body (Passive): MAX

{Gamer's Body: After sleeping in a bed, it restores HP, and MP and cures all status effects. It helps with Pain Suppression}

Reactive Adaptation (Passive): MAX

{Reactive Adaptation: The ability to develop adaptations, powers, or skills in response to immediate threats.}

Acquired Adaptation Resistance (Passive), Accelerated Regenerative Healing Factor (Passive), Adaptation Regeneration (Passive), Psychic Immunity (Passive), Sensory Adaptation (Passive), Adaptation Development (Passive), Adaptive Appearance (Passive), Combat Adaptation (Passive), Adaptive Attacks/ Defend (Passive), Environmental Adaptation (Passive), Adaptive Movement (Passive), Adaptive Breathing, Pain Resistance and suppression (Passive), Adaptive Hearing, Adaptive Sense of Smell, Danger Sense].

Oh, my INT increased, Wow, and my stats, compared to 5 hours of exercise vs 5 minutes of fighting. I think I should fight more.

After 40 minutes of running, I arrived at the house, where I saw grandma sitting outside dialing a phone, which remind me system said she was calling me before.

"Grandma, I am home," I say to my worried grandma who turned around and saw me, first she smiled but second later she showed an angry face.

"Where were you, young man? Do you know how much I was worried about you, and why you did not pick up my call? Explain to me young lad, but before giving grandma a hug, this fragile heart cannot support more scare than this"

"Sorry, Grandma," I moved for the hug, and we hugged it out.

How a person can be this sweet? I never know, but I know this, I am going to do everything to protect her smile.

And to do that, I need to be much more than her little Ryan, I need to be strong enough, I need to be brave enough, and I need to be a hero to protect my Grandparents.

But I also Fear the Unknown and what might happen, But that will not stop me from protecting who I care about and what I care about.

[Ding, System Detecting Host Will, and Courage to protect and also Fear of Unknown has Acquired System Full access]

[Upgrading... Starts.]

[Upgrading End After 12 Hours]


"So, little Ryan, Explain why you were late" After hugging me, she used her left hand to pull my right ear.

"Sorry Grandma, I was busy training, and soon I slept on the field because I was exhausted and after waking up I ran here but there was a little girl who was lost, so I helped her find her parents, Again, I am Sorry Grandma" I am truly sorry that I made you worried, and I am sorry now that I lie to you and might have to do from on.

"Really, you are not lying to me are you" she squinted her eyes and stare at me.

"*Gulp* I promise, I didn't, Ah-- It hurt grandma" I made a puppy dog eye and looked at her.

"Oh, boy, my sweet, sweet boy, I am proud of you for helping, and sorry for doubting you, come Grandma will make her famous spaghetti meatballs" she removed her hand and hugged me, and we went inside while she ruffles my hair.

After going inside, I had to explain that to my grandpa on return he only said "Good job Kid" and again he also ruffled my hair. Why do they have to do that, it will mess up my 'cool' hairstyle.

"Ma, Pa I am going to take a bath, does anyone know where I put my towel"

"It is on the balcony hanging to dry up, Honey"

"Thanks, grandma" after taking the towel I went to take a long hot bath, and after came out, I watched sports with Grandpa. Soon We went to the dinner table because grandma made her famous spaghetti meatball.

That day we had a hearty meal, and everyone was happy, smiling, and laughing when I accidentally dropped a sauce on my face which made a mustache on my face.

After dinner, we all went to sleep, after today's fiasco I really need a long nap.

After waking up early when Grandma called me for breakfast.

After eating breakfast I went to my school by bus which stop near our house.

While my System was upgrading, I spend most of my day drawing a hero suit and thinking about what material I needed to build it.

Because I am top of the class, the teacher also didn't disturb me much. Also, our freshman year was going to end in about One and a half months, and we are all going to be sophomores soon. Teachers were only explaining the assessment we needed to complete and so on.

While thinking of my hero suit, I am taking inspiration from Batman, and Robin to make a cool suit. Which has to be red because I like red and also blood does not show on red. Unless the blood is green or white, who knows?

The first material, Breathable Elastic Spandex, is easier to move around in it. Check already bought it Online with the bad guy's money.

Speaking of bad guys, last night, there was news about those guys' arrests on the news that I and Grandpa watched. Thank god they didn't tell the police that they fought me, but if they had done that, they will have been embarrassed that they lose to a kid. And they also found an illegal box full of unregistered guns.

The second Material, Best sports shoes also have been done online with those bad guys' money.

And now the last material for an outfit, which is Armor built-in with Spandex, for that, I have some ideas.

I think I have to go visit some.....




AN: Merry Christmas!!! Little Busy on the Holiday,

To be continued.....